Page 439 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 439

               os p 'cherios compr nnent d s pi'cheries  Quebec f1sh ries illCluùc sea fishedes and
            mariLimc  t cles p6ch ries intéri ures.  inJand fisheries.
             Les pêcheri s maritime son  d  beaucoup  S  fish ries are by far the moro important
           les plus imporLant.o.  EU s comprennenL prin-  part of tho industry and mo.inly consist in the
           cipalement los opérations de la p ninsulo do  operations in the Gaspo Pcninsula., Saguenay
           Ga pé, du COI té cl Saguonay (Côt Nord) E't
           des Il -cl la-Madeleine. Plus df' lu moitié  cOlmty (Kortli Shore) and the Magdalen
           du poisson do mer vendu  t cl la mol'U . Le  Islltnd.  C cl r prosents more than the balf
             aqu('l'CSU, 1 homnrù, le haroog, 1 saumon, or tho  pooi s sold.  The macker l, lobster,
           l' perla,1l  t !'anguill(' font anssi l'objet d'une  !Joning, salmon, smolts Md 00113 catches are
           pt 'ho indu triol!o.                 !tlso of considerable markot value.

                     14-Valeur totale des pêcheries au Canada, p r provinces.
                   14-Total Value of Fisheries in the Various Provinces of Canada,
                            NOll\'olle-  :-iOU"ClLll-       Colombie-  Ml\nitobl\,
            ANNrtU;S  110 cl u p.-'GJ.'  Euostlc  nl'UnS\\ ick  Britannique  8B1lkntcito-
                                             Qu6bec  Ontario          WfLn,  Cl1nndo
             \'EAR.S  P. E. 1.  l\"ovu.  N(·w               ,,~rlii8h  Albcrl.n,
                             Scotill  ilrunswiok      , .            Yukon
           Moy.-Avo.  •       •                                        •       •
             1900-(»..  1.034.779  7.665. 31  4,146.(;81  2,037.220  1,471.090  6,014,577  1,21'1,1:30 23.174,308
             190.3-09..  J .247.347  7.956.305  4,SOG.008  1.0 3,279  1.931,3177.951.256  1.301,498 27,267,730
             1910-14..  1.254,424  S,579,73:1  4,500,621)  l ,S64. HZ  2,500.882 12,540,4.66  1, 252,095 32. 40S ,97l
             1915-19..  1.3'10,843 12,808.611  5,56:1.131  3,463,!l12  3,000,491 20,655,0IS  l, !l8,262 48,829.871
             1020-24..  1.440.521  0,001,217  4,5<16.495  2. J76, 161  3, J05,81S  19,437,194  1,827.720 42.614,635
             1025-29..  1,363,733  II ,322 ,li64  5,003.603  2.964,457  3,041,746 24,633.212  3.379, 58 52,309.173
           l'.)30  .  1• HI .2i 0 10 ,'III ,202  4, r;3,57L  2,002,008  3.2\H,U21l 23.103,302  2,491.231 17,804,216
           1931.  .  1.07 ,901  7.00.711  4,169,811  1,052,89·1  2,477,1~1 11,10 ,873  1,742,OSli 30,5J7.306
           1\J32  ..  988,010  G. 57,013  2,297,268  I,SI5,5<14  2,1017,000  9,900.110  1,564.915 25,957,109
           J033  .    842.345  0.010,601  3,000,015  2,128,411  2,0  ,S42 12,001,471  1,424,171 27,196,0'16
           1034   .   063.925  7.673.865  3,679,!I,O  2,306,517  2.218,550 15.2:14,:135  1.045,160 31,022,323
           1035   .   . !l9,6 fi  7, 52,SUO  3.D·IO.CHi  1.047.250  2,852,007 15.169,520  1,75tl. 60 34,4.27. S54
           1\J36  .   O.]? ,0211  S, 905 ,268  4 ,399,736  2,IOS.4114  3,200.422 17,231.534  2,3;;7,063 30,165.065
           1037   .   70,2911  0,229,834  1,447,6S~  1,892.036  3.015,6GB IU.IM,43!)  2.705,:132 3 .076.29·1
           103   ..   930,874  S,804 .~31  3.006,061  1. 907,279  3,853,775 18.672,7liO  2.778,003 40,492,97tl
           1039   .   91i0,412  ~,703,5'18  6.082,303  2,010,OJ~  3,OlO,25Z 17.098,980  :'UOg.375  40.075,9~2
           10'10  .   71'1. 70  0,&13,450  '1,065,6IR  2,002,053  3,03.5,100 21.710,167  2,847,623 45.118,887
           10H   ..   on2,026 12,03UIr.7  6,4 1,831  3,842,lHI  '1.;';18.,102 3J,132,037  4,004.70:\ M ,258, 997
           1942   .  1,030,530 J5,207,4:1  7,132,420  .1. 1g.1, 002  .1,135.205 8 .050.559  4,658,030 7.5,116,033
           IO'I~  .  2,800,9'16 21.084,435 11.12R,/l61  5.tl32.eOO  n,202,~613 32,478,632  0.1116.500  ,594.544
           1041.,  .  2,50 ,075 2:1,OH.055 11,00 ,tlOl!  5.361,567  4.938.193 34,000,000  •. \J07 .036 SO,430,MB
           1945   .  3,076,811 30,700,900 13,270,376  7,907,692  7. 2Ul, 661 44, 63t,858  7.11;';,802113,871,100
           10·10  .  4,470,S77 3·1,270,701  16,4tO.983  7,027,022  6,20U,058 43.817,147  7,022,284121.124,732
           Hl47   .  2.897,800 26,658.000 17,131.100  5,317.000  5,403.700 68,596,300  7,895,300 123,900,200
           1945......•  3,034,400 36,168, tOO 20,122,400  5,042,700  0,393.600 6S,703,800  8,861,200 139, 826,200
           1940   .  2,7(» ,4.00 35,030,800 17,428.200  5,752,200  6,184,000 56.466,300  8,741.600  1 132,300,500
           ~50    .  3,320,;;00 88,121.000 18,0&3,200  6.496,300  7,033,600 68.821,400  Il, 210,8001152, 002,800
            Sourco: Sloli"'qu,. d•• plcheri.., Oitl\\Yo.  Source: Fi.  i., Slal"I'u, OtI.nWll.
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