Page 111 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 111
Les provinces des Prairi('s marquent elles The othor Prairie Provinces nlso record a
aussi un taux élevé: elles ~unt peuplées dc high rate: they are populated by Europeau
races européennes normalement prolifiques l'aces that are norma.lly prolific and, an
et, facteur important à considérer, leur important factur to consider, their population
population étant ell("lre jeune, elles enregis- boing still young, tlloy at present register
treu t l1.ctueJIemen t trtlS peu de décès. Par vpr;' few deaths. 00 the other hand,
contre, la Colombie Britannique, ayant British Columbia, having a populatiou
pr6(1is6luent une population figée, mn.rque advanoec! in, shows a rather small
un accroi.' meut plutôt faible; peu de nl1tlJml iIJCI'('m'('; f(,w bi.l'ths because its
TIai""f\.nces plùsque sa population a pnssé pOj11J lation has passed the age of productivity
l'&p,c de la produotiviM et plus do décès and more deal;hs b~~cause thnt sarne popula.-
puisque cette même population est sujette tion ie eubjcct to the terminal diseases of
I1UX nJaJo.dies torminales de la vie. lire.
48-Accroissoment naturel et taux, par provinces, 1926-55
48--Na tural Increase and Rates, by Provinces, 1926-55
A~éC81 J.•P.E. Què. 1 8nù. ~~. C.B. Cnnada
Yearo P.E.I. Que. Ont. 1 Man. 1 1 B.C. (1)
Exoodent de. nniasnneeo our les d6cèo-EJo"". of blrtb. over dentbo
102ll-J0. 760 4,653 6,308 40,126 ,12,054 8,886 16,042 lO.393 4,360 130.668
1031-36. 91lO 6,414 6,130 46.092 20,218 8,277 14,288 Il,1l0 3,t1bl 127,704
1036-40. 974 6,034 6,065 ~6.288 26.068 7,380 ]2.810 10,228 4,408 123.210
19'11-45. 1,0\6 8,820 7.087 63.632 38,00l 9,198 12,007 12,490 8,337 167,299
1940.... 1, 9Hl Il.S68 Il.,108 77,6()[i 1)7,688 12,257 16,01l 15,583 12,472 224.407
1947.... 1.072 13,266 12.939 8l.845 67,234 13,1138 16.724 18,OS8 l5,673 260.690
1948" .. 1,065 Il ,61}1 12,320 81,106 111.BaI 12,105 16,066 17,088 14,608 2:Jll ,440
1949" .. 1,907 11,750 Il,797 82,717 113.222 12,373 [fi.0611 17,852 16,986 242,002
1050" .. l.082 ll,l84 Il,40S 86 ,604 (\<1,760 12,651 1",303 18.769 15,53~ 247,282
1901. ... I,H7 Il,313 Il ,202 M,030 70,RiO 13.207 la 'ol!)a 19,836 16,430 254,(\<17
1962.... 1.787 12.195 12,0<\4 Ol,562 79,4,0;0 14,225 15:080 2l,760 17,747 276,677
1963.... 1.811 12,468 11,821 04,250 84 ,(,20 14 ,227 17,016 23.730 19,628 289,444
10$-1: ...• 1,768 13,217 12,3113 lOO,OOO 01,740 15,520 18,058 26.073 20.532 310,1l22
10[j5., .. I,S&, 13,027 12.174 99,420 1 04,120 lfi,M4 18,085 20,401 21.322 313.527
Tnux par 1,000 bnbitants--Rntilfl pcr l,OOO population
lIJ2Ô-30. S.7 9.0 13.2 17.0 9.8 13.4 17.6 15.8 6.8 13.0
1931-36. 10.7 10.3 13.6 l5.6 8.3 11.7 16.4 14.8 6.l ll.7
1()36-40. 10.4 10.7 13.7 14 .3 la .2 13.4 l3.1 6.7 10.7
19'H.45. 13.3 101.6 17.3 18.4 9.7 12.7 14.1 16.7 9.3 13.8
IWO.... 20.1- 19.6 23.8 21A 14.1 lIH1 18.0 10.1, 12.4 17.8
H147.... lO.fI 21.5 26.G 22.0 16 1 18.'i 20.0 22.0 15.0 10.6
1948" .. 21. 1 18.7 24.7 21.4 14.5 10.4 17.0 20.0 13.6 18.0
1940.... 20.3 18.7 23.2 21.3 14.4 WA 18.1 20.2 14.3 18.1
!l160.... 20.7 17.5 22.4 21.0 14.05 10.5 18.'1 20.11 13.6 18.1
1961..... n.1l 17.0 21.S 21.2 HiA 17.0 18.4 21.2 14 .] 18.2
11162.... 17.3 18.7 22.9 21.0 16.7 17.8 18.0 22.4 14.8 19.2
196.3.... 17.1 18.S 22.0 22.1 17.3 17.6 19.7 23.7 15.9 Ig.O
10v4 .... 10.7 Hl. 6 22.0 22.8 18.2 18.8 2l.3 25.1 16.2 20.6
l055.... 17.6 lO.1 21.0 22.0 IS. l lS.3 20.3 24.7 10.4 20.2
(1) Comprend Terrc.·Ncuvo Junis Don les Tarritoiros. (1) lneloding N.",Cou.ndlund but not tbe Terri!.ori"•.
(2) Suivnnt. 10 lieu de ,urven,,"e. de 1020 il. l040, ot (2) Il;- plnee oC occurenco [rom 1020 to lIHO, and b}'
6uiv~ut le lieu de domicilo depu.i. 1941. plnco of r"sidonco .ine. 1041.