Page 416 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 416


     396                              MINES
      9-Production des minéraux induatrieh, par principales  aubBtancea, province
                                    de Québec.
      9-Productlon of Induatrlal Minerala, by Leading Subltlllncea, Province of Quebec.

                   Chaux            Cnlonlro  ~uarll
        ANNtr;:8  induslriolle     indust.riel  ln uSlr(ol  Tourbe    Feldspath
          -         -     Dolomlto   -        -        -      Pyrite    -
        YEAfl.S   Induslrl•.!      Industriel  Indu...iel  Poet        F·old.p~
                   lima            IÎmcst.ono  qUluta
                   "000     "000    "000     1'000    "000     1'000   1'000
      M~~:it3V9o"...•.•  706  682    [63      336       14      IBO      74
       19~0·41 .......  2,017  l, 106  377    500      22~     192      140
      10H............  1. 9-\9  1.270  773    626      3gB      446     2~7
      1046. _.......•..  1,863  1.226  887    612      601      37.'i   3~1
      1!H7........ _, ..  2.35-1  1,2119  1,017  6i10  303      187     321
      1048.......... , .  a,OA&  1,721  1,136  767     434      263     4115
     1040... _........  2,&33  1,530  1.188   380      446      3·19    389
     1950............  3,12fl  1, 718  1, 104.  409    SIlO     628     379
     1951. ...........  3,937  2.438  1.221   680      437      BII5    425
     1952........ __ "  3.426  2,715  1,153   584      406  .....  ....  203
                   !.onnes          t.onnu.!l  tonnes  tonnes  too.nes  tonnoe
                   !.ono             !.on.    tonD    tOD'     1008     lona
       Z~)::I!i :Hl. ......  1~r.,4·10  135,a90  80.350  360   62,B27   7,736
       194()·44 ......  309':>09  ............  279,005  182,135  11 .576  25B,358  1~,922
      104lJ ..     2811.352  ..........  400.231  Ig5,8.~7  IB,561  218,638  26,389
      1941)............  251.01,';  412,914  214,076  26,382  Illd ,202  20,768
      19~7. ...........  295,985  ' ..........  394,021  226,050  21. 292  105,271  29,116
      104B............  838.701  . .... .......  524.1382  331.055  24,622  115,205  42,800
      1049............  274,006     520,000  165.702  21,168  186,072   81, 848
      11150........... '1  :135.848  ...... ...  41\1,471  IB2,727  17,873  200,879  29,788
      10.51 ............  405.109  ............  471,OB7  220.698  21. 657  335.000  28,000
      1052............  35,';,H02  ............  409.B12  1811.~G  10,600  16,645
        ANN~ES    Stélltilo  Oor.  I~,lU minérale              Merna
          -         -        -        -       MICIl   Keolln    -     Phosphale
         YlDAUS   80ep~tane  0"],1'.  IVlincrul w'lLler        Merl

                   "000     1'000    "000    1'000    "000     $'000    "000
       1u3,j-a~).•..••.  36  74       lB       92   .......Ji....  16     2
       IO·IO-,H.......  141  130      lié     239                10       1~
      1945............  154  124      126     121        4       3
      1041)............  150  1.6     1~2     109        6       ,5
      1~47 ............  123  268     117      121  ............  10  ....... ..
      1\148...........  14&  104      110      174  ............  13  . .. '(1)"
      IIJ49...........  1110  165     146      71   ............  28
      19,';0............  181  263    158      00   ............  20     357
      1951 ............  12;1  262    147      12(;  ............  17
      19.2......•..  131     105      Hi(!     80                2(;
                   tonn..   t.onO.8ft                 tOQnCf:I  tonnes  tonnes
                                    Jl:'i,Hon~  000 lb.
                    ton      tona                      tons    tona     ton!
       1935.3Il., ...•• ............  6,473  144,129  737      30.196     221
       1040-44....... ............  8.760  131,420  2,09\1  185  25,648  1,061
      1946....... , •.••  14,225  0,407  230,476  2,667  446    7. 71~    291
      1946.........  14.014  12,2118  211.1H2  2,:198    ~21   12,470      57
      Il).17............  13.270  13,360  li/5.252  3.272       \0,291
      1048............  14.4711  12,OU5  lUO, 139  4.27,';  ............  13.0f>O
      1040...       13, ~"22  10.873  301 ,216  1. OH  ............  27,928  20
      1950............  17,2(10  13.696  316,6M  2.263 ...........  26.144  23
      1951. ........  Il. 1-1  13,342  :122,800  8,329  ............  17.031  ...........
      1052.         12.578  11.4 7  300.125    1, 170          25.U92
       (1) Moi r•• do 8500.                  (1) Les! lhan 1500.
   411   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421