Page 412 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 412

392                              MINES

                 4-Production tninét'ale de la province de Québec, 1952.
                 4-Mineral Production of the Province of Quebec, 1952.
                                      Em-   &
                                      ployé.  et Itngcs  Quantité  Vo.leur-Vnluo
               SUBSTANCES (1)          (2)    (2)
                                      Ern·   Soinrillll  Qunntity
                                     ploye...  nod Wngea       1052     1051
            M~TALLTQUII:&-MICTALLICB  No.     li                S        &
     Cui 'e, lb,.,  "  .  COI'P.T, lb  .  4,894  15,167.010 137,601,702  30,207,212  38,161. 738
     Or, onCC9••••.•.•••.•••  Cold, ng  .  5,005  15,216,506  1,113.035 2)38.143,709 2)31l,342,3/iO
     Zin', )b, .. ,  ,.,  7,;',,,, lb.,  ,"  2,080  0.OM,7ô7 1811,707,061  3:1,138,507  3'I.372,431l
     Argont, oncr9  .  SUvor, oz. , "  .             4.53(\,1IlO  :1,788.62(\  3, U28. 078
     Plumb. lb      .  Loatl, lb   ,.               21.039,850  :l,406,353  2.854.323
     For (ILngols) tonne•.. , , ,  Iron (Ingo"') ton•.....  20;)3  i :005:402  :12,422  1,815,007  717,142
     .Mol~'bdénite, Il>  .  Mulybdonito, lb  , .  III  262,001  006,064  409 .8:11  228,05
     Selenium, lb. ,  , , ..  5elonium, lb  , ..       78.8:10  256,1!l8  &36.463
     Bi.muth. lb  , , , ..  BieJtlu~h, lb  .           20.127   27,171  ,';Il. 232
     Fer tituné, tonne•......  TitonHerau8 iron, too~  810  '2:204.:302.  &1  4UD  Il,790
     Chromo       .   Chrome  .          1       gO
     Cob,"~, ,.,  .   Cobalt,  ,    .    '1   13,000
     Nick~J.  ,  .    Nickel.      .    41    66,131
     Uranium    .     Uranium  ,   .     Il   12.787
     Eotropt ~tIl.~ur!'l en forLL~ù  üinJnond drillin~ con·
       uu diamnnt   .   tractor5  .    657  1.967.187
     Trnvnu:t a-tatut.nires eur  AMJCS81J'ient  work  OD
       cLnih...,    .   claira  .      578  1,430,009
            TOT~L.                   14,549  «,199,042       120,283,131  120,257,513
         NON·'''''''''AI.,.IQUltS- NON-MET ALLIe.

     Amin.nte, tOO.lle8  .  A.bostee. tons  .  6,IIlG  22, 2g1 ,200  900,223  85.248,008  77.627.863
     ChlLux indul:ttrioHe, tonn ft  Induatri.llino, tcIUS .. ,  314  873.848  355,(\02  3,426.334  3.037,397
     Dolomie,ique.  Mnllne.itio  dololuil.o,
       brucite ot mfillné.ium ..  brucito. and\.A:llO"
                        siunl.     .         62              2,716,260  2,437,773
     Soufre (3l  .    S~!lph!-,r (3)  .     1, y:m ... 222;83,j'  1. 667.953  81l5.253
     Titrme, tûnoe~  ,  11t.a.mum. t.OntJ  .  ,...........  30,805  1,238,103  738,577
     Cu.lcl1iro indust.riel, tonnea  l "dustrinl  Iim••oon.
                        ten•. , ....                  409,812  1,1.53.226  1,220,OG7
     Quart. ot .abl. industriol,  Qunrt. nnd indu8tr;nl
       l.onnp8....•..........  .and, ton...........  H)3  4(\1.012  189,856  ,-'83 .044  579.033
     Tourbe. tonnes  .  Peat, tons,....... . . ..  321  270.452  1{1. GO!)  405.862  437,033
     FeldsPfith. tonnos  .  l'eld8par, t.ons.. . . . . . .  82  151 .05.1  16.615  293.007  425.370
     001.,.,. fit oxhle d. f",·.  Ocbrc ILnd iron oxide.
       tannCtl. .•....•.....•.  tOM...... ... .. ....  46  93,.122  11.487  1!14,022  262,217
      fiU minérale. guI.  .  Mineral w"ter, ~(,1.. . .  JO  Iii. 233  309.12[,  105,593  140,021
     StéMite. talc, tonnes  .  SOOI tone, t"le, wn.. .  28  67.502  12.078  130,001  123,084
     Micn, lb      ".  Mic·..,lb..... ,.......  6.5  46.000  l, 17U. 181  70.544  126,75:1
     IIIo.rne, tonDe•..... ,  .  l'vlnrl. ton•..... , . . . . .  18  27 ,629  25,9!l2  2.~. 002  17.031
     Arsenio, lb.........•...  Ar <mir:, lb.... .•.....  .  110,070  5.300  35,02\1
     Phoepbate..... , ....•...  Ph  phn[·" ...... ".  1  1.800
     Bllrytc..  Il  •••••••••••••  BlLl·YW ... ,..  2  100
     'Pé~role  , .......• , .  l)o~r 1 mn  ".  42  J10,071\
     Gmphite  '" .    Grnphi~  " . .. ..  9    7, 162
                                     ---1-----1-----1-------- ~----
            TOTAL.,     _.,., .•....  7,849  26,046,522 .. ,. ...•. ...  97,2J1,834  89,010,161
              B fJLOINQ M A'l'I;nIAJ.,8
     Cimont, burill'j  .  CIl'l 'ut. br!. ... , .....  7-16  2.738,441l  7,272,2-11  J8.A:JA.'li>S  IG,O:~~ .377
     Sable uL R"!l-vier, tonn s..  Sand ur.ld grav 1. tons.  4.309  3,000,024.  32.000,010  12.744 .6:10  10,610,701
     Pierre calcaire do oons-  J:Illildill(l  J..imcstone,
       truction, tonnes  .  t na, •. "  .  1,'123  :l, 207.347  6.m8.17.1  ,817.186  7,689.181
     Prodllite d'argile:  "l"y pTodllcta:
       Briques, M   .   Bri ks, M.... ,_  .  917  2.3H,178~  136,2 0  -1,937,021  5,217.532
       Alltres produiL•.......  Other proelllet8,  .          l,7nü,4l)!i  11 r,!)ft, 777
     Granit. tonnes  ,  CrA,Hill', tons... "  .  836  1.R85,08~  i ;230;032'  4,870.257  3. Hl. 177
     ClIaux de uonetructiol1.
       ton.oea.........•.....  nuildin~ lime, t.on" , ..  ~0.1;42  008,lg7  041.!i01
     Brique8 '1 1\-1-  Saurl-lillle bricks. M  .  '86X~'  Il,508  282.119R  422.!l21
     Grès, tonD08   ,  Sandston ,ton .. ,  .  102,061  1().1, ô 16  246, 1110  !i07,000
     t.1n-rbr . tormes  .  Marble. tOM  .    101,gOO   12, 63  165 .050  1<l·1.908
     Ardoleo et "uhieu>, tonnes  Slllte aod sh"lo, tous..  1, 104  2.,111  Z,g·17
            TOTAL.... " ..            8,412  11,924,023  .........."1 61,222,585  46,664,148
            OnANO ·ro'rAL..•............... , . , ..  30,810  84,169,687  . . . . . . . . . . .. 270,739,552  255,911,822
       (1) Gla.Bée8 d'nprès l'ilnpOrt.ànc  d  la valour de 1&  (1) CllI8llified  ùU 'ordinll to tho iml,,,rlu''',o uf the
     prod\1ctiorl.                        v(L.iue of production.
       (2) Valour on fonda canadiolls.  Ln valeur (,,, rondR  (2) Vu)uo in  lllludille funde.  Th valu" at the et.ànd-
     d'or est ùe $23,008,175 en 10&2 el do 22.069,973 en l!lol.  nTd rate is $2:1,008,4'75 for 1962 and $22,069,1173 for 11151.
       (3) Sourre daDs la pyrite expédiéo et 80ufro eX~l"Ilit  (3) Sulphlll' in l'yril.e 8bipped nnd .ull,hur .xtractcl!
     de conoentrés do ~iuo, dUM 10 Québoo.  from zinc COf)Colltrulcs. in QllUbeC.
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