Page 276 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 276


             C-FINANCES SCOLAIRES                   C-SCHOOL FINANCES
                  I-BASI!. DE L'IMPOT                 I-BASIS OF TAXATION
          LUA contribul1ble~, avec l'appui finullciur  The COHt of education is born by  the
        du p;ollverncment, pourvoient il. l'entretien  r:de-pDYI.:rs with the help of the  Govern-
        de ]('urR 6coles.  Les revenu~ nécessités pll.r  ment.  The  ne(~C'.,'SIU·y  n:venue'.  for  the
        l'administration proviennent de la taxe ilTI-
                                             mlLinü~llance of Hchools iH prodUl:I,d by  a
        p086e f\ur los biclls-fonds de Ill. mUllicipalité.
                                             taX upon 1.I11:  immovabl(l~ of tho  mUllil:i-
        de la rHribution mensuelle exigible pour tout
        enfant d'fL~C scolaire et de certaine  contri-  pality, the mor.ühly cOlJtribul.ion  for  o<1ch
        butions ou tuxes spéciales.  Les 0 trois ac-  child of school ago and  (:ontribu-
        cordés  plU' 1:J, Législature contribuent  au  tions or special taxes.  The gmnl"  giveu
        ruai nI iCln dc!8 écoles primaires et faV(Jl'iHI.nt  by the LegisllLt.ur(' hl'Ip to maint(lin primllry
        !'cnsci~nellent sup6ril'ur et technique.  Les  schools and bighur <J.J.ld tecl1nir:al educution.
        lIluniçipalitéH pauvre reçoivent des subven-  Needy municiplllit,ie~ are given  addition:>!
        tions addiLionnel1<:s.               Rllh:;jdie~.
          Lc taux dt, la tuxe scolnir , par cent dol-  The rate of the Behanl l:1x, pel' hundrcd
        lu,rs, varie d'une municipl\lité il. l'autrn selon  dollnr,~, v:lrics \Vith I.h(' diffcrC'nl,  murucl-
        lea exigcncl;\s ou la richesse immobilil;re des  p(liities, according tû r 'CjuirementH or  the
        résidellts; il peut dépasser trois dollnl'S (1:.:18  landed wealth Ill' the residC'.nl,K, amountillg
        certains  :LI'rondi~H(llllents et n'ôtre  qu'une  ta more than thl'C'e dollars in ~ome diRtricts
        légère fmcUou de dollar ailleurs.    and only II l'rat! ion of ft dollar CIHewherc.
          La va.]cur des bil!llti-fonds imposa.bles pour  Th!' value of pro perty a.~sessed fOl' RC'hon!
        fins ~uolaires d:.ns b  pmvincc' de Québeu  I.:.L:''''H in the l~rovillee of Quebec in  1\1,ï:1-
        ù~lève en 19!j;J-.'i4 Ù. 54,067.~7,OOO  dont  J054 amounted t.o :'H.Oü7.287,000 of which
        3\2,780,878,000 aPPl1rLenant nllx  individus  S~,780,878.000w,,~ owned by individuals and
        et $1,2815,409,000 aux: cOlnpo.j!;llies.  $1,286,400.000 belonged 1,0 businu~H firme.
        18-Aeaiette de l'hnpôt Scolaire (Catholiquee et Pl'oteetanta)-Valeur des Biene-
                                    fond. Imposables
        18-Baaia for School Taxation (Catholice and Proteatants)-Valull of Tallabllll
                                      Real Eatate
                                          PllOVlIIClt           Cl'rie--Q'1'la.
              -           Total     Individu.  Compagnie.   Individu.  Compalll1i••
            YEARB                     ~           -           -          -
                                    Indivillllni.  Comp...niCtl  Individu"l.  Cmnpanic.
                           ,                                              ,
                                       S           li          1
        1046-47 ......... .,.  2.447,775.148  I.G08. 7(H. 752  840.070.306  0:13.318.331  (\12.136,028
                                                                       M .uf>H,1l08
                                                            9(12 ,082. 6tl2
        1947-48 ... _......  2,020, 8IM. 8911  1.755,703.275  874,162.024  1,001,082.586  652.405,816
        l04lHO ............ :  2.830,235.172  1,876,008.555  054,130.617  l ,Olli; .881) .000  70S.744 ,676
        1010-50..........  3,041.773.914  2,036,212,087  1,005,501.827  1,187,335.859  737,620.421
       ]050-51. ............  :J, 210, 772, 6Po9  2,202.698,257  1,038,074,432  1,2:17.108.287  75ü , 288.680
        1961-52.............  :1.,'jo1(;,207,ilii3  2.305,060.101  1,151,167.702  1,386,055.204  !lM.97 I. 077
        1052-6:1...... , ......  3 _, 8(i5, 229 ,61H  2,024,650,821  1.240,578.86:!  l,on. 877 ,279  000 ,Ge l ,783
        1003-51 ...... , ......  4,007.287,OUU  2,780,878.000  1,286,400,000  1,617.904.000  041 •~\l3, 000
                                                           A11'fRii8 QU'uAn.\INJi::8
                               VIl..Lao-Tow·Ne                   -
            ANN~E8                                         ÛTnen TI-IA,S OUOAN
            YEARS         Individu.     COltl~lln.i••  Individu.     Cornpagoie.
                             -                           -              -
                          Individu..l.  Compl'-niel!l  Individual.••
                             $             •              1             S
       194.5-40......... .....  106, ss:J, 131  131,122,736  498, li03 . 2\)0  72.810,732
        101(;-47......... .....  100.090,55:!  135.667,800  li02,71 ,4·1:1  74,1l00.116
        1947-48........ ......
                                        142.900 ..125
       1048-40....... .. .....  ~nl.82i!.615  167.450,6'18  052,702. OH  78, 7flO. 383
                                                                      82 •9.12 .2!)1
                          2·11 ,025.051
       1040-50.. __ .... .......  ~yy,:(}g~:~~~  179.031.744  582,331,()()()  89.00'J, G62
       1050-51. ..............          180.200,003    649,084,\lOI  .lOI,621,IHO
       ]061-52........ ... ..  337,833.8:11  luo,070.Af>6  671,161,626  100,111'.759
       1062-63.. , ... .... ....  381.345.M~  :J21, 148.1112  600,128, (JUil  100J •?f.a,If\~
        IQ53-64 ....... ........  4J7, 104 ,000  2Jl.067 ,000  725,720,000  110.'14' .(I0()
         Source: Bea' } cl.. corporahon'  .catalre..  Source: P.nanclol Slat"'".,,/. of School Cor'fXJra"o...,
       Q~l!beo.                              Qucbcc.
   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280   281