Page 434 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 434

4H                          (<'ÙURRURES-FUR

        L'industl'i  de la confeotion des fourrures  The Fur Goo la Industry appel1l's among
      figure panni 1  4.() industd s prillcipalos do la  tlJe forty IelUling industrios of the Pl'Ovinc
      provine do Québec.  En 1051, cette Înùllstri
                                           of Quebec.  lu 1051, tbat industl'Y pl'ovided
      a procuré du travail à 3,120 p(JrsonnùS; elle
                                           work ta 3,12{) pOL. ns and had a gross produc-
      accus.'tit  Un(l production  bru li0  éVl11uoo à
      532,Ot4,600.                         ti n vaillecl at $32,014,600.
      lO-Procluction de l'industrie de la confection des fourrures, dans la province de
                                  Québec, 1942-51.
       IO-Procluction of the Fur Goode Inclustry, in the Province of Quebec, 1942-51.

                PRODUITS             1042     111'13           1946     104U

                                      S                S        li       Il
      Pnletots po'" hommC8••...........•.......  114,605  17!. H9  202,100  250,397  376.817
      Manteaul, bolerOfl, vestons pour femme/!.....  10,151.7 1  Il, (JZ9, 390  12,513,606  lU, 294,611  18.870.H2
      M.nte6u~ pOur enfants., .....•..•.......•.  5,073  7,627  12,375  13,16  17. J13
      ~~wr~~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  30,3a7  22,2.j9  63,2 1  6G,2H  94.406
                                                      214 ,518
      Echo.rpos, tnurs-dc-oou .....•........•......  712.502  1,088,395  1,176,108  1.2611 ,000  81l5.752
                                     3<>2. M5
                                              2 9,28<1
      MlL.DchoTls..•.•...........•...••••.••.....  311.779  375,noO  422,766  377,5:j1  149.273
      Gants                      .    1.360    3,232    1,nOIl  71l,803  62,908
      Rohe•............................•. _  .  68  2.552  2,608  1.536  1.326
      CllSQues                   .   103,277  108.757  120,128  12 ,402  191. 377
      TnlUea do fOUrrlU'Cll      .   MI.486   017. JIll  545,638  1.001,5<12  1.242,2:16
      l'caux llpprOt~ee  , ........•.......  ] .3B3.468  1.858.623  1.675,\JUO  1.067.311  1,800.234
      :MoQuott       "           ,   ~44,914  406.071  549, 10  956,705  1,147,875
      Autres produits            .    00.8:J3  67,711$  61,300  66 .10r,  11)0,289
      Trù.vLLiisur n1eBurC I rêpo.rütiOll.8 et cntrnpos:nae  1.825,577  1.3,)3,386  2,237,237  1.987.611  2.163,629
           '1'OT~L••.•..•••.•••. , ••••••••.••.  15,620,.295  18,909,523  19,873,547  23,863,379  27,630,349
                l'ltODUCTB           1947     1948     1949             19;;1
                                      1                •        •        S
      Meo·e OOtLt.& ••.•.•..•.••••••••••.•••••••••  382,483  347,466  100,330  50,681  120.306
      Wo,"",,'. coat., bolero•. and jc.cket•.........  20.530,41~  23,666 ,000  21.967,040  22,433,584  23,216.898
      Childron'. eoats  .             18,37:1  24.104  12,328   12,766   10,840
      Cape•..............................• , ....  124,600  461.580  672.57'1  J. L96,406  517.370
      CuIT•..............................•....  7.307  1.466  1,241  L,765  5,747
      Collars                   ..   4'l3.670  417.aHI  276,337  321.138  301,062
      SC'.urv08 t other neck \\' u .....••........•....  306.042  308.635  290.303  204.IH  ZoO. lm;
      MuffB                      .   62,6~0   :J3.344  23,768   28,088   8,624
      CIOVCB ••..•••..•.•••.......• , .•..•.......  29.100  4,125  2,689  (1)  2,705
      ftobes       , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..  4.0 Il  607
      Caps .. " .. ,   , ..........•....  163,004  85.814 .....S9;663' ... "8Ô;633' ....iOO;2Si'
                                                                       1. 753,380
      ~~{n~rà'::~~.·.·.·"~:~ ::~ ~::~ ~ ::::::::::::::  1,844,446  1,210,334  1,390,475  1,627,718  2.012.294
      PII,tell .......•..•...... , ...•. ,  ,., ..•  986,696  1,299.,100  852,038  1,076,887  824,(;46
      Other prod\lot,         .      245,548  223,912  101 ,MO  283.704  86,358
      Custom work, repuira and at.orago.••...  2,431.139  2,938,5110  2,M9.030  2,(;78,018  2.782.838
             TOTAL..•••..••.•..••••.•.  28,476,537  32,949,451  29,750,&37  31,4&4,405  32,014,690
       (1) Compris ÙQM .. Autres produits".  0)  hll~ludnll with ~'Oth.'r pro(111l"~".:".
       SOllree: ["duclric dB la con/tc/oon du /0 ur",,,., Ottawa.  SOUtco; Fur G'ooau !mlu8{,.y, Ottnwa..
   429   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439