Page 509 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 509

AUTOMOBILES                             489

            Le nombra das véhicules !\'utomobiles enre-  The uumber of motOr vehieles registered in
          gistrés dn,ns ln, Province est passé de 3D6 en  the Province whicb was 396 in 1908 reaohed
          1908 à 574,974 en 1952.  e dernier chiITre  574,974 in 1952.  Tllis Jast figure does not
          ne oomprend pas 26,678 remorques et semi-  include 26,678 tro,iJers and seuu-tro.ilers.
            A partir de 1908, le nombre d'aUl;'omobUCls  From 1908, the number of automobiles
          enregïst,rés Il. consta:nunent a.ugmenté jusqu'en  registered steadily increa.aed unti! 1930 when
           1930 oJors qu'il s'est mis il, diminuer chaque  it sturted deere!L! ing Mch year up w 1033.
          ll.llllOO jusqu'en Hl:~:l. En 1034 on note une
                                               The yeal' 1.9::101 marks the beginDilJg of another
           nouvelle ori ·ntat.ion  VI"  In. hnu se qui se
                                               upwnrd trend wbich will stop ooly in 1941
          maintiendra jusqu'à co quo Ifl, guerre inter-
                                               under the iInpact of war conditions. In 1945,
           vienne en 1\)41..  Déjà en 19<15 on enregistre
           une augmentation par rapport il, Hl4.4. Les  an inerenflO is a..lready recorde<! in comparison
          automohiles enregistrés au cours de 1052 Bont  with the prcco(\nnt year.  Automobile regis-
          en plus grand nombre qua jo.mais.     tration du ring 1D52 is higller than aver before.
                    8--Véhicules enregistrés dans la province de Québec, 1908-1952.
                    8--Vehicle Reglatratlon in the Province or Quebec, 1908-1952.

                               Automobile!                 Mot~
                                  do             Autobu!  oyoleU8!  Camion.
              ANN~EB-YEARB     promennda  Tul!   Autobu •••  Motor·  Truok!  TolrJ (1)
                                Tourin~                    oyole.
           1008............ ,' ... , ......  306    2)      (2)      2          300
           1009......•...... , ..........  486  !~l  2      (2\      1) 2)     186
           1010......•.................  786        2                2)         786
           1011 ........................  1.878  2)  2      gl                1,878
           1012............•....•......  6.635  (2)  2      g)       2)       5,536
           1013.................•....•.  5.·152     2                t 2)     6,462
           1014 .............. ....... .. ,  0.824  2         205      381    7,413
           1015........................  9,228  I~J 2)        2il6     528   10,112
           1Q16..............•.........  14.160  2)           ·100     720    15.318
           1017............•...........  10.-148  2)          664    1,121   21.213
           1018........................  24,187  (2l  III     010    1,80'1  2ft,O:1I
           1010........................  29,472  (2  ~\      1. flO4  2,5G5  3.1. &11
           1020............•...........  36.065  (2)         1, 528  4,009   oU.562
           1021. ...........•...........  47.375  (2)  2)    1.709   5,580   5-1.670
           1~22.......•................  52,177  (2)  2)     1.880   6,877   60.0-10
           1023.......•....•..... , .....  60,363  (2)  261  1,701   8,996   71. 320
           1924............•...........  aO.212  4,5z.1.  281  2.103  11,014  84,0.\0
           102:;.......... ..... .........  75,218  1;,726  307  2.083  14.1H  97.418
           1926........................  ,517  6,135  373    2,0 1   11,002  107.904
           11127..................... , ..  100,128  7,076  47a  2.210  18,208  128,104
           102·........................  110.157  7,1~4  430  2,263  21,747  118,000
           11120..................•.....  132.8311  7,300  6101  2.380  2.'1,982  169.105
           1030..................•.....  140. B02  7,010  62'1  2.383  27.820  178,6'18
           1031. ............ , ....•.....  110.849  6,117  517  2.31  28.3801  177,186
           1932........................  130,911  4, 11~3  600  2.226  27.411  1611,730
           1933........................  126.6211  4.120  404  2,265  26,505  160.012
           HJ31 ........................  131,333  4, j(j~  407  2.414  26.0a4  165,286
           1936... , ....•...............  1:15.203  4.20'1  605  2,'189  28.153  170,6<\01
           1936......... .... .. " . ......  143.1&3  Il.330  663  2.'198  30.075  181.628
           1937........•...............  156,944  4.629  fH:>  2.526  33.173  197.917
           193                   160.873   G,b74     708     2.667   35,641  205,463
           1030:: : ::: ::: :::::::::::::::  166,198  6,568  706  2,870  37,707  213.148
           1940...............•........  174,7g1  5,000  868  2,811  40.716  225.11i2
           11141 ........................  178, 90  5,0'16  1.061  2,871l  43.387  232,119
           1942......•........•..... '"  165.280  7.756  1,127  2,850  45,609  222,622
           1943...........•.... , .......  160.470  4,890  1.264  2, 14  47.229  222.676
           1944 ........................  167.,125  4,464  1.460  2.7:19  48,7:l5  224,822
           1045., .......... , ...........  107.177  4.638  1.620  2,834  fi2.403  228,681
           1046...........•....•....•..  177.81~  10,645  2,405  .3.624  60.8 4  2fi5,172
           1017......... , ..........•...  201,857  13.465  2.8!)4  6.062  71,300  296,547
           1048...............•....•...  223.400  14,512  2.610  11,441  83,OM  3:15.063
           1949........... .... ..... . ...  2fl2.050  1f),047  2,777  J4 ,013  91,493  384.733
           1950....................•...  287.657  15, lM  2.748  1fl.122  102,680  433,701
           1951. .. , ...........•.... , ...  331.872  19,225  2.0:11  16,432  130,260  (,00.729
           1952.. ..... ... ....... . ......  3&1,228  10.308  3,124  16,OHl  152,208  574,\174
            (1) No compTend pa los remorque., somi-remorques  (1) Exelu8lve 01 trailon;, 6 mi-trnilen; ILnd  dculors'
          et les lioooOO8 spécillie. 601;aoa nux oOO1l'Ooro"olo6 d'"uto-  liO<>IlflCR.
            (2) Comprla dnIls l1utomobiloe de promeoado.  (2) Ineludod in t.olJl'in~ vehiclccl.
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