Page 112 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 112

94                            POPULATION

                        3-MARIAGES                           3-MARRIAGES
              La situation économiquo qui prévaut dans  The prevailing eoonomio situation  ID a
            un pays exerce une influnncf' prilliordiaie sur  country ('xprLe an influence ai prime import-
            la nupUalit~. Durant Ics UUlI4!l'S qui ont  ance on the marriage rate.  Jn the years
            suivi la dépression éCOllllllliqUf1 d.. 1929, la  whieh Pollowed the cconomio dopr 'ssion of
            province de QU('bf)(l a enl'lègisln: des taux de  1929, the Province 01' Quebee marriag-c rate
            nuptialité peu éJev(~s.  La période de guelTe  dropped considerably.  The wn.r a.nd the
            qui a suivi et la. prospéril,é qui en est résult4!o  proeperity which resu lted j'rom it broug-ht a
            ont fortement favori sé la nuptialité.  (';n  sharp increase in tho number of m.arrhtges.
            1946, le Québec m:trquait un grand total de  Jn 1946, the total Dumbel' of marriagee
            36.650 mariages, soit un taux de 10.1 pom  reeord0rl in Quebec was 36,650, that is, a
            1,000 de population.  Depuis cotte date,  ratC' of 10.1 pel' 1,000 popula.tion.  Since
            la nuptialité tend ~,revenir vers la normale  1.111'0 the marriage rate bas shown a tendeney
            suivant en oelà la tenda.nce obsen01' :ll'échel-  to revert to the normal l~vel, a Lrend whioh
            le canadienne.                       ie also Doticeable on the national scale.

                  49---Mllriat:ea et tau" de nuptialité au Canada, par provinces, 1926-55
                      49-Marriages and Rates in Canada, by Provinces, 1926-55
             AI1~e'l  !.-~E·I  N.-E.  N.-D.  Qué.  Ol1t.  Mon.  &.ok.  AJt.ll  C.B.  Conado
             Yea~  P.E.!.  N.S.  N.B.  Que.                       A1t.ll.  D.C.  (I)
                               1     1             1     1      J
            192G-30.  473  3,224  2,970  18,731  25,449  4,951  6,036  5,265  4,786  73.Jj17
            1931-35.  496  3,522  2,737  17 ,Oa9  24,260  6,015  .~,680  6.li30  •• 267  70,302
            1930·40.  623  -1,796  3, 01  27, III  32,719  6. 9~11  6,590  7 ,1~2  7,0.;3  90,0:11
            )9·11-45.  6811  0.302  4 ,,13:l  33,12(;  38,042  7,295  6,Ii<ll  7,077  fi , ;)::~:;  lI6,903
            1916....  837  6,549  5,860  36,050  40.073  8,50'1  8,279  9,478  Il ,762  137. J55
            L1l47....  676  5.861  6.189  35.404  44,0;j6  7,712  7, G74  8,797  j l, ti52  130,228
            1948....  636  6,093  ". MO  34,046  43,242  7,325  7,171  8,&44  11.718  125,924
            IM9....  019  6,058  4,251  33,'11'15  43,3Ü'1  7 .~65  7 ,O~7  9,0:17  Il ,376  123,877
            195U....  616  5,065  4,376  34.093  43,744  7.128  6.904  9.294  Il. 110  124,846
            1951.. ..  58a  6,OlH  4,386  36,704  45,198  7,366  6,805  9,305  Il ,272  128,230
            1052....  013  5.300  4.270  35,374  45,21'>1  7,121:>  0,014  0,514  11,081  128,30L
            191'>3....  647  5.378  4.232  3.5,968  45.9M  7.277  7, L86  10,126  11.298  130,837
            1054....  003  5,265  4.278  3'.,516  45,028  6.837  6,053  9,900  lO,l191  128,3813
            /05li....  G07  5,288  4.359  36,356  44 .634  6,913  (j,'104  ~.844  11,011  127,777
                             Tilux p<lr 1,000 h4bltIlDta-Hate8 l'cr 1,000 populotioD
            1\1~6·:JO.  5.·j  6.3  7.4   0.9    7.8   7.5    7.0    8.0   7.6    7.3
            19~1·35.  6.5   6.7   O.r.   li.8   6.9   7.1    0.1    7.4   6.0    0.5
            J930..jO.  G.G  8.6   x.(;   8.5    8.0   0.6    7.2    9.2   0.1    8.7
            100/1-·j5.  7.6  W.U  \J.v   9.6    0.7   10.0   7.7   10.0   lU.7   9.7
            1940....  8.9  .10.8  l~.~  10.1   H.3    II 8   0.0   11.8   Il.7  10.9
            1947 ...  7.2   9.5  9.6   10.5   10.4   9 2   JO.7   11.4  JO. 1
            1948....  6.8   8. !  0.3    9.1   10. ]  9.8    8.0   JO.4   10.8   9.6
            1949,.   6.6    8.0   8.4    8.0   Il.9   0.6    8.5   10.2   10.2   9 2
            10f>O....  6.4.  7. 9  8.6   8.6   9.8    9.3    8.3   10.2   \J.8   9. J
            jOli!....  6.9  7.0   8.5    8.8   9.8    0.6    8.~    9.9   0.7    9.2
            1952....  6.0  S.3    8.1    8.5   D.5    8.0    8.2    0.8   0.2    ~.9
            1953...  6.1   8.1    7.9    8.4   9.4    9.0    S.3   10.1   0.2    8.11
            1054....  5.8  7.8    7.8    8.1    8.9   8.3    7.9    0.6   8.7    8./i
            ]\)65....  6.2  7.7   7.8    7.8    8.6   8.1    7.3    0.2   8.4    8.2
               (1) Comprend Terre-Nouve mnÎll 000 leB 'l'errit.oire••  (1) IncludioQ NewlouoeUllnd but not the Territ.ol·ie8.
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