Page 306 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 306
De 1938 à 1952, la production agricole de From 1938 ta 1952 [lgricull.ural produc-
la province de QUlibeo 0. quo.drupl6. })r~ tiOIt in LlIO Province of Quebec qU[ldrupled.
$\)4 rnillioll:; en 19:18, ..Il.. pllRiI'l il. $209 lnil- 11; incrC'lIsod from $94 million in 1938 to
lions en 1045 pour n.t.teindrc $318 millions $209 million in 1945 [lnd l'f'ached $:318
en Hl,'52. Le pourcentago de la contribu- million in 1952. Tlw percent.ap;e of ap;ri-
tion [lgricole i\ l'jiCOJ.10Hlic québécoise est culturo's contribution ta the QuC'hec ccon-
aR.'if~v. stable ct semailltic.ntC.!lITe 10 e~ 13 omy is fairly stable [lnd WI.~ between 10
pour cent de 1938 il. 1951. .J.!;n 1952, l'[lgri- u.nd la ppr ccnt fl'om In:18 te 1951. In
culture représente 8.8 pour Cf'nt df' ln. pro- 1952, H-/.\l'iculture :tf«\l)unCE'd for 8.8 pel'
duction, comptLralivornent il. 1:J.5 L'n 10:18 et c(-mt of t.he production compl.l.J'ed t,o 12.5
12.0 puur ccnt en 194.'). in 1938 l'Ind 12.0 pel' cent in 1941).
La production dE' l'industrie forostière, The output of the fOl'6stl'Y industry
qui exclut los ciedes et \,." (~nt['('prises de whicl'l ('xcluclcs snwlllill~ und pulp and
pulpe et papier, eompte pOlll' 4.7 pour cent PH[ll'l' lIdllR, repl'esented 4.7 pel' cont of
dans 1[1 production d" h Province en HJ52; t1l0 Provinco's product.ioJ.l in 1952; vulued
d'une va.leur de ~:.l~. millions en 1938, elle r.t $24 million in IH:lR, il. l'lnd risen to $167
atteint $167 millions on 1952. million i 1\ 1952.
3-Valeur nette de la production du Canada, par provincu, 1938-1952
3-Nllt Value of Production in Canada, by Provinces, 1938-1952
ANNtE9 TorJ"'O-N~lIve De·du·P.·E. N.·l1:eOllllo N.·Bnlllllwiek
- CANADA - - - - Québoo
YEARB Nowlounillnnd P, E.r. Nova SooUa New I3run&wlok
1'000 &'000 ,'000 "000 S'OOO 1'000
1938............ 2.7"'1,930 ........ , ..... 8.244 93,038 01,709 697,407
1030........... 2.907,270 .............. 0,700 98,1'~5 07,900 774,076
1040............ 3 J>'lO .482 .............. 10 ,448 110.4:iO 77.W9 932,200
1041. ..... , ..... 4,360.228 .............. 10,187 123,0(16 03.610 1,21(J,Uijl
1042............ 6,762,31l4 .............. 15,003 L63,472 108,647 1,541,146
1943.. , ... , ..• , . 0,1l3,4a8 .............. 18.972 178.424 123,403 1,772,073
1044 .........•.. o ,1360 ,4Hlt .. ............ IB,2Hl 180,401 129,463 ) ,860,304
1046............ 6,900,017 .............. 20,162 179,646 182,703 1,661,788
IG16.•.......... 6,234,630 .............. 21,282 187,306 1G5,128 1,700,086
1D47..... ...... 7,428,IH8 .............. 18,&14 188,SG1 176,128 1,976,220
1948............ 0,:;(J;\'~07 ... 28,544 249,M7 214,7n.; 2,'\.;') ,408
1!l40........ .... 0, I)IIU, :m9 .. ·i,Ù,g·j" 30,741 203 ,[,!.J1 214,U'!2 2, r,07 ,007
1%0............ 10,7fi7,vfi!") 07,:ml 30,8111 2liO, 7~2 2'12,112 2,816,300
1\1:; 1. .•....•.... 13,1)701.797 136,111 36,r,oJ 2I)6,71l2 208,285 ~,337,590
HJi>2.. .......... 13, 7U7 ,887 160,017 41,O~7 315,698 26tl,200 3,003,838
ANNt::EB Col,·Brit.
- Ool.arlo Manitoba &akatobewan Alberta - Yukon et TerI'.
YBARB BrWab Col.
&'000 "000 1'000 &'000 1'000 "000
1938.. , ....... ,' 1,214 ,979 133,&13 IU,638 19~ ,330 228,673 4,270
1939....... , •... 1,204,488 137.315 211 ,440 193,904 231,814 7,141
1940.••......•. , 1,621,581 16.~ ,371 212,418 223,787 277,147 0,409
1041 ............ 1,1l1l3,364 187 ,>103 171 ,132 216,246 366,668 8,24.6
1042............ 2,371,932 269,922 430,602 386,676 472,476 9,6030
1948.•.......•.. 2,1;25,611 276,778 338,839 820,674 651,261 7,818
1944.... , ....... 2,~18,H)6 302,648 620,616 406,771 631,621 6, 13~
1946.•...... , ... 2,441,"94 268,8GO S31,068 SaO,810 629,860 ",,6611
1940.... , .....•. 2,476,317 314,862 378 , f>l4 422,672 663,347 6,328
]947............ 3,003 ,859 349,811 446,863 479,80li 735,411 6,623
)048....•....... 3,777.302 199,040 630.1114 710,843 921,601 9,6m
lQ40............ 4,082,nn3 4tll,803 641,086 731,034 88·1,tl21 12,639
1060............ 1, ;.:J4, ·..~l.iti 41$3, BOO M6,000 734,148 91);; ,2:14 17,041
JUill. •....•.....
19&2... ......... 6,277,3>30 r.f\9,91l2 891,161 1,002,718 l,2iO,220 18,114