Page 469 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 469

MANUFACTURES                            449

         6-Principales statistiques des manufactures, cités de Montréal et Québec, par
                                       groupes, 1949.
         6-Principal Statlstlcs of Manufactures, Cities of Montreal and Quebec, by groups,
                         .                               Coat du
                                                        combu.tibl.  CoM det!
                                   f::tabli.-  Ii;m-  B"l"ires  et de  mlltièrllll  Voleur brut.
              GnotlPl1ls D'IN DU8'rrulil8  HOlllont.8  ploy/Sa  et ltRg••  l'élt>etriei~  premières  d.. produJ'"
                     -              -     -       -       -        -        -
              GROUPS 0)1' INDUBTRI118  E9l<\b-  Em-  S,,1nrie.  Coet 01  Coet of  OrOM valu.
                                  li.hment.! ployeee  and wnge.  fuel nnd  rnalerlnltl  01 prorluata
                                    No.   No.     S        S        s       S
         Alimcoh et boi&lon_Food and be\'or-
          Alt·"·····,························ .  3117  20.843  46,100.060  4,772,237 277,159,OH 102,310,231
         Tabao r-t produit.• <Ill tabac-Tobaooo
          "od tllbBOCO produ"t•...............  211  0.033  13.317,003  200,084  41,196,700  70,982,066
         Produit. ÙU osoutehoue--Rubber PJ'Od-
          ueU!            '"     .    8   1,7!i:J  4.084 .:120  262,203  4,113,608  0,078,702
         Produitll du cuir-Leather Pl'Odllct•....  203  1O,6S1  17,930,130  2M,85:3  27,106,036  <YI ,501 ,668
         TextUce ct tiMu, (vêlement non eompris)
          -Textil. produeta (exc"pt eloü'ing) ..  241  24,728,017  1,210,211  40,901,070  85,264,266
         VHemcnt (t,..". ot fourrurtl)-elotbiJl~
          (tuxWe and fllr).. . . . . . . . . .  '.'  .  1..1<11  H,077  81,010,710  853,78.0 '167.817,0.10 303.923.782
         Produite du boi.-Wood produets  i  ~'I:j  ",800  11,830,010  402, SOI! 17,O.'iG ,02:'1  37.783,768
         ProrllliL. du papier-Paper produela  .  70  ",302  12,121,1>33  HS,ont 1 10,412,040  36,530,708
         Impretleion, ~dit'ion et. r"étier connexes-
          Printinll. Pulliahing and Ailied prod.  6lH  12,075  30.109,067  496, fil/3  27, 11il, 334.  82,8M,1l1l1
         Dérivés du (or ot de ('"cie  Iron and
          steel produets         .   2113  14.673  34,,389.7Ml  2,170,ll!i6  44,280,901  110,777,294
         I1:Quipoment de tmnsport--Tr''''.I)Orlr
          n.tion équipment       .    36  19,BI6  50,049,833  2,186.556  74,072,043 131l,700,251
         DérivéA df'J:l. rn6t.Mlx non-fcTraux-Non-
          Ccrroul! metnl producttt  .  100  4.024  8,003,925  200,820  17 ,6BQ ,107  81,876,117
         Appareils et (ollmitllr.  éiectriquOll-
          Eleotrica] appariltu. and .uppli  .  63  33 A30.1I1l3  1;,,8,740  311,110,386  08,389,052
         Dérivés dea m(,tallo1des-NoH-llle llio
          mioeral products       .    07  2.847  (l,275,OM  l,or.z, 177  7 .2:i~,4HlI  23,443,764
         Produit. chimiqllOA-ehornieal produota.  200  7,918  17.n7ti,IlS7  737,2W  30.liI18,I8.Q  80,308,400
         Diverees  industrie.  manu!aotllrière&-
          Miscellanoou8  mnnu(aoturing iDdus-
          trics                  .   201  3,OU7  0,060,139  264,0311  9.023,072  20,283,905
              'rOO'AC •.•.•••.•..•. ,. .•• • •• •  4,136  184,719  399,943,526  18,4.87,414  847,444,669 1.596,713,6&4
                                    No.   No.     5        S       S        S
                                      80  2,3011  3,777,708  3\17,233  21 .04~ .21l5  30,672.601
                                      4   1,178  2.1:12,877  /j~,u12  7, 711!i,~OO  13.459,4B:~
                                      '17  3,'112  5,01:3,220  121.027  10,172 ,890  17,078,840
                                      7          30,750    1.12:3  67,700  130,&8.!l
                                      5·t  2,7011  3,533,001  85,103  6,IM.,004  12.180,525
                                      40   75i>  1,235,433  50,898  1,056,400  4,070,1151
                                          1,:10:3  2,427,132  65,070  2.617,470  7,21& .886
                                           717  1,341,1105  70,0';7  2,211l,78G  ",429,880
                                            25   40,290    2,&18   41,076  J10,0112
                                      LI   142   242,178  Ill,187  306,821.l  702,970
                                      24   279   502,4&0  5) 10·I;j  2.061,(;31  :l ,:Uif>,624
                                           05    122,342  12,302   70,1B.1  309,562
                                         2.127  5.913.187  2.308,221  12,068,220  26,761,611
              TOTAl, .. , •••••••••••...  427  16,130  21>,412,266  J,J50,028  67,141,900  121,416,191

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