Page 466 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 466

446                         MANUFACTURES
      on  0. établi des groupes maj,eurs ou des  for speoia.! reasons, major groups and clll.Ks~~
      catégories de manii:ire qll'il soit possible de cst.ab.lIshed in such manner as to allow
      regrou pel' les données obtenuM a.u moyen  reg:rouping of data obta.ined from tho Cana-
     ,de la Classification Canndienu(\ &ti.n cie les  d.ian Standard Clo..~sificationto fit tho groups
      rendre oomparables à oeiles proveno,nt dflla  (\nd sub-groups established by the United
      Classifioation Internationale.       Nations ClaSBifico,tion.
        La vall!ur des produits manufacturés a  In 1951, the value of manufo.ctured prod-
      atteint, ('n 1951, le e.hiffre le plus oonsidé-  ucts reaoIled toe .lligbest figure ever attained
      rable de l'bistoire éoonomique de la pro-  in tho (;loonomic bistory of the ProvincG of
      vince do Québoo, soit 4 milliards 916 millions  Quebec, that is, 4 billion, 916 million dollars;
      de dollllT~; en 1950, oette mAme valeur fi'éta-  in 1950 the valun of the Bame products was
      blissait il 4 milliards 142 tnillillnll do dollar!!.  4 billion, 142 million dollars. Manuract.uring
      La produotion manufacturière du Québec  production in Quebec repres(3nted 30 pel'
      reprnKemte 30 pour cent de la produotion  oent of the CanadiQ.n production in 1951,,clienno en 1951, et eell~ de l'OntlLrio  white that of aooounted for 49.a
      49.3 pour cent.  La oontributio.u des deux  -per cent.  The share of the two central
      provinces co[lt,rales repr/lseote donc près de  provjnc(.~, th<1rpfore, reprElsf:lnts neady 80
      80 'I)ur cen t de la produotion manufactu-  pel' cent of Canadian mttnufaeturiug pro-
      rièr0 3!t:ladienne.                  duction.

      2-Principales statistiques dea manufacturea au Canada, par provinces, 1950-51.
        2-Principal Statistics of Manufactures in Canada, by Provinces, ]950-51.

                                                     CoOL do.
                             tlablla-        Salaire.  maUtrca  Valour de. produits
                             lIem6J:Ltl'  Employéoo  ol pae.  praU)i~rcfll:  -
             rn.QVINCE8        -      -        -        -       Valu. al produot.
                             E.t.ab-  Employe••  Salariee  Coot of
                   ,,'"     and Waa••  Materio18  Nette  Brute
                              nO.     no.     $'000   $'000    "000     $'000
      Torrc-Nçuvc...... New'fouudlu.nd . ,  8<>0  6,682  16.246  31,506  36.712  71,063
      110·du.P.-E........ P. J1J. l.. ......  2H  1,7S6  2.342  Ir>,243  4,284  10,811
      N..Eeo811e......... N. S ......  1.482  28,'170  fl·I.888  147, L31  97,781  25;-),887
      N.-Brunswick...........  l, L07  23,003  4G,880  14 ,OUG  JOO .204  203,7li3
                             11 .670  3UO, Hi3  851,335  2,225,476  l ,71J8.:~20  4,142,473
      8~t~;i~"",·.·.'.::..:::::::::::::::: 12.800  MfI.fll3  1,412,900  3.5118.822  3.011 . H2  6.822.96'1
      Mnnit.ob............... ...........  1.607  40.085  88.702  300,385  177.0.2  485.006
      8u8katdlt:wan.......     887    JO,500   23.010  164.557  4\1.496  218.080
      Alil rt...........................  1.671  26.732  58,416  272.131  123.893  402.S'1O
      Col.-Brit ......... B. C.........  3.000  87.375  ~1610&7  G34.178  47U,600  1,133.017
      Yukon & 'J'on-.           III     123      286    1,040     IiOO    1. 742
            C.N.D........ ,.  35,942  1,183,297  2,771,267  7,&38,&35  5,842,0&8  13,817,526
                                        105 1
                              no.     no.     $'000    '000    $'000    $'000
      Terré·Neuve...... Nowfoundlnnd ..  822  9,622  22,681  43.117  53.690  100,643
      110-<Iu-J'.·1];........ P. 10'. 1.. ... , ....  237  1.735  2.459  17,178  5.017  22.524
      N.-Ecosse......... N. S ...........  1,474  30,5J2  63.970  172, L15  110.487  ~O:I,Ol!J
      N.-Bl"llllIlWick..............  1.0!H  24,505  63,547  170,35\)  120,69u  307,174
      Québec........  . ...........  11.861  417,182  ) .00[0,602  2.0\lO,G39  2.03,()34  4 .(lW. lu7
      Outn'·io...........•.............. 13.025  599,4.33  1,660,387  4.334,304  3.569.400  8.074,731
      l"lanitob.................  1,5L2  011 1-159  100.171  340,204  102,8,JO  "51.346
      S..skutohewall......... ... , .... ,.,  973  11 ,1l23  20,200  185, loi  IlI.080  250.813
      ALberta ..........      2,118   20.100   69.130  300.431  14.L .640  '158.281
      Col.·Brit ......... B·.·C.....·.:: .. :.. :::  3,807  03,047  262.620  789,840  502,418  1,4(}1.880
      Yukon & Torr ........     18      162      400    1,008      7.,9   2,010
            C.N,'OA ..........  37,021  1,258,375  3,276,281  8,074,526  6,940,9-47  16,392,187
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