Page 468 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 468

448                        MANUFACTURES
        S-Principales statistiques des manufactures de la Province, par groupes.
          S-Principal Statistics of the Manufactures of the Province, by Groups.

                                                   CoClt de.
                            Itt[lblis-  Em-  Salaires  Juo.tières  Valeur nette  Valeur bnltc
         Gnol1I'lIls o·ll'Iol1B'l'tl'K.  seroente  ployés  et Jl:[lgea  rn'om,Îèros  des produits  d"" produit.a
                -             -     -       -        -         -        -
          GROUP Oi' ISDu8TlUl<:S  Eatah-  EOl·  Salaries  Cost 01  Net valuo  Gr08ll viJue
                            Ushroc(Jt8 ployees  n(Jd "'''3as  IULLtcriü.ls  of produot.a  of produets
                              No.   Nu.     S         jJ,      li       S
      Ali", nta et boisson8-Food and
       b6\'cmges......................  2,(J96  41,4.06  82,OG6,Wl  630,447,2G7  226,814 ,667  767,8711,019
      T"hI'C ot produits du tsbae-To-
      Pr~d~W6!llllutO~~~~~e~~t:iLbb~~  42  8,3 3  18,827,160  Cl, 264 ,073  65,(161,347  117,2G2,440
       pl'Oduota................... , ...  23  6,086  14,968,889  18,400,998  22.408,1132  41,5405,119
      ProdlLits du ouir-L  tbor produeta.  39'1  17,104  27.522,8M  39,772,270  80,622,366
      Textile"  (vftteroellh  exo(!rct6s)-
       Textile products (exe pt  otlung)  382  ,16.002  9(j,193.845  223,204,872  178,051.210  408,773.561
      Vêtomunte (toxtil  et lourrure)-
       Clotltil~ ~extilo and lur) .......  1.726  65,796  116,871,769  210. !)99 ,240  IOIl, OGl, 671  417.865,202
      Produits u oia-Wood pl'oduetll ..  3.357  32, -143  54,616,819  113.139.835  96,na. fioa  211.·lûO.880
      Produi ts du pnpier-Pap r produots  178  31,144  89,158,7<H  217.%7,215  260. S03, U:l7  611,0(;9,763
      Improssion, édition et industries oon-
       ncxeo-Printing, publ.iebing and
       allj 1 industries................  1,026  1(),748  40.010,493  3ô,314,207  n.(HO,722  111,045,559
      Produitll du {or et de 1'aoiOI-Il'on
       and stool prodnots .............  544  35.572  89 ,606 .5:31  1I-l,G27,312  lOa, SS 1,333  284,918,367
      ltQuipomcnt de ..
       portntion efluiplllont............  103  23.677  Gl,514,672  81.!111<l.9!JI  72.375,261  167,531,140
      Prol'Iuit. do. métaux Ilon lon'eux-
       NOI)-forrous mota1 produote .....  161  14.080  ;)5,7-18.633  222,777 .032  III ,830 ,(HO  356.563,186
      AI~ar ilsr:t.rournitures(doetriC[u .-
        i lùctrical ol1pamtu8 anù 8ulJplic8.  81  J(J, ·130  42,276,707  61.580,301  71l. [,21 ,806  142,371,3[,3
      Produ.ita do. lIIiJUlraux lion Ulétulli-
       Cll\ea-Non-lIIotallio minoraI pred-
       lIut.8.....•.......•........•....  203  8,487  10,791,187  26,705,068  4.5,790,326  81,570,580
      Dérivé. dll pétrole ot du oharboo-
       Pl'oduol,. of potroloum [lnd 00[11 ..  12  3,168  9,370,201  145,260,550  50,298,500  206,297,281
      Produjts ohimi~es-CbenLiOllJ8and
       [liliod \lrodue .................  336  15,169  38,229.300  86, 4G3. 568  06,563,464  187,266,942
      Industriel' manufacturiôrCR r1ivursca
       -  IVIiaoelluoeous  manufl\oturinll
       ;oùustri08......................  317  7.671  14,176,3.-'3  10,026,2f\o1  26,811.496  40.430,015
             TOTAL ................  33,670 390,163  851,334,700 2,225,416,250 1,788,320,105 4,142,473,28Q
      Alilllonta at  boiS80llll-Food  nnd
       bevortlgea......................  2,602  42,077  93.940.971  610,084 ,307  248,149,4aG  870,082,103
      '['abao et produit. du tabao-Ta-
      P~~~~~sa~~,tc~~~~~ob~~'~~~~i:>b~~  38  7,800  20,280.634-  al,SOO,485  00,157,504  112 ,a07, 7<12
        products.......................  24  7.184  17.423.541  24 ,038,3(J3  28,7!l0,508  1)4,504 ,987
      Produitll du ouir-Leatber produet<!.  37G  16,505  28,328,6&1  M,123.288  41,7'70,858  96,455,777
      T"xtik,~  (vêtement<!  oxcorcté<t)-
        Textile produets (exc"pt 0 otJung)  410  40,853  103,729,626  253 ,393 ,29'l  185. HlO,OH  46CJ,O- 6,10[
      Vêtement<! (tcxtile  t fourrure)-
        Clothin~ (te.tile and lur) .......  1,700  69,356  123,04.2,916  233 ,449 ,860  215.995,017  461, 3B5, 84.0
      Produi",  u boi  Wood produota ..  3,'102  32,S09  69,54.4.72,\  139,150.070  10a,a60.1l'17  246,742.101
      Produits du p"pi r-Pllilor produote  184  32,010  107,805.668  276,156,670  :120,664 .707  635,187.114
      ImpreR8ion, édition et industrio. oon-
        liOxe.-rrintio~, publiehillll and
        a\lied industries................  1.004  16,088  44.160,737  41,525.a64  76,372,110  118.763,31l'1
      Produits du 101' ot do l'lloier-Iron.
      É and stecl produots .... , •.......  !jIi6.  H.897  117.810.838  i58, 102.712  ~ 10, 704,657  377.01l'I,686
       "quipernellt de  tmnepof~Tr"nll-
        portation equipment.•..........  lOG  31,OtO  SJJ, 105,600  110,943.048  105,6 0,217  ~~u ,069. 3:J7
      Produits des métaux non l "re\IX~  ,
        Non-fCl'rells metal pl'oduotll .....  158  Hi. ·101  48.754,139  286,375,900  127,395,511  4a9,300.036
      APJ?,,fournitu  é1ectriquOll-
        è:leetdOlll appul'atus Il.nd SUllplie•.  76  1 IB,Gll  62,751.108  78.932·,314  01,855,377  172.319,050
      Produits dos lninérl\ux 11011 m tl"l i-
        ClU  Non-metallie minorai p"od-
        \Il;                   283  Il,193  23.771,284  32,314.948  66,523,276  911 ,303 ,025
      Déri,,~'d'~ 'pétrol~ ~td~'~lii;~boo':"':'
        P"OOuets of petroleulll and ço"l. ,  13  3,3.~1  Il ,427,1;70  191,756,322  G4. ,077 ,110  2117,814,4.00
      Produ.i  c]ÜULiclu-C;homiOl1ls and
        alliOO produote.................  339  1 18.382  60,654,738  103,006,293  122,80!1,316  233,719,861
      Indu9tries IMnulaoturil1ros djverees
        -  MisaoUnueous  ll1anufnoturln~
        industries...••...... , .•........  :JllO  8,231  J7,000,203  :H,9S6,4IB  31,290,830  66 ,941i, 171
             TOTAL ...•............  11,861  417,182 1,005,601,680 2,596,638,646 2,083,933,751 4,816,lli7,41!t
   463   464   465   466   467   468   469   470   471   472   473