Page 506 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 506

                      P~CE                                 GATES
         Depuis 1908, le goUVÜl1lP.JIJOnt de la Provinco  Bince 1908. the Provinoial Government bas
       accorde des subvent.ions alll' municipalités  granted subsiùies to municipalities for the
       pour la conBtructon df's  ponts-routes.  Le  COllHtfuef.ion of lüghway bridges.  'fbe total
       montant total des aJlocatioWl versOOs penda.nt  gra()t.~ durillg t.ho IMt 44 years arnoullt to
       les 44 denlli\ro.'l années atteint $58,114,406
                                            $58,111,106, whcrcas tho municipn.(iti"s ]mve
       tandis que la contribution des nJUDÏClpnJités  contributed  ~7,2û9,(j1U. 2,501 bridgoa were
       s'élàve à 87,299,616.  Le nombre clrs ponts
                                             built from ]908 to the 31st March 1952.
       ooll~truitsde 1908 au 31 mars 1952  1. de 2,501.
                                            Moreover, the Govel1lment is boying out the
       En plus, le gouvernement rll.Ohète les droits
       de certn.ins ponts et barrières de pl\ngfJ ou  toll nghts of bridges and toU-roads or
       cooclut des arrangements il. co propos avec les  malcing arrangemonts in thia eonnection with
       municipalités.  Les dépenses affectées au ra-  the munioipalities.  The sum  0.\1J ndod (or
        clint cie ces droits, do 1910 li 1952, s'élèvent li  this purPOS6, from l!J1O to 10.52 aroounted 1.0
        $J,m,SOf).                           $1,226,899.
             5-Ponh-routee eubventionnée par le gouvernement de la Province.
             5-Highway Bridgee Subeidized by the Governntcnt of the Province.
                             NoMlJr~  LmllillJf!:Ur 110.  Buhvî!ntino..  Cuutrihutiool
                             dfl pnoLft  8UpOrl!ltrurturCl,  du  de.
                            ooustruih  0 piolÙ  l'ouvcrnement  munidp.lll.6s  cont tolBl
                             Numh.r  Lengtb 01  Oov.rnmont  Munic:ip81  TolOI Coot
                            of Bri<lll"" Super.tructuro,  Gr~ot.  Cont.riuuLionll
                              Built   (in It.)
        1~1HJ9            ..    24     3.721  S   93.336.96'  9\,173.04  S  184,610.00
        11101"10           .    36     3.907      71.9'J,~.00  100,OllIl.00  172.000.00
        1910-11            .    28     2,843      79,865.00  73,4.'10.00  153.3œ.00
        11111-12           .    43     6,010     1110,052.76  129,077.78  286,130.64
        11112-13           .    00     ~.846     170,103.13  144,340.72  323,462.80
        1013-1~            .    71     ~,842     256.160.76  17 ,O4\.84  434,302.1l0
        1014·1~           _.    62     Il,fI~3   279,820.90  200.8014.84  489,665.80
        1916-16            .    M      6,580     322,996. 4~  228,320.24  651,316.611
        191tl-17           .    60     a.41~     140.114.50  130,059.70  280,074.20
        lm::g::::: :::::::::::::::::  ll3  3,331  286,956.70  180,622. H  460,478.84
        111111-20          .    50     8,042     270,825.41l  163.20\.00  424,026.54
        11120-21 ..•...............•...  ~8  6.187  ~02,41l8. 83 (1)  402,2\}l.12  (l)  0\H,71l2.05
        1921-22  , .............••  61  6,~66    883,820.60  250,574.07  1,134,395.27
        11922·2.1          .    45     4,92~     404,~20.22  39 ,390.38  794,919.00
        102a-24......•....•...•......  40  ~,OO~  6\01,707.74  206.959.85  821,757.~0
        192~-26            .    40     ~.:ml     145,003.90  317.760.01  1,002,764.ou
        1926-26            .    42     ~.5~9     460,232. H  330.160.~0  789,392.71
        19211-27           .    49     3.M2      420,601.24  215,155.91  663,747. III
        1927-28  ,   ,     .    ô6     4,4'10    460,182.63  287.477. (l6  747,600. Il)
        1028"20            .    ftIl   4.2'14    436.17~.M  261.325. \ij  697,500.84
        10211-30           .    68     ~,600     761,240.16  272,71·\' 61  1,033,\154.77
        1030-31 ....•.......•. , " •..•.  78  3.071  605,126.87  :J21.236.40  826,363.27
        10~11-32         ,  .   73     9.SR8  (2) 1,113.102.24  (3)  622,473.88  1.735,571.1.12
        10-12-33           .    24     6,671  (2)  I,B55,41O. 92  80,1103.89  1,036.014.81
        1933-34  _.......•.. '  .  ln  1,001  (2) 1,265.230.36  Il,776.60
        1934-3~....•.•......• , "  .  21  1.6'10  (2) 2,7<17,693. 117  33.133.21  2,780,726.78
        1931\-36....••...... , ...•...•.  37  8,236  706.537. BIl  73.425.80  779.063 05
        1030-37.........••....••.....  87  8.611  406.000.\10  84,430.77  490,340.67
        1037·38            .    ~o     6,800     83M86.:13   130.760.90  974,800.32
        1038-39           ..    68     6,63.~   1.242,037.40  15 ,"23.2D  1,300,4/\0.76
        11I3O-~0  '" ..•.......  txl   6,663     818,186.00  80.0H .05  800,130. Il
        1940-41 (4)        .    23     2,.137    202,642.40  23.012.84  275.6li5.24
        1041-42.........•....•... ,  .  9  3,187  B04,979.36  43,200.09  8'18.179.46
        1942~13            .     8      723       82,230.77  15,032.50  97,272.27
        10·13-H .............•........  37  4,133  751.1l09.01  t6r,.'11I1l.20  017.467.30
        1044-46•............•........  80  8,086  1,363,771.1.00  307,043.41  1,671,719.41
        1~5-46             .    95     7. GO    2.408.1 0.0:1  130.822.49  2.6015.003. 12
        1946-17..................•...  83  4,300  l,3J7.4R2.70  21.1  9  1,338.67\. 69
        )047 8             .   115    8,125     5,860,183.14  133.027.63
        1048-49.....•.......•....... ,  160  13,366  7,687.466.68  1.000.00  7.688.4 6.08
        IIH9-5O            .   123    8.694     6,HlO.015.20  6.000.00  0,195,915.20
        1950-61.          ..    80    10,308    5,937,6\19.21  03.805.00  6.001,ol04 .21
        Il)';1-52          .   130    7.011J    5.765,047.70  275,000.00  6,040.IH7.i6
         (1) y compriB 1118.333.32 poy6a par le ll~uveroement  (1) rnoludil\lj 1118,333.32 paid by U", l',,deml and
        IMérl'1 et celui do l'OntArio.      Ontario governl)lcnw.
         (2) y compris 1. ooOt do cortAins granlÙ ponLa dont 1.  (2) Including cortoin bi"hway bridgeo l' by
        oon.ullrtion, 8utoriaée par la loi 21 Geo. V, eh.p. h. 081  21 Geo. V, CbRp. 5, the 008t 01 wbich ill ootieoly ùolnte<!
        ontiMement RUJ< 1l·8Îs du gouvernoment de (1' proviuce.  by the Provincial Goverumen~.
         (3) y compr' '79.646.37 payÔll par 10 gouvornomont  (3) Including 170.G-l.ll.37 paid by the Foùeral Goyer,;,-
        'Métal: S286 291.08 pay6a pl" 1. gouvernement lédéroJ  ment: S286.291.\l8 pa,ct by tho P"derol alld Ontll'rlo
        el colui do l'Onlarlo t S20,380.58 PBYôol'''' IlJ\louvorno·  gov,,,nmento and 12G,389.511 pnid hy th. Feùoml GOVllID-
        ment lédérol et le C.P.R.           nlUnt end the a.p.R.
         (4) 0 moi. BOuJomenl.                (4) 0 mooth. only.
         80unlt\: Ua JlPorl annr.u:J du ",ifliatrd dN TralJouz Publia.  Bouroe: ARnual R.parl Df lh. M;ni.,,,, of Public W""kI.
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