Page 107 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 107

FAM ILLES-FAM lUES                           89
     4G-Fami\les selon le nombre do personnes par famille, Canada (1) et régions,
                    1952-1955, et données du recensement de 1951
     46--Families by Number of Persons per Farnily, for Canada (1) and  Regions.
                      1952-1955, with Data From the 1951 Censu8
                                   Famillos    Grnndeur Fnmille. solon le nombre de per1!Oonoe,
                                     -         mO~'eJ)lle       -
                         Année.    Fnm..iliea    d     l?:lIuiliee by number of poraool:t-
            R.ÉGlONS       -                   familles
                          Years                  -
                                       I)cr8onnes  Aven,go  2          3    III
                                'fotu\   -       aito
                                        Persona  01 (nmil)'  No.  %  No.  %
     Cunu.dn. ............ ..... ....  1\151  ~ .282.-1015  12,116,S85  3.7  1.024.4BB  3l.2  7B5,902  24.0
                          1952  3.41:),000  12,761,000  :l.7  l ,05l ,000  30.8  791,000  23.2
                          1953  3,477.000  13,051,OUU  3.B  1,0115,000  31.5  SOO,OOO  23.0
                          1954  3, 59,j .000  I~ ,402.UUU  3.7  1,132,000  31.5  Sl! ,000  ~2. 6
                          1U55  :1,6S1i ,000  13, S8,; ,000  3.S  1,113,000  30.2  &101.000  22.0
     Terre-Nou ve-Newfo\J nÙhi)\n ...  lU51  H.&'J!l  328,609  4.4  16.740  2l.4  Iii ,327  20.5
                          1\152  78.000  316.000  4.4   17.00U  ln .S  16,000  20.5
                          HJ53   7B.OOU  357.00U  4 r.  11l.000  24.4  14.000  17.9
                          195"   80.000  367.000  4..6  18,000  22.5  16,000  IB,8
                          1955   85,000  382,000  4.5   20 ,000  23.6  17,000  20.0
     Provint"cs MllTit.imca.•. ..... ,'  IU51  278,147  1.IO,j,299  4.0  76,600  27,5  64,562  23,2
     Mo.riLlmc Proyinc~a  1952  287.000  l, H3 ,000  4 0  78,000  27.2  62,000  21. 4}
                          1Q53  2B.:t ,000  1,146.000  4.0  82.000  28.8  60,000  21. E
                          11154  289,000  1,172,000  4 1  77,000  26.6  C.1 ,OUO  22 .•
                          1955  295,000  1,200,000  4.1  70,000  26.8  (l5 ,000  22.0
                          19,',1  856,041  ~ ,509 ,80t  4.2  ~:!2,445  20.0  185,351
     Qoébec.. , .... ... .......... ,                                    21.6
                          1952  8110,000  3,mo,OOo  4.2  227,000  25.6  183,000  20.6
                          19:;3  901,000  :i ,8:\\} ,000  4.3  2:1;',000  26.1  ISO .000  20.f>
                          1\1.';4  935.000  3,1165,000  4 2  2411,000  2.1.7  193,000  20.6
                          Igur.  071,000  4 , 1:l:l. 000  4..2  238,000  24.JJ  2,000  20.8
     Onl.o.rto.. ....... ........ . ...  1961  l, 102,772  3,~41,473  3.4  411,5'10  35.4  298,5B4  :!.~). 7
                          1952  1,213.000  4,1:,0,000  3.4  423,000  34.0  308,000  ~;I. '"
                          1953  1,237,000  '1,260,000  3.4  430,000  34.8  307,000  2-1.8
                          11154  1,293.000  4,414,000  3A  461,000  35.7  311,000  24.1
                          1955  1,31.5,000  '1,538,000  3.6  447,000  3,1.0  32(\,000  :J.:1.P" d  Pra.iril;:f1. .. ...  1951  610,782  2,227.629  3.6  IS3,292  30.0  148,767  24,1.-
     Prrl.Îr)c..: Provinces  1952  627. ()()(J  2,314,000  3.7  11l7,OOO  29.8  144,OOU  23.11'
                          1053  00.3,000  2,376.000  3.6  208.000  31 0  157.000  2·[ ()
                          105·1  ~  666,000  2.4-14 .000  3.7  206,000  30,11  154.000  ?3.1
                          1955  682,000  2.502.0110  3.7  206,000  30.2  156,000  22.!l>
     Col.-Bril..-Rrit. C,.J.. . ... ....  1051  Z99,845  084.024  3.3  11:.~, "n5  38,0  73,311  24.4
                          Ill52  318,O()()  I,C}1lj,OOO  3.3  1l0,UOO  37.4  78,000  24.f>
                          1953  323,000  l, on ,000  3.:1  122,000  37.B  77,000  23.8
                          1054  332,000  I.OIW,OOO  3 3  1:10,000  311.2  701.000  22.3
                          1955  337.000  1.140.000  3 4.  12:1.000  36.ô  7S,OOO  23.1
                                          .FamiU~ ttelou le nombre de personnes
                         Ano';es           FnrnBic8 by number of persona
            RBGlONS       - ------
                          Yenr.    4           ;,          6      7 et pluo-and ove.-
                                No.    %    No,    %    No.    %    No,    %
     Canada...... , ......... , ....  1951  656,505  20 0  361,817  11 0  191,781  6.8  2(\1,862  8.0'
                          1052  700 ,()()(J  20.5  390,000  n.1l  205,000  6.0  270,000  1 7..1),
                          195:)  675,000  10.1  407,000  11.7  213,000  6.1  286,000  1 8.3·
                          105,1  722,000  20.1  408,000  11.3  218,000  6.1  304 ,000  ,  8.6·
                          laM  752,000  20.4  441,000  12.0  240,000  O.G  205.000  8,0'
     Tarre-Nouve--New(oundlaod.  1951  13,507  18.0  10,0'10  13.4  0,77\'  9 1  12,469 , Hl.1l>
                          19,';2  13,000  16.7  II ,000  J4 .1  8,000  10.2  13,000 ' 16.1
                          19.j~J  n,ooo  11.1  II ,000  11.1  7,000  9.0  16,000  20.6,
                          19,H  12,000  15.0  10,000  12. fi  0,000  1l.3  16,000  20.{)
                          lQr.r.  lu,090  17.6  10,000  )1 .8  8,000  0.4  15,000 ' 17,7
     Provlnoea 1\lo.ritjmcs... .......  W51  52,568  18.0  33,448  12.0  20,167  7.3  30,802  11. L
     ll.{nriti me Provi.nct:B  1052  58,000  20.2  37,000  12,9  21,OOU  7.3  31,000  10.81
                          1063  52.000  18.2  30,()()(J  12.6  20,000  7,0  85,000  12,~
                          19u4  5li,OOO  19.0  35,000  12.1  22,000  7.6  36,000 '12.6
                          1\165  57,000  111.3  3~,000  11.5  21 ,000  8.2  .30,000 ' 12.2
     Québoc. .....................  1061  155.5f>9  18.2  102,741  12.0  6.,.8:18  7,7  124, t07  14.&
                          1952  170,000  19.1  IH ,000  12.8  70 ,000  7.U  126,000  t4.1
                          19,-,:1  1.59.000  i7 .1>  118,000  13.1  70,000  7.8  181.000 1 J4 ,9
                          19;;'1  178.000  19.0  116,000  12.3  68,000  7.3  141,000 . 16.1
                          l~[J.J  185,000  19.1  12(;,000  13.0  83,000  8.G  137,000  14.1
     Ontl1riu........ ' ..•. ........  1051  238,381  20.6  114,780  9.9  51,&64  4.1  47,IH4  4.1
                          1952  201,000  20.7  123,000  10.1  68.000  4.8  50,000  4.1
                          105.3  259,000  20.9  128,000  10.3  59,000  4.8  54,000  4.4
                          }9;)'1  270,000  20,0  133,000  10.3  61,000  4.7  [)7,000  4,4
                          1~r).)  279,000  21.2  115,000  11.0  02,000  4.7  fiG ,000  1.3
      ProvinCC3 dQ~ PrnirieB. .......  Ill,,1  132,1f>0  21,7  72,162  11.8  35,802  6.9  37,953  6.2:
      Pruirio Provincoa   IUr,2  1~9 ,000  22,2  80,000  12.7  37,000  5.9  40,000  6.4,
                          1063  128,000  19.0  78,000  12.0  42,000  6.4  40,000  6.1
                          1954  139,000  20.9  79,000  11.0  H,OOO  6.6  44,000  6.5·
                          1956  147.000  21,5  88,000  12.9  45,000  6.6  40,000  li,\)
     Col.· Brit.-Brit. Col. .........  1951  63,824  21.3  28,647  0.5  11,571  3.9  8,1l27  2.9
                          1962  69.000  21.7  31,000  9.8  Il,000  3.6  10,000  3.1
                          1963  66,000  20.1  36,000  Il.2  15,000  4.6  7,000  2.Z
                          1954  68,000  20.5  36,000  10.8  14,000  4.2  10,000  3.0
                          1055  09,000  20.5  3B,OOO  11.3  18,000  5.3  11,000  3.S
       (1) At exolu••on du Yukon e~ des TerrltolTc. do Nord-  (1) NoL lOcludlDII Yokon Rnd NorLb"'.... T~rTltoroo"~
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112