Page 406 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 406

386                         FOR&rS-FOREsrs


        Les industries utiliBtlJlt le bois comptaient  In 1951. thcl"e were 1,597 establishlllwll.· in
      1,597 établissements dans la Province en 1951.  the wood-usiog' industries of UlC Province.
      Ce ohiffre comprend 115 établissements qui t1gw's includos 115 establishments which
      n'ont pas opérô dans le cours de l'année.  w(\r~ not in operation during the year.

      26-Prineipllles sl8.ti8tiques deR indu8trie8 utilisant le bois, province de Québec,
      26-Principal 8tatistics of Wood-Using Industries, Province of Quebec, 1950-51.
                                                              COllt des  Valeur
                                        )j;IRblie-  Salair  EOl-  mat.iôrc6  bruta des
                                        l!IelDente  ot "a"ca  ployés  premières  produit
                  INOUSTRmS               -       -      -      -        -
                                         Estab-  6Rlaries  Em-  Co.t 01  Cro.
                                          li.b-  and l\'ll·ge.S  ployees  mn.terillis  vILlue 01
                                         mcnto                         proeluet.
                                        1 9 5 0

                                          No.     S      No.     1        S
      Portes, o)1I1ssilt\ planage. etc.. Doora, au,slles. p~uning. etc.  773  10.077.!H0  6,8115  23.370.278  40.337.163
      Parqueto on bOlS dur ....... HIlrdwood floor,"!!.......  14  1.192,005  679  2.915.080
      Bois eootreplaqué.......... Plywo. d ................  22  4,551,788  2.:112  7.381.798  16.032,206
      Meublas .................. F'uruit.\lfe...............  386  17,190,002  8.770  2,1.0:la,781  53.308.768
      VOlturee, tro.iuoollx ......... Cn.Triages. eleigha........  22  455.887  2~fi  837.402  3.2-40.101
      Tonnellerie................ Cooporage.......... , ...  7  1'15.831  75  m5.fi1l3  969.711
      Bottcs, pu.niufa.. f  • ,  •••••••• Boxee. baskets...  6  •••••••  47  1,016,,231  1, 189  2,01;;,433  6. 211. 023
      Manches. bobine•.......... H".ndlos.•pools..........  57  J .032.121  67B  1.209.oua  2. 8U·I. 862
      Ustensiles en bois.......... Woodaware .............  il;  601.010  3110  <lnn,OC>3  Lan,B38
      Embarcatioos., ............ Boatbuilding............  :H  197.137  \:j2  l'lji,003  423,625
      Pré.ervution det! byis....... Prc.ervution 01 woods....  :1  aO;I.770  111  8iH.178  1,3\!4.091
      Formes\ ambauchoire•...... Laats, trccs .............  II  712.466  416  400,079  l.11I7.1l00
      Corauei s. bière•............ Coffins. euakel08...•......  20  716.182  432  825,251  1.031,234
      Fourniturcs pouravioultu.c Beekeeper's .."d poultry.
       ct o.»ic,ulture. ...... . . . . ..  men'a 8upplins.. '" ....  2  51.656  32  1l8.306  307,~8
      LILino de bois.............. Excelsior................  3  70.829  63  74,621  18Ul63
      Iodu.tric. divers••. , ....... MiaooIlILneou•.•...... , .  134  1,70l.102  1.101  2.618.64.1  5.233,834
             TOTAL....................... , .... , ....  1,551  40,924,747  22,361  68,675,0&3  141,994,600
      C~AnBoN DEl 0018•••••••••• Ct/AROOAL.......  ............  ............  497.116
             GRAND TOTAL.•.•..•.........••.•••..•.  ............  ............ 142,491,nS
                                        195 1
                                          No.     S     No.      S
      Part"'•. chatl8is, plILoagc, ate.. DoOl·s.•Relles, pll"ünl', nte.  794  10.328,585  5.658  26.889.332  44,537.897
      Parqllcto eD baie dur .•..... HBrdwood llooring.......  14  1.84:1.0:12  679  3,804 .4'll  0,23l.013
      Boi. eontreplaqué.......... Plywood................  22  5.50 ,454  2.'175  9,187.287  19,669.205
      Meubles ..................·Fumiture...............  447  18.461.141  8.931  28.839.635  511,554 .081
      Voiturcs, tminooux ........• CB.rringo.e, 61cighs........  0  1211.392  202  1. 926.987  2.722.746
      Tonnellerie................ CooperBge..............  6  178.433  69  68l.523  1.003.362
      Balte., panier•............. Boxes. bnskoto...........  43  1,811.742  9M  2,373.507  5.283 .829
      Ml\\lchça. bobines.......... II "odle•• spool•..........  4.8  1.077.799  669  1.376.1 1  3.2'10.705
      UstelUlileo on bai•.......... Woodswal'o .............  ln  658.071  371  546.496  1. 30.024
      Emb..rcationB..............Bootbuildiog............  36  2Hl.I84  145  167.1Il7  400.771
      Pré.en'atioll des bois.......Preeervutioo 01 woocl•. , ..  3  308.826  157  2.468.3GO  :J .1 1,784
      Formes\ embauchoir",•...... Ll\st8, trocs .............  0  669.740  368  690.882  1.600.:l62
      Cercuei s. biôr s, ... , .......Coffins. oll8ketB..........  19  841,761  ·137  1,074,178  2.373,li13
      Irou"ùtur". pour ",vicul ture Beekoopor's and lloultry-
       et apiclllture. . ..... . . . . ..  men's supplies.........  2  60.298  11  HH.476  364 ,830
      l..ILine de bois.............. Excelsior................  3  &1.240  48  ~II ,377  209,0011
      Indu.lrios diverBes....•.... Miscellnneolls...........  117  I,-tOI.7l1  813  2.472,335  1,7114,920
             TOTAl,........ ........................  1,597  43,438,411  22,018  82,654,173  156,839,251
      Cs AnDON 010 aOHL .••.••.• . CBARCOAL.....•.. , .....  ............  ......... . . .  505.666
             GRAND 'l'OTA,L..........................  ............ ........,............ 157,344,916
       SDurce: S.>1I1·C8 foreslieT. Qulbec.  Source: 'OrtSIt'f/ S.",;"" Qu.~c,
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