Page 106 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 106
Il est difficile d'étt,blir des oompanüsons ft is liard to make compariRons from one
,{('un recousement ~, l'autre sans teni.r compte cpnsu. lo ltonot}H"I' WiUlOU L taking into con-
,du changement des déunitions. En 1951, on sideration ch[Lngos in definition. ln lU!)l,
s'es 1, sel' i du tonne "loQ;( ment" pOUl' d6signcr Ulf\ I,crlll "d\\'olling" wus liser! inst,n<Ld or
les "ml1isuns" et los "habitatioDs", termes "building-" and "dwf'lling-lJollsf''', 1.he tm'OlS
mpluy(,,, respectivouwnt en ]941 el, ]!)JJ. usec! l'esp«=cLivel:.... in UH-I and HJ:U. 10
En 1041, on a cmploy{\ inditT6remmellt "lia.- ID4l, "dw(·']ling-holl~e. dwelling- [,nt! home"
bital,ion, lu~ I1.l(\IlI, el, df'mellr(~". En ID;H, WBrt) lIsf'd iuterehallgeably. III lU:-I1, fll1t
plain-pied "lino mai on ll.hritanl. m0anl', a "!IOUSfl containing' "ev~ral faruilies
plusieurs Ingenient,; SOLIS LIll m{\rne toit, eha- living- Lmdp,J' the SI~llle rouf, IHlh dwol Jing
que IIl';OlllflHt ,tyan t sa propl'O porto exW- lJavinp: if,g owu outsid(l do,,l['''; in 1041 and
riellrA"; en [941 ot Hl,}1, le mômo mot c!6si- 1001. t.he Sl,me word no ]"nw,l' llIen,ns the
gue non plus la mai on mnis /( logeruenL !louse bul, (,ho dwollin~.
44-Ména!:es selon le nombre de personnes et moyenne de personnes par ménage,
au Canada, par provinces, 1951
44-Households by number of Persons and Averago Number of Persons pel' Houee-
hold, in Canada, by Provinces, 1951
M~nngo" "Dion 10 nombrt du per80nnoH Moyenne do
-- penmonee
Household by nun,ber 01 person. pnr ménago
(I) Average
numbor 01
1 2-3 -1-5 6-Q la + personl!J per
'Terre-Neuvo. ,. No"'fouodland. 70,980 2,556 20,487 22 ,37~ 21,6011 3,940 5.0
11o~u-P.•E ..... P.IH......... 22,454 1.660 8237 6,852 4.038 767 4..3
N .• - OOllll ...•. , N. S .......... 14\1 ,0(;5 10.571 56,:15ii '18,OiHl 30,29,1 4,299 4,2
N.-Brunswick., .... ,', ....... tH ,007 6,~83 41,504 35~88 2," .541 5.I~L 4.4
Quéhoc..... . ... . . . . . .. ... . . , 8:j8,7a.\ 38,641 30S,701 270 ,433 200, III 4~ ,8!1~ 4.6
Ontario................ ~ ..... 1.181,126 80,869 620,342 <:i86.500 173 .~:l5 20.1110 :1 8
Mf\nitohn..................... 202,308 15,021 8Q,203 66.277 27 ,64~ a.ZR9 3.7
·SI\~kAtabewiLn................ 2~1 ,456 25,611 nO,529 ,0.507 32,623 8,126 3,7
Alberta, ............. , ....... 260,747 ZIl.02·1 103.0143 80.018 34,008 3,02'1 3.6
ColoDloie-Brit.. B, C. , . , ...... :l37,777 40.300 1ll3.274. 100,205 31,081 2,9l7 3.3
CANAOA ..... ...... .. 3,409,284 252,436 1,399,135 1,085,385 581.678 '0,650 4.0
(1) Non cOlOpri.le. hôtels, les iIlBtit\J~ionoet le. Ol'JUp•. ~l) Hatels, institutions uud c.ampa ure excll.ldcd
Sonrce: NtulJiême recenacm Ilt d". C'Oll.adll, Vol. Ill. ~'Jllrc": Ninth CtIMI'~ of Ca11_11r111, Vol. lU.
Le tahleau 50 indique que la province de Tuble :30 shows tha~, al, the 1951 Of.'llSUS,
Queb 0 compl,0, 10l'f' cIUl'UOCllSern"Dt cle 1951, I,he Pl'u\'lllce of Quebee bad 858,784 00011-
858,780110gùm uts occupés, ou 25.21JOUl' C nt pied dw.l1ings or 2.5,2 p r C€llL of 1111 the
de tous les logemento occupés du Canada occupi(,d dwel1ing. in Canada which toLu!l~'.d
qui se chiiTrent ~t :~,'109,2~4; ces donnt)es ~~,409,284, 'fhu figurcs oxclude hotels, iosLi-
excluont les hô tL-1:; , IC'H inHtitutiuns et It!S tuti()ns and camps. 'l'he average number
campA. La moyenne de Pl't'H1HIlII'S pnr illt'i- of personH pel' hOllsehold in QueblJc is 't6
uflge au Québec est de -1.G, ft rapprucher de !J,s 4.0 persans fOL' the country o.s a
4.0 personnes pour l'ensernble du pu,ys. whok
45--Logements, lnénages et moyenne de personnes par logement et par ménage,
province de Québec, 1881-1951
45--Dwel1ings, Households and Average Number of Persons per Dwelling and
pel' Household, Province of Quebec, 1881-1951
Lo~elllent8 Personnel pp,r PorsonnG" par
ANN~E!) OCOUr>éB M61Ulges logomont ménage
- Population - - - -
YBARS Occllllied Hou"cholda Penons pOT Pb~~~~~ordr
--- dwolltngB dwollillg
188t .............. J. 3611 ,027 2lü,432 204,841 6.28 6.33
1891 ...... ,., .... , . 1.488.535 246,6-14 271,001 6.04 5.47
1901.,.,., , .. , ..... 1,648,808 2111,427 307,301 0,66 5.37
III 11. ...... , .. , .... 2,00S.776 340,11l6 371,690 0.90 0.10
1021 ........... , ... 2,360,066 308,267 442,230 5.93 5.34
1031.",., , .. ,', .. , 2,87-[,255 536,3B3 511,019 5,36 5.30
)941. .............. 3,831.882 644,529 6&3,426 5.17 5.02
UlIS 1. ..... 1,055,681 862,0011 862,500 4.70 4..70
BOllrcc: Ncw.'itmfJ rdC471.1lllTlenL du. Cruwdo, Vol. [Il. Source: NiJllh Ctlll8Ull of Ca'1uda. ,",DI llL