Page 401 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 401

PULPE ET rAPIER-PULP AND PAPER                      381

                  18-Boi& utilieé dane la fabrication de la pulpe dane la Province.
                    18-Wood Ulled in the Manufacture of Pulp in the Province.
                                  J!:plnf'Lto et
                                 Saflia bnumJer  Pin grie  Autres eS6enCeS
              ANNÉES-YEAnS            ..          -            -           Totnl
                                  Spruo. nnd   Jaok Pino   Otllor Bpeoi..
                                  Bnl8llm Fir
                              QUANTIT~ (eN CODDee)--QUANTITY (IN CORDe)
           Moy.-Ave. 1036-89...• "  .  2,604 ,674  90.535      11.077     2, 719,0~ll
            "  ..  1910-44   .     8,677,806     143,160       61,'!l0    8,871,8>1;'
           1046•.................•.•..  3,586,0:11  21i0,316   57,102     3,893,H9
           1046      , ....•.......  4 ,181.580  2~a,8 7       47,500     4,462,976
           1947.. ,  , .••....... , ..••  4,1150,633  250,030  60,636     4,Ilfil,299
           1048.........•....•.......  4,793,374  300,985     115,830     5.210,1118
           IW\l              .     4,816,487     243,658       85,3'14    4,845.489
           1050           .        4,883,000     220,859       83,841     ~, 196,700
           1051        , ....•...  6,342,348     25\),849     149,405     u, 761,602
                                 POU RCENTAGE&-PERCENTAGES
           Moy.-AvO. 1D35-30.•....• " .  \l5.8    3.7          0.5         100.0
            "  ..  1D-10-4,I  ..    95.0          3.7          1.3         100.0
           1945          "          92.1          6.4          1.5         100.0
           1\140       ,     .      03.7          5.2          1.1         100.0
           1047             , .     03.11         5.2          1.0        100.0
           Ill<l8..........•.•..........  02.0    5.8          2.2        100.0
           1049.. , ..•.. , .. , ..... "  .  03.2  6.0         1.8        tOO.O
           1950.......•........... ,  .  91.0     4.4          1.6        100.0
           1951.           ,  .     92.0          1.1i         2.6        100.0
                                      VALEun (I)-VALUE (1)
           Moy.-Avo. 1035-30.....•....  $ 20,0360,597  S 681.058  125,017  $21,167,573
            "  ..  10-10-44..........  40.017,002  l.070,H5   406.310    43,OM,327
           1015           "  .    57,764,24,4   3.087,586     639,105    02,31l1,025
           IIl46  , ........•...... ,  7,. ,QOO.I:l:l  4.100.704  607,487  70,467, :!24
           1947..........•....•.. , _...  IOO,ORO,91:3  6.334,(\45  872.222  100,293.780
           1948. . ..  . ........•.......  115,930,730  7.37'1,687  2,070.511  125.381,888
           1919. , .....•...••..•... , ...  100,468,960  5,820,711  1,014,444  116.0()ol,1l5
           1950      .           112,086,902    5,246,091    1.518,358  I1S,8M ,'Ill
           1951.                 143,8u8.61l0   1.\,895.010  2,056,097  153,710,406
                    VALE R MOYENNill, PAR CORDE-AVERAGE VALUE. PEn conD
           Moy.-Avo. 1935-39  .    S 7.89       $  6.00      S  7.02      S 7.87
            "  "  1940-44   ..      11. t7       11.10         9.07        11.12
           1945              .      16.1l        1.J.03       Il.10        16.02
           1040 .......• , .•..•.•.•..•..  17.86  17.78       12.78        17.80
           IIl47.. "        "       21.90        21.34        17.23        21.01
           10·18     "•...•....•.   2·1.1i!      24.60        17.87        24.00
           1\l49  , .....•.....•..•. , .  24.24  23.80        18.91        2·4.12
           10.50             .      22.95        2·2.82       IB.1l        22.87
           IOliI.            .      26.03        2(1.54       H!.79        26.72
            (1) Valeur du boie livr6 nu moulin.  (1) Vnlue of wood doJivored ILl lTIill•.
            Le tableau suivant indique Ill. production  '1'1e following table shows apparent produo-
           apparento de bois à plÙpo de la province de  tioo of pulpwood in tho Province of Qnebec.
           Québ c. JU.lqu'on 1927, 011 obtenait cos chiE-  nti! ]927. the figures were obtained byadding
           fr s en additionnant les qUl1ntités oonsonml es  the consumption in the Province and tbe
           dans la Province et les qU!1T.ltités xportées allX  quantity exporled to the United States or
           Et;a,ts-Unis ou dans les autTes pro\'inces cano..-  to  the other  I1na.(]iH.n  proviuces.  Binee
           dienne.~.  Cependant, d·puis 1928 on soustl'll,it
                                                ]028, the importations from other conn trios
           du total ainsi obtenu les quantités importées
           d'autres pa.ys ou des autres provinces du  or from other Canadil1n provùlCes are deducted
           Can!l.dll,.                          fJ'om this total
            La valeur du bois à. pulpe importé et exporté  'l'ho V"d.lue or imported or exported plllpwood
           est établie d'o.près 10. vo.leur nu point d'expédi-  is established according to the value at the
           tion; celle du boia iL pulpe consommé po.r les  point of shiprnent; that of pulpwood used in
           fabriques de 10. Province est hasée sur 10. vo.leur  the mills of the Province is bMod on the value
           li l'usine qui comprend bien souvent le<! frais  at the IDill whioh oEten includea tranBPortatlon
           de transport.                        costs.
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