Page 432 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 432

412                         FOURRURES-FUR
             3-FERMES À FOURRURE                      3-FUR FARMS
       L'éJnvl1ge des animaux f1. fourrure est po-  The br  ding of fur-bearing animal  is a
      pulaire ù. travers tout le Cannda.  Cepen-  popular underbtking t.llToughout  Canada.
                                          11oll'evor, wiLiliu the pa,'!' foll' y 111'8, mink
     dant, depuis quelqu'années, l'élevage du
                                           f:1l'ming  has  beaa  mn kin' steae!y  gainR
     vison prond nrttement le pas sur celui du
                                           agflin. L fox ranching.  From 10SL to 1952
     renarÙ.  De 1951 il. 1952, le nombre de..
                                           the nu mber of  foxe~ dec)' l\Sed by  more
     renards Il. bai". é do plus do la moitié, soit
                                           than half, thl\t ie,  ft'UIn 13,230 to  6,~28,
     de 13,230 fi 6,528, comparativement il. 59,891  compllred to 50,891 mink in 19~2.  Apllrt
     vi OIl!' en 1952.  Les e. pilees élevé ", outr  from mink and fox, oLliel' sp 'cies l'('ared l'Ire
     le renard et le viRon, sont ln. martre, le mton  mo.rlen, rn.ccoon !tnd chincllilh1, with  the
     lav Lit' et le chinchilla dont, l'élevage devient  brcecling of the latter L,,~(lming incroasingly
     de plu' en pIns populaire.            popllhw.
       A la fm de 1951, on comptait :'1 9 établisse-  At, the end of t,he yen,r 1951, ther  were
     ments d'élovago dans la Pl'o\,illc  dont 2'2:7  380 fur farme in th  Pr'O\'ince, of which 227
     l'enal'dièr s. Le llombr cl s m:ploitatioTlR dans  w ra fox fm'mR. Th numlJ' ·offa)'lXIsthr:ough·
     l'ensemble des provinces s'élevait il. 3,402 en  out CanOOn. was 3,492 in 1950 comparee! ta
     1950 contre 3,072 en lü51.            3,072 in 1051.

                 5-Fermes il fourrure au Canada, par provinces, 1949-51.
                    S--Fur Farals in Canada, by Provinces, 1949-51.

                               Nombre ù'6tablÎ.s8cmcDta    Animl'UX oaptife
           PROVINCES          Nutnbet of &tabli8111n<>l118  Animal. on Fo.rffia
                            1919     H),~O   1951     1049     1950     1051
      Jlo..du-P.-11:.... P E. r.IM'ù ...  179  127  88  $  158.108  146.908  S  102,000
      N.-l!:coe80 ..... N. Soo~i" .... ' .  103  130  110  15'1,987  • 184 .051  105.000
      N.-'RrmUlwiol< ..... .......  136  105   Or.    100.319  125,469  149.000
     QU('b ,...... . . . . . . . . . . . ....  718  561  389  1,179,718  1,300.429  1.044.0110
     Ontario... , . .................  1,101  9-2  903  2,540.036  2,977,791  3.20ll,OOO
      Manitoba ....................  flOn  489  4(;7  1,236,157  l,ll86,lH  1.646.000
     Saskatchewan ................  253  203  ISO     510,402  664,4&1  Goll,OOO
      Alborta ... " ....     ll57    (\QI     519    1,576.938  1,078.98\l  1,768.000
      Col.-Drit. .....n  Colum'bi" ...  330  324  :\21  l.277.060  1.47:\.988  I.MI.OaO
           TOTAL ••.•.•••••.•••  4,049  3,492  3,072  8,743,226  10,444,286  10,186,000
        6-Anialaux à fourrure nés sur les fermes il fourrure, province d .. Québec.
            6--Fur-Bearinll' Animais Born on Fur Farms, Province of Quebec.

           VARŒTts-xrNDS                      1948   1949   1950  19G1   Hl52
                                1\)35-39  104ü-44
      Renard:       Fox:
       argent<\•. " ... , .....  ailver.........  53,728  47 .;~20  24.8ll0  lU ,5:-i2  13,420
       orol.é...............  croSEI•••..•.•.  1.032  ;mn  139  .1\  19
       roux...... , ... , .....  red ...........  621  3~6  83  10  20
       blcu......... , ..•...  blllc..........   20     4
       plnt.luo.•. , ..• ,.' ••..  p}atlnum ...•. .........  7.095  3.991  "'Uii'  13.230  ô,ii2~
       platine perlé, ..... , ..  .. , ......   391    388   251
       de Ulutnt.ion .........  ~~~tf~~t.i~~~.........  62  ft  9
       IIlnnc blaoohe.....  white facc. ... .... ....  4.6ll3  2.851  1,173
       blano.........•.....  white......... .........  a       2
      Virton:       Mink:
       8w·ndnrd............  standn.rd.....  1)\3,543  25,:10,-.  47.361  48.661  44,121
       bleu argent<\...... , ..  silvol' blue ...  6.185  6.958  6.942  { f>().782  59,8Ql
       d mutation.... , ....  mutation .... :  3.960  4.000  6.175
      P6knn............. , .. Fi.her..........  'ai ,... 'ioo' .. ....3S·  ....... , .
      Putoi" ....... , •...... Fitch...........  304 M(~rtcn.........  .... 'iiJ'  a  .. "2'  2
      MyOlJoLlLTOe.......•.•. Nutria.. , .•.....  21    7        ..... '25'
      Ratnn Inveur.......... &oooon........  85  115   11     30           2'\
      Cbiochil.Ià............. Cbiochillà ......  478  382   435    '101   900
             1~OTA"' •..•••..•.•••••.  68,959  76,469  94,387  87,796  74,657  73,440  67,354
       (I) Co Ilombre comprend dos pul<lis et de. ratOI1:l  (1) Tba~ numb r lnclud e lorne fitehes IInd sorne
      lo.veurs.                            raccooOB.
       Sourcc: p'ormea d FotJ.l'Tu," du Canada, Ottawo.  Source: Pu, Pa..".. of Canada. 0 tla",!.
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