Page 395 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 395

BOIS eOUP~S-TIMBER eUT                         375

          7-E8timation annuelle de la production fore8tlfire du Canada, par provinces.
                7-Annual E8timate of Forest Production of Canada, by Provinces.

                PROVINCES      1040-11144  1945  1040  Il147  1048    1040   1060

                                 "000   $'000  "000    $'000  "000   "000    "000
          Torre-Ncuvo.... Nfld, .. , , , . , ,                        18,JJ4  10,397
          Il''·du·P.-K ..... l'.FU... , ....•.  .... "684' .... "g,i1' "ï:i.jâ· ... ï:iftû' '''ï:i91  1,210  1, 121
          N,-E" ......... N.S.. " .. " ....  10,000  12.478  17,311  19,108  19.141  17,19l1  16,990
          N.-F1 ......... ,.N.B...........  20,980  28.307  37,372  45,100  48.820  43.257  40,280
          Québeo. , ........... , , .....•..  93.977  139,733  168.758  200,870  218.348  201,949  212,504
          OntILrio..•... , .............• ,.  52.437  70,121  90.112  100,528  130.023  125.912  133,953
          Manitoba ..................•..  3.014  5,000  0.084  7,193  7,116  7,081  9.442
          &.kalehoweD .................  4.022  6,079  Il,850  6,322  6,171  0,495  8,590
                                 1,950   6,850  8.272  S,6IS  10,711  10,490  12,638
          èl.~.r.~... :: : : : : : :tl.C'.: ::::::::.  51,,181  04,307  77,.103  120.150  142,875  1211,099  170,700
               CAN'DA .. " ..........  242,467  334,325  413,269  519,8114  686,295  561,412  625,735

            En 1950, on ~ d.6finitivlllllCUt a.bandon.né la  In 1950, the olassilloation of the timber out
          oll1Siiificution des bois (loupés solon la nature  acoording tu flpecil1s was definitely given up~
          des essences.  Cep .nd~llt" Il) l'lcteur intéressé  However, the reader who may be interested
          trouvera cettl cll1l 8ifLCl1tion pour los années  will ûnd th"l classification for the 1940
                                               to 1949, tO(rol.h()r with the jjV(~~Yoo.r average
          194û à l!)·1fl, aveo la moyonue quinquilllI11l.le
                                               for 1935-3H, in the 1951-52 Yea.r Book.  The
          1936-39, dans l'Annuaire 1951-52.. La statis~
                                               filnlres shown in the thre" foJlowing ta.blea
          tique des trois tableaux suivn,nts ost compilée
                                               \;o1'e cumpiled by the Provinoial )j'orestry
          par le Service fore8lim- de 111 Province,  On  Branch.  .l<'romnow on data. will bc limited
          s'en tient désormais à. la quantité et il, la. valeur ta quantity a.nd vn,lue of wood out
          dAS bois ooupGs solon lour utilisation.  to its uso.

                  &--Utilisation de8 bois coupés,(I) province de Québec, 1940-51.
                     8-U8e Made of Wood Cut,(I) Province of Quebec, 1940-51.

                                           BlIlo18 en  Boi. do  Bol de
            ANNtu:S   Bol. de pulpe  1 Boi& de llolage grumo exportés  Cl1rbDnl~ution  oh,ulffago
              -          -         (2)        -         ,","",--  -        'l'otnl
             YEAllS    PuJpwood   Lumhor   UndrOO8ed  Charooe) wood  Fi.rowood
                                          logs eX'portod
                         '000      '000      '000      '000      '000      '000
          19~0....... , ....  387.608  174,004  12.278   (3)     262,861    837,5.17
          19H ............  433,8:J6  20a ,824  11.390   a,IIS0  24.8,520  D01,761
          19·1.2.•..........  4513,14'1  22U,025  1'1,165  4,035  245,818  fM7,082
          1IH3....•....•..  360,200  218,008  13,2       3,2:19  2'19,208   8H 11\/
          10·101 ....•.......  410.160  223,6,,0  11.101  3,1128  2M,885    013:502
          1015............  450,008  23,1,434  13,072    2,110   204.690    DfI~,1l11
          104'0. , ........ , .  510,702  261.201  13,397  1,270  260,525  l,OM. 104
          1947... , ........  1176,725  280,160  9.4711  1,464   250,080  1.12~,898
          1018... , .. , "" ,  1123,212  256,560  10.783  1,23il  250,OcH  1.110,848
          1949.............  511i,05G  270,028  Il, 510  1,7:,0  21'i1.7QQ  1,051,043
          10r.O.............  412,2011  248,577  9.022   2~~O4   249,201   1)21.41'i3
          llIliL ...........  630,078  267,gSO  9,4.21   2,1)-15  2311,,108  1.1·(0,232
           (J) Quantllé. en pied. oubes.        (1) QuanliUee ID ouhlo feol.
           (2) Cette rubriquo  oomprend aussi 10.  lr"vor os,  (2) Tbal hoocUnll al80 tnoludo. rail sleepers, pal••,
          POLOOUX, hlLrdceu. 01 Jo boie à fu_eeux.  sbinglcs aDd spoolwood.
           (3) Compris <lILao buIs do ohauffage.  (3) Inoludod iD firewood.
   390   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398   399   400