Page 392 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 392

372                        FO R&T8-PORESTS
              I-PRODUCTION TOTALE                   I-TOTAL PRODUCTION
        La. valeur brute d la production de l'indus-  GrO~8 value or production or thl:l forest
      trie forestière comprend les op~rations dttllS la  industry inoludes op rati Il. in the Wr)r)c!R,
      forêt, l'industrie de la pulpe  t du papier et  the plllt> Il,od pu.por inc\ustry and the lumber
      l'indust,rie du bois c'est-à-dire les soieries.  iwlllôtl"Y, th.a,t is, saw-miJls. All al'  com-
      Voilù. Ce qu'on entend ltujourcl'hui IX\!" indus-  prised in tbe tenn foreat industry ttS used
      trie rorestière; mais il n' D a pas toujours été  toc1ay, but tllis lm!> not alwaysbeon the case.
      u.insi.  .c\nt~l'i(urem nt à 1034, on n'  J'li()l' to 1934 the valtHl of paper was not
      pas le papier dans l'industrie forestièro; on se
      lxrrruüt à la pulpe. Pour cette raison, 1  inoluJed although that of puIp was.  TI1E~n'­
                                           fore, u.l.\YOO~ to detormine the value
      cbercheur qui vout oonnaitl'o la valeur de la
      product.ioll forestière depuis vingt ou vingt-  of foresLry pruJuctiolJ. the past twenty
      cinq ans se heurte à de grand s ditnoultés.  or tWODty-GW Yf'~Lr::. is fa.ced with a cliffioult
      Le taùleau ci-dessous fourait d s donn~es com-  probleOl,  'rh, table bclow givo~ cnmpnrable
      pn.rables, pour la provillc de Québec, 11 pa,rtir  data fu!" the Provinoo of Quebee beginning
      de 1920.                             with 1920.
        Ln. valeur brute de la production roresti~ll"e  The gl'O  va.lu8 of for stry prOllllel.i.ou in the
      de la Province, qui aVltit baissée 11 $97,858,853,  Province, which had dropp d \;0 $97,858,853
      en 1933 s'est Glev~tI à $707,855,406 en 1050,  in 1!J33, rcached ' 707,855,400 in 1950.

       5--Valeur brute de la production de J'industrie forestière, province de Québec,
       5--Gross Value of Production of the Forest Industry, Province of Quebec, 1920-1950.
                                       Op6rntion9  Industrie do la pulpe
            Anntl...   VALl!iUn 'T'O'l'A(;'@:  dans b forH  et du pupier  Industrie du bol.
            YOll1'8     TOTAJ..., VAL.Um  Operation.  Fuir ItnJ p"per  Lumber Indu.try
                                       ln the forest  indu t,y
                            $                            S
       HI20............• " ..  235,077,674  72,763,964  114,301,717  48,921.093
       }QZ·l .....••• , •••••••.  161,176.702  62,240.054  68,035,162  30,29<1,280
       1022.. ,.,  "  .  166,523,000    50.0 1,829    73,404,000    20,13 .071
       lU:!;3..... _..•........  173,619,166  65,005,810  81,372,038  27,181.307
       1921.. , ..•. , ..•... ,' .  178,179.134  68,507.IOa  83,0{l2.612  26,480,3.27
       102.', •. , .•....• , ...•.  181,400.013  64,72,006  03,011.109  22,802,029
       1926.......•.......•.  107,;)37,346  B4.976,437  107,160,661  25.11)4,257
       1027... , , ..•.........  200,7-14, 66  65,707.873  ]]4,406,475  29,631,518
       10' .......• ,  .  222,:187,0111  67,091.137  127.223,217    27.173,297
       1921J,  ,  ,  , .  223,625,611   65,537,9.57   12lJ,715,U28  28.342,620
       1930,         .   217,084,625    73.493,851    100,241,510   34.319,164
       1931.      , . , , .  115,840,(;03  16.344,056  86,162.1liS  16,3:1:3, l!H
       10:l2 , ,  , .. ,  , .•.  107,614.636  81.260,349  63,317,197  0,916,090
       1933  ,       .    97,868,853    31,813,053    60,474..128    6,C>7I ,372
       193,1,     "  .   110.864,04.6   38,312,600    74.407,960     7,113,396
       ID3/l, , ..........•.. , .  126,506,220  41,268.620  75,376,258  1),860,3'12
       1U:l6...• , ..•...•.•...  147,693,514  47,417,04.1  88, 401i, 3'17  11,871, 123
       1937    , ...•. ,. ,  184,674.'181  58,577,629  107,196,310   18,BOO,G30
       19:1.9, , ., .. , •••• , ..••.  151,060.14.0  42,1S2,132  88 .0110 •Ill)  19,887,902
      .JO;)O••••••••. , .••.•..  )76,834.286  56, 14.0, 2M  103,5G4,OSI  17.129,012
       1940   , ...•.. , .• ,  244,643,710  70,270,424  151.261,619  23,OO3.M6
       1041. .......• ,  .  275.860,091  79.280.501   166.57 .6 7   30,000,903
       1942  ,    , ".   209.728, (175  9) ,702.084   167.001,6Il3  40,425.028
       1043       ,  .   317.201.980   104,692,371    166,Q28.003   4/l,611,615
       1044...•. , .•. ,  .  300.954.343  123,036.131  180.918,517   50,000,695
       1016............•. , ..  395,014.638  lan, 733 ,270  190,172.142  5(1,109,217
      1946    , ..•...• , ..  600,000,018  ]I;~, 768.131  2"5.980,953  GO, 160,03<1
      1047 .. , .. , ........•..  620, SSS •790  20(}.H70,414  34ü,1I0.e,Û9  73,898,(177
      1048...• , , .......••..  68I,6/l2,618  2IH,:H7.IOI  393.347,430  00,957.802
      1049..•....• ,.,., .. ,  645,718.874  2Ul,!H8 ,~:\Il  374,110,336  60,024,009
      10uO  ,       .    707,855,406   212,603,7U8   121,720,300    73,571,302
   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396   397