Page 511 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 511

AUTOMOBILES                             491

             Les revenus provenant de l'enregistrement  The revenues derived rrom motor vehicle
            des véhicules-moteurs dans la province de  registra,tion in the Province or Queooc, whiah
            Qu6bea, Qui nvaiElIlt fléchi en 1942 et 1943,  hnd shrunk during 1942 and lÇJ43, rocorded
            Ile BOnt orientée vera la hausse en 1944. En  an upwa.rd trend in 1944.  During 1951, thoy
            1951, iliJ ont atteint le ohi.flre snns précédent  reaahed the nnprecedented figure of $19,lM,4ô7.
            de $19,164,467.

             Les ventes nettes de gazoline lI.CCusent aussi  Net sales of gtlsoline also show inoreases
            des augmentations depuis 1945, après avoir  sinee 1945, after ha.ving suffered decrea.seB
            Bubi des diminutions en 1942 et 1943.  in 1942 and 1943.

            tl-Revenus (1) provenant de la talle sur la gazoline, au Canada, par province..

                   lI-Revenues (1) from Casoline Tall, in Canada, by Provinces.

                    PROVINCES            1936-39    1940·44      1946        1047

                                                      1           1          S
                                                                  465,13018  '''eoido:ï
                                                     3.022,~, 0  3.408.181  5,170.783
                                                     2,002,316   2.8:12,301  4.200.080
                                                     11,705,334  16.468,731  2n.fl08.1171
                                                     213.81,j,934  31.200,377  47,420.015
                                                     2.715.136   S.:120.04!J  4.692.&10
                                                     3,37G,227   4,7l4,U71  G, 399.303
                                                     3,fI82,5ftl  5,403.021  7.1\57.015
                                                     3,811,291   5.682.00·!  Il. 295,743
                                                       15,241      20.842      50.407
                 CANAO,\ •••••..••. ", _, .•. , •.• ,  41,527,107  57,550,447  73,683,205  W,062,B20
                    PROV! CES             10·18      \040        1950       Hl51

                                           •          •           •
            Terre-Neuve  Newfoundlond  .             1,006.31;11  l '5~Ô :g~~  1. 511,260
            1I~du-I>-8   P. E.l     .  ........7&ùi:ï  855,776               1.002.323
            N.-Eooue     No Il Scoti,.  .  6,869,246  6.246,401  0,600.52U  7.852.411
            N.-Brunawiok            .     6,101.864  5.6:15.767  1i,7:l1,5SQ  (1,322.71]1
            8~~~~ ·.::: :::::::::::::::::::::::  20,500.88fl  30.908,312  37,1513, III  ~7 .B3.~.0B3
            Manitoba           .          " ,8IJO.0811  5.201,780  5.QU7,075  6.679,830
            8aaklltchcw'ln          .     li ,(141. 8(\7  7,8 2,783  8,3:11,27(\  Il,388,465
            AJhMla     ,            .     8,577.5G7  10.635 .050  Il.600.1811  12,7116.293
            Colomhir-Rr,it  B. Colllmbill  .  10.146,664  11,1133,046  12,400.11\7  13,843,038
            Yukon ot TeIT  , •.. YUllOO "nLl Terr  .  71,054  0,813  78.257   118.803
                 CANADA. ....••...... , .••• .....  124,310,987  137,834,316  165,146.685  178,505,307
             En 19:50. la taxe sur la gazoline Iwait rap-  During 1050, the tax on gasolioe had
            porté au TI'ÔSor de la Province la SOHl);lH de  1J..rought to the Provincial Trea,sury the SUffi
            s:n,156,111. Ce chiffre, Qui ll()llstituait alors  of $37,156,111.  However, tbat figure, whioh
            un (I()mlll~t, a. ooponrllmt ét6 dépassé en ]951  constituted th.en a peak, was a,'l:coodod dUling
           alors Que les l'ovenus provenant de la ta.'l:e SlIf  1951 whell the revenue derived from the
           la gawline, d!1JlB la province de Québeo, 6e  gasolioe tax, in tbe Provinoe of Quebec,
           BOnt élllV~5 à $47,f~l!),OG3.         n.mounted ta $47.635,063.
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