Page 391 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 391

PARCS PROVINCTAUX-pnOvINCIAL PARK,'!                  371

                       5--PROVINCIAL PARK$
                   Location, Year Eatablished, Area and Characteriatica of Quebec
                                        rovincial Parka.

                PAIIKS           Location     estllb-  Aren       Charnet"r;.ti..

           Lameetiek.      26 mil-  oorth al Quoùoo  ISQ':;  2,312,100  Altitudo 3,000 ft., oumerou. lakea.
                            ity  00  otb side. of Que-     tumultuons rivors.  peoklcd  lrout,
                           bcc-6hicoutim.i highwny,        lUOO8O, ùoor. blal"k b  ra, wolv,,". cto,
                                                           Nn huotioj[.  Thtee hoWlo anù 50
                                                           llshioll camp•.
           Mont Tremblant  80 miles north of Montreal.  1895  782,720  FnmOU8  rC80T'~  Brea,  summer  und
                           Mont  Tromblnnt  Villugo        wlllter.  Bki sebool and lifts, 0\0 milllS
                           010  to southorn scotioll 01    of slci trnils, !l ski slopes.  LM 'l'rem-
                           PM!e                            blrmt 750 ft. nbove 80u-lovel. Jlilluest
                                                           IJonk Mont Trembl"ut, 3,100 ft.
           G  pesi"n       Onspé Peoinanln    1037  328,OGO  Est"hllshod to preserve cariùou aod
                                                           wHdUfe on south sid of St. L"wrcnee.
                                                           Acccssiblo from St", Annc des IVlonts
                                                           nud Gnep~. Speekled tct1\1t, " f1shinll
                                                           onmpB.  Ono hot01 nt Ste. Anno de
                                                           Mont9.  Includcs highcstpcnks of tho
                                                           Shic·8hoC/l MountnioB.  Hillhest p"ak.,
                                                           Moot Jncques Cnrtior, 4,200 ft.
           Mount Orlord    On Orford  MOllatnin,  15  9,970  Altitude 2,800 ft.  Skilall "ad golfing.
                           miles west of Shorbraol o.
           Ln V~reudry.    In wefttcrn purt of Province,  11139  3,038,000  Altitude 1,200 lt. Numerou. Ink"" and
                           140 mil1J8 northwcst of Mont-   ri"en.  'l'TOUt. pikc, pickereL amI ba .
                           r ni on bath sldos of rout.e    "rwo etltabli.sbment8 to BccofOcno<
                           Montroal-AbitiLi.               tourists.  Twel"e liohinll OOtTlJ18 m"iu-
                                                           t"incd by Dept. al Fioh and Game.
           Chiba'iCnu nad  30 mil,," west of Luko St.  1!>46  2,176,000  Altitud 1,300 ft. Num rous lnkes "ad
           0"010  TV.      Joho.  trip 80 miles Ion on     riv ors. 'l'reut, piko und piokerel. Fivo
                           Loth sides of Lulto Chibau-     fishing oamps 6lld ono camping ground
                           Il,,mllu Lillbwny.              ltt6intni.nod by Dept. of Fish ao.d Gume,
           Shic-Bhoes  Fish  und  Adjacon t 10 und complotinll  lD49  200,OGO  Soe "Gasposian" "bovo.
           Gnmo Reserve    OaBpeBiall P"rk.
           Kipn.wn 14n.l{Q Fish und  Apprcximatoly 8 utile. 110rth-  IIlGO  MD ,000  Altitude 1,000 ft. Numerous Jake. "ad
           Gi"unO Reaerve  east of 'l'émiacllmi.ngue,      rivera. 'l'l'out, pilta and pickorcl
           Mi.t""l'Iini  Fish  aad            111G3  3,323,000  Altitude 1,300 ft.  Numerous  lurJlo
           Gnlllo Reserve                                  Inkos. Sp cklcd trou t, J"I", trout, pUto
                                                           /lnd pickerel.
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