Page 388 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 388

368                        pORIS'I'~-·-FORESTS

      Les  cll~penses  llcourues p01l1' l'extinction  'l'ho amount expenJ~d in fighling  fOrE st
    des tCll)\; de fOl'ôts se sont élevées lL $530.38\-.1,  fu'o' wus $530,3 9 in Hl,')!.. TIll' shm'e of
    on 1951.  La part des concessionnaires et deH  licencc'-holders and ind.ividuals n.ruOlll1ted ta
    pnrticuliers a été de  2,157 t celle du gou-  $82.157 and  tho.t of th,.  UnvermU8nt tü
    v!:1'D 'ment de $448,232.            $448,2:.12,

                 2-Nombre de ft>ul( et quantités d'acres brûlées, 1951.
                    2-Number of Fires and Acreage Burnt, 1951.
                             Nombre  ohood  Jeune!  Vieu.  Br6Ji.  B~ohn....
                              d.l.u.       bai.  br~ll.  réeeoh  réaen,,"  Autr••
              CAUSES                M~r·                                ToLol
                             Numbor chaut-  YounR  Old  Froeh  Rooent  Other
                              of l'ire.  oblo  Growth  Burn  Buru  Cbop-
                                    Timber                  plUIl·
     Abatis...... , ...... ,SlasWngJl ....... ,  106  3[,932  ,100  7,38li  20,G~0  2r,,129  4,172  97,077
     Ollvl'icrB (ore5Ucr.~ .. Bushmen, •...•..  77  7.541>  II  5,171  2.(iIH  3l,Slfi  2,237  <l!l,<l73
     Iléoré"tion, .. , ..• , .. Vaeatlonlst.a. , , . , .  07  :,200\,  2.0016  ~I, 727  1.:340  2,8(}3  1>8:j  12,363
     Voyagours., , .. , . , , .Trnvol1ol'tl..... , ..  230  6,878  12,382  12,7~7  ·1 ,~Hf,  1:1,(106  10,104  (11),13:1
     Chemin. de 1er. _.... Railwar,e .....• , ,  .1:',  3,1l13  8,207  2:11)  3, IY~O  30  lb ,920
     Foudre ............. Li~tD ng...... , .  ,14  77·t  :37  1.1l26  84  2,82l
     Trt<V8Ux publlos ... ,Pu Iio work•..•..  46  1,211  ." 2~5.  500  'i02  105  277  2,19
     Incendialres ........ lneond\arl.l1)' . , •.  20  '1,281  SÇIQ  472  20fl  0,107
     Non 01•••16ées.. , ... Not 01....1600 ....  61  .'7:768'  6115  (Hl  6,470  1,128  2!1!)  17.307
     ln"onnues...... , .,. UnknoWll ... , ....  <1.5  3\)8  1,720  4110  23  482  545  3 ,Mo\,
            1"'lo'rAL•...•.•••••.•.•.•••  8&9  61,683  34,031  35,489  3&,530  81,09&  18,831 267,660
               3-Per8onnel employé à la protection des forête, 1950 et 1951.
                 3-Staff Employed in Forest Protection, 1950 and 1951.
                                      Service             Conees.lnn-
                                       de la               oaire8
            EMPLOy8&-EMPLOYEES       proleetion           non·tlmllli8
                                               A880c.iutions          Total
                                     ProloeUve            Unanillated
                                      8orvioo               Limit-
                                   ------------1------- ---
     Inepeatcur•. ,  ",.In.peotoNl  ,  , ..  Ho\,  130  lOO  157  31  27  3:15  ~120
     Gardo.-Ioux  ,  , . , . Firo-ranllora  , . . . . . . .  772  7'l0  1,2\12  1, :379  107  Jl8  2, l71  2,237
     Rous-gardoa-feux  Undor fire-rnnllere .....  758  750  .. ....  758  750
     Êm li, ur. ,la purmis  Permit om ,ors •. , " .. ,  ,128  .513  >\    646
     lnspeataursauxililliree.. Au.ilillry ln.p.elor•....... i3,j'  J32  328  <lOL"" i:i'  1':;  4.75  548
     Gardes-Iou. auxiliaire•. Auxiliary lire-rn/lJ(ore...  38'1  303  1,'110  1. 755  lii4  124.  l ,048  2,272
             TO·tAL.. ,  ,   , .. ,  2,192  2,279  3,190  4,205 ~-m16,687 ~
        4-Perrnie de brûler émis et surface, en acres, des abatis brOlés, 1950 et 1951.
         4-Permits to burn iBsued and Acreage of Blashe8 burned, 1950 and 1951.
                                                         Permie       Abati.
                                                          6mie        hrOléa
                      DISTRICTS                          Permit.     Slnshinge
                                                         I ••ued
                                                      ------ ------
                                                       1950  191>1  Hl50  1051
     No. 1 -  Abitibi  ,',  , .............•. , ......• ,  .  1,0311  2.155  <l.OU(l  4,867
        2 -  T6rniaoaminguo  , . , , ...•.... ,  , . , , , ..• , .  2,007  1,5l2  3,7110  2,861
        3 -  Gatinenu       ,    , •..•............•..   224   1:l8  187   Hl!
        4 -  Moutré,\l  ",          , .. , •. , ., .,  _  .  2,020  1,180  3,<lUO  l,7R8
        5 -  S",lot-Maurloo (haut)  , , . , , .............•... , , .. , ., , . , • ,  .  4  :J0l}
        6 -  LM-SI·-Joon  ,  ,     ,     ,.,         . ". '548'  250  1,527  1  G81>
        7 -  {Saint-Maurioe (bM)  , ,  ,  , .....•... ,  , . , . , . )
        8 -  Cantonf< do l'E.t.--EaBl'''·o Townahips.. ,  ,  , .......•  2,588  1,970  Il,2S7  li ,005
        9 -  Rive Sud-South  h<rr"•..................... ,.,.,.,.,  .  2,572  1.095  5,582  '1,177
                                                       5.035  3,1l28  9,G24.  7,784
        l?= G~r.Ni~'~~~~88b·~;,:".'",,:,,::::: ::::: ::: :::::: ::::: :::::::::  35  51  19S  00
        12 -  Para National des LlIurûnlidc.-Lulll"cfll,i<Jc National Pork, .... , ..  ... 'liôli' ..i;035, 'ï:is2' ,':i:ooi
                 TOTAL    ,         ,        ,...........  18,024  JA,218  38,70J  29,625
   383   384   385   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393