Page 404 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 404

384                         FOR1tTS~FORESTS

              4-INDUSTRIE DU BOIS                  4-LUMBER INDUSTRY

       L'industrie du boi , dont il est qu('~l,io'n ICI,  The lumbel' industry, with wnich tilla sec-
     comprr-nd non seulement la production de bois  tion ia cOQCI;'nwd, inolndos Dot ollly the produc-
      d'œuvro de toutes dimensions, mais aussi la  tion of lumber of ail dim 'USiOll~ but aiso that
      production de blu'd '[IUX, la,ttes, traverses de
      voie ferrée, hoi" 11, fu  'U,UX, planchottœ pour  of shingles. lath, sawn tics, spoolwood, box
                                           ahooks, stiJ.yèH and heading, and the cutting-up
      boItes, douves et fonds, et le débitage 011 ['OOOI'-
      cago du bois à pul))G.               or ro~sing of pulpwood.
       En' 1950, on comptait d(~ns la province de  In tb0 Province of Quebec in 19.'jQ there
     Québec 1,965 sciories actives qui procuraient  were 1,965 l'egull1rly operated sawmills, wb.ich
     du travail à 7/j.<19 cmployés il. ~u.ges et à  provided emploYlIlBut for 7,940 wor1aneu on
      2,408 employo,; il, sala,irc; le montant des gages  wages and 2,408 ,w.1uried elOployoos. '''ages
      payés s'élevait li $11,990,302 et celui des amounted ta $11,990,302 and salari('.B
     salai.res, ~, $2,191,.512.            ta $2,191,512.

           23-Principales statistiques de l'industrie du bois, par provinces, 1950.
            23~Princip,,1 Statistics of the Lurnber Industry, by Provinces, 1950.

                 Scieries                    Coo,bu8-  Coat de.  Valeur  Valeur
                 faisant  Capitaux  Ern-  S•.lairca  tible ct  matièrce  brute des  nette de.
                 rapport  eagag  ployé.  ot gage.  61ectricité  prem.iôree  produits  produit.
      PROVINCES   -      -     -       -       -       -        -        -
                 Mm.   Capital  Em..  Salariee  Fuel   Coat    Gr088    Nel
                 Report-  rnvestod  ployeoa  n'od Wuges  and-  of  VoJue 01  Value of
                  lng                       Electricity  Material.  Production  Produotion
                                                        •                $
                  No.          No.     S
      T.-Ne\lve--NlId.  696     947   669,731  58,975  1,150,570  2.430,089  1,220,0440
      I.-P E.-P.E.I.  8a        154.  110,280  13,124  311,120  632,758  308,5140
      N.- f··coase-N.S.  000   3,111  3,597,102  218,445  8.707,058  16.772,588  6,IH7,085
      N.-Brunswick ..  454     3,216  4,380,9040  103,100  10,511,572  111.774,001  Il ,069 233
      Québeo.........  1,065  10,357  14,181, H  733,540  43,083,758  73,571 ,302  28 ,854 ,()(H
      Ontario........  1,385   0,040  15,163,263  735,803  35,700,238  68.488,612  32,043,511
      Mauiwba ......  167       574   792,935  56,044  1.227,499  3,351,875  2,068,332
      S...kntehow..n ..  274    733   804,884  66,444  1,3\)6,405  3,6<\1,075  2,170,2·26
      Alberta ...... ,.  607   2,851  4,101,4114  431,870  7,378,338  16,005,403  8,195,195
      Col.-Brit.-B. C.  1.4G2  27,704  67,007,895 2,887,170 141.tH8,064 20:! .022,211'1  ['18,26,160
      yukon........ .  8         35    61,G87  6,957   08,Osa  258.401  153,358
        TOTAL.••••  7.~&1  (1)  U,722  Ul,492,079  &,401,628  252,321,608  496,948,398  239,225,162
          -                  PROVrNCE DE QU~BEC-PROVINCEOF QUEBEC
       1935-89......  1.649115.581 ,446  0.04!J  8,2811.532  05,234  8,648,738  15,600.810  0.741,179
      1940......... , .  l,82716,573,OSll  8,700  4,858,072  183.489  13,046,562  23.003,646  0,747,000
      1041, ........•.  1.821l 17.871.350  10,063  6,10 .758  206.8B3  17,003,772  30,000,903  12,008.895
      11142...........  1,047 23,8ÇJ8,720  Il,416  8,241,311  370.909  22,952, G51  40.4.25,029  17.043,105
      1943...........  1,015   10.904  8,814,290  348.020  25,033,018  45,641.615  19,290,876
      11144 ...........  1,940  10,785  0,101,188  343,398  29,020,310  lIO,009.695  19,585,078
      111'15...........  1,873 nlr"  10,774  10,147,125  309,lI02  34,122,053  56,100,217  21 ,627 ,57~
      1940...........  1,089   Il. 581  12.300,005  4JG,189  11,5'11.073  66,160,934  24,202, 77~
      1947...........  2,051   11,013  13,570,001  482,119  46,089.01:H  7:3,89 ,677  27.326,597
      1948...........  1,001   10,374  13,223,486  525,882  43,510.866  09 ,OV7 .892  25,015,1501.
      1949...........  1,010   10,426  13.002,802  660,2'10  42,21\0.78.'j  69.624.000  26,702,0&1
      1050..........  1,965  lB  10.357  14,181,814  733,640  43,083.758  73.571,302  28.854,004
       (1) Pas de renseignements.           (1) No inlonnntion.
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