Page 271 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 271
L." ,',11/,.«"'1 ,l,. ('(llii/,' a I,·s aLtl'Ïbll tillllti d '111.1 'l'ho r;()llii/Y c()lmri! itHti t.lip, sa,mA powl·r.>
consoil d'lldTllini~lralltlll t'l s'oenupp df'H as an admilJi~lràtivf' ('llIlD('.i1 HUc! r1eal~ wit,h
all'aires d'illL(~ri',L g-énl\nd pOlir tout un comté of ~~,'nc'l'al iOI,'n·st. 1.0 t,ito vihole
1ll1ll.Lieipal. Ho~ olYinil'!"s .<1111 1 leB mB.irI'~ "Il Illunicipal (J'Junty. rt..~ Ollil)l'l'S Mc' [,hl'
(Pllctioll dc·' t,llllt(lS 1eR col'ponLLillllS clu comt.r\ mayol'~ i Il olllco nI' a.1l tite corporation:; of
qui sout l'égins par l,' ('orll' fllunicipLtl. Ln 1,IH~ conn l,y ~ov(\('Deci b:v lIH: Mu llici pa,1 Cude.
chpf du cunsl.'il uu l'((J''' l'~t nOllllo(. pal' l/"R 'l'ho 11(',1,11 01' \,it0 (,·oll11cil or ')'(11'(/"1' is appoinL-
1lI,'mbl'l's (lu nolisoil 1"(' lll'tir nL Slt o/lfil'g·p. il. f'r! h~' 1.1'0 J.ll mltûl's of the couTlcil ~~nrll'l'Illains
moins d'Hl'U clpstitué, jll~qu'il l'a~S("rmenta in Oifl(:fl, lInlf'ss dismissed, uut,il his ~U"N'S:;OI'
tjlln d.. HOn SIlOUCSS('UI', m,'.me s'il Ile rait. plu" ia HWOI'I.1 in, ('V(')) il' hr nu longl r rOl'IlIS ptl.l'L du (·oIlKeil. Les d"peIls('s cll'S (·oust·ils of lIl'·) cO\lncil. 'l'jl() ('xppnsf'S uf t,llt' cOllDly
do cornt. I K Hont d'::fl'a~'ér" pal' JI'H muuicip'a- üO\l1wil llro nll"t b~' tilt' local nlllni(iiJ)
li 11~ lue!l.ll'~ pl'o!Jol'tiunnolll'Hlf'nt :'1 l'évalua- in prupurtiun 10 th." valuation nI their Inx-
tiun df\ lellrs hiens-fonds impogahllc's ct il able l'otll (·~LlI.ltl ùllcl \.0 t,Jwir ITquirewl'n t,<,.
lrnrs IIPHoins. 1.0 SCeI·{·l::Lin'-Lrf.slil·j,·r d"s 'l'he ·çlJl'nLLtl'.\ -Lreastll'ül' or the local counoils
('.'lnsI'iIH l''ca,ux l'épal'\,it cpt f.' ('o! isl~l,inn Slll' aiIots [his Ltssessm,·nl. on \.he pl'oprr[,'y h.,-
1~1 prnpri';té LHl mOYl'n d'nn l'ôl" sptlcial d~) TLHlanS or (L ,'pocial collection 1'011 or I..vios
JH'renptiOIl 011 préli\vp l,· attribUl' t,he !t1110Ullt, LtlloLt.ed \.'.0 thl' (Jollnty couucil
au ennseil de CODlto ~L ml'Illt' f!'s n'cet-tl' . ou t 01' l,ho l'f1cHipts deri\ ed l'rom gr'oMal
dél'iyé s de l'irnp(lt g{'Ilc.'·ral. taxation.
J<1l lOfi3. Ie~ !'evCIHI< rlp, (:IIIl~('ils d" f'.omI.G. 111 .lDi:i3 t he l'I'V~'IUI' or C()Ullf y councils
qlli .-,. C'liifTrninllt il. fi 8A1H. RI' r6pur!',iKsnicl,t :J,ll\ [,1) $.~88,'118 ,,"cl 11':'" c1ivided :lS
l'Illllrne sUII: l:txC's de l'1I,1l Il Il/". :,i,40(i.::110; foll<)w,: Yf':ll'ly tax(',-. $4~)ti.'.!4(): il,vl~st.rnellt
('('\,('lIl1S do phl'('lilellt" ~L8.:j!ll; SlIliVf'Ilt.inns, N\rllillgs. $iIR.t,Ç]]; gmllts, 8105,]8:~; ocher
$LOfi.18:3; di vers, ::)fj8,404. LOR (1I~I"~n".'" J'f'VOlllle, $.5R.40~. Expr\lldit,l.Il'e:. n.l1ll)Ullt-
·'<I('Y~li('IlI·, li. $502.!)i:1, rPI':.II'I.ies u.ill~j: il'll: I.() :s;,c,03,\n:J. \\','1/' divi ..l<:d liS f,,1I0WH:
adlllinisl.r:l,fi<)II. $3 L1.8!J2; !.nwnllx pl.lhli,'s. lloilllillisll'[ilion. S:ILl.892; [Jublic wlIrb.
$1.'i1.870; unités Rl~lIil.niI'P.· pt a 'siSl':ll;OC 1'1.1- ,"!:Lôl.HïO; lH'nlth :lllrl puhlic \Vl'lf:.\I....
hli'l"", 8J20.472; sel'vice cie la dN!.c:. $8.7:.\9. $120,472; debL f'hurp;ps. $8.7:3'=1.
16-Bilan des conReils d" comtés, 1936-53
16-Balance Shed of County Councih, 1936-53
/\ctir-A~!".f!t.~ Pn:'t.l'if-T,lâbil,t,if!tt
AN:'JCES En i'i e, Aut.rr-..a
nrr6rs'tcl4 Actif Ron!4 non t~lIlprunt9
\'1:.\ Tl.'> dc taxe:t Ota. illllflobili!:l6 ri\l~hetc el dott""
Total Tot.. 1
'Mh on Pixcd UnrcdOOllled Other
Il,,0''. l'nx As c~. nl)ndg J..onna und
A rrf'rlr,,\ , 0(0. D"bt8
• ~ $ $
10.16 _.........•. :n 1.171 1) ~27. 07:1 1.238.2·1·1 ~ma. 7[)3 '220,R:!û 4:lO. :17\)
1 37........•........... :112.622 1) 027,809 1.270.421 211.33 UJ,'141 4:12,824
Ins . ~!.~. 'ln 1) 036.603 1. 234.508 17.. 747 20~.f>-l1 378, 28~
1039 .. :lOG.'1I3 1) 870,882 1.177.2lJ.5 1ill. Hl!! 101,275 :152,46;1
101 .. :120.;131 11) 900.050 1.2:12.386 1:17.172 226.217 :IS3.:18:)
Il))1. . :140.156 \ ~08.000 1.2:38.824 144.12() 254.281 30:-<.407
1012 . 328.nm 1) 07.138 1.226.12U In.\141 230.621 36:l.462
1'l4'I . 40S.47:1 ~7-l. OH) 1 .) 3.:192 119.7\1·1 :)).1,671 43'1.405
11144 .. :1.'\0.512 MI.Ha 1.217,025 OO.lIO·j ~~.i~), 71l :1.'i0.615
1!14S•....••.•..••..••••. :152.820 824.001 1.17n.91tl ·17.ll'l~ ')'1:1 ..513 20l.:~(H
191)(1 . 371.!i07 R61,750 1. 233. 2fi7 W.OOO 212 .()7~ 228.076
1951 .. 304.607 888.001 1. 28.1. 69 12.800 282.253 205.0!i3
IOfi2 •...••.••.. 407.1161 888.052 1.206,00:1 14 .!l00 212.0r,3 226.053
1Ç)l):j ......• , ••. ,. 470.662 814,311 1,200.063 25.300 269.·\()7 2\11.707
(1) COutprl~nd 10 fond" d'l\l[wrt.iMemcot. (1) locl"ding 81"kin~ luod.