Page 384 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 384

364                           AGRICU[,TURE
       54-Quantité ct valeur de la crème glacée fabriquée danB la province de Québec.
            54-Quantity and Value of Ice Cream Made in the Province of Quebec.
                                       Nombre d.     Prix moy'en
                                         1l~lIon.     10llnlloo    Valeur
                                       Number 01     Avern~e PrioRI  'rotai Value
                                        Onllooo       per 'nlloo
       1938.... , •......•..........................  I.M2.773  1. a6  2.2'-IO.04l
       1039........•....•....•...................  'l.au7; 166  1.32  2,202,067
       1040........•....•........................  1.867,292  1. 32  2,468,066
       1911.                       .     2.567.230      1.37         :1,526,261
       1042                        .     2.687.547      1. 37        .1,069,310
       19,13                       .     3.027.387      1.:YI        4.06(\,931
       10H                         .     .3.088.210     1.33         4,J06,310
       1015................................•.....  2.990,005  1.35   4,03 ,682
       1916........•.........•...................  2.880.970  1.ali  :J ,1)04 .307
       1047.............•....•....•..............  4.141,091  1.41   6,832,1;:10
      1948    , ..........•.........•.........  4.557,001  1. 64     7,003,702
       1049......••.•........•....•.......••....  4.,028,307  l.M    7 ,ü70, 04,0
       1{)1)0.. , ......•........•..................  4.,616.079  1.62  7,478.285
       1951 .....••.......•..•. , ....   fi,107,515     1.70         8,782,001
          55-Production mensuelle de beurre et de fromage, province de Québec.
            55-Monthly Production of Buttel" and CheeRe, Province of Quebec.
         MorS-MONTHS     ------       1046  1947  11948  11940  11050 1 1061 1)952 (1)
                         BEURRE DE BEJURRl'JRIE-CRJôJAMEnV BUTTER
                          '000 lb.  '000 lb.  000 lb.  '000 lb.  '000 lb.  '000 lb.  '000 Ih.  '000 lb.  '000 lb.
      Jl1nvier.. , ... Jo,llUfl.ry ...••• '  1.067  1,230  946  1.316  1,023  L.f)Ln  1.557  1.261  1.620
       li'évrior..•... FcbrlJllfY......  641  600  545  701  liaI  899  735  604  718
       MIITO ........ l\-f~I'ClU...... , ..  1.067  ].1:30  1,62.  1.0n  1,1\13  1,807  1.78li  1.2\)7  1,6(iO
       Avl'il. ....... April. ........  3,054  4.311  0,136  6.403  6.302  0,320  0,045  5,208  6,0,11
                          8.246  9,001  10,568  10.813  11, 707  11. M5  10.481  10,068  Il ,019
       n~·....... ~'.:::S~~~: ::::::::. 12.863  13,068  14,517  15.738  16.800  15.186  14.BI0  1'1,737  17,n·14
       Juillet.......Jul.v..........  11.969  12.146  13,573  15.078  1&,157  13.828  12.1>11&  13,248  14 ,850
       AoOt ... , '" . AUj(ueL ......  11.047  Il,161  Il,690  13,473  13,269  12,330  12.1:1f>  13.3f>7  14.302
       B ptembre ... Sept",nber. ' ..  10.551  10,108  10,4·53  13,191  12,390  Il. 5ù2  Il,146  12.410  1.1,88fi
       o tobre .....Oatuber ......  8.J·Hl  8.200  8,4201  Il ,075  lO,2&3  9.821  8.83fl  10.571  Il,21'1
       Novembre •.. 1':o\'~mber ..  4.4UO  4.653  4,401  5,446  6.41l1  ;;,4B8  4,1108  5,600  [),800
       D~eembre . " Deecmber .....  2,3BO  2,52'1  2,4GB  2,465  3,587  2,8(J{l  2, M5  3.000  4,194
                         ------ --------------- --
           TOT~L......... " ....  76,488  78,238  85,355  97,371  9&,783  93,623  87,488  91,363  102,346
                         ,F'IWMA08 DT~ FABHIQUE-FACTOIlY elfE '88
                          '000 lb.  'OOOlh.  '000 lb.  '000 lb.  '000 lb.  'lIllOlb.  '000 lb.  '000 lb.  '000 lb.
       ,Janvier...•.. January ...... ,  137  613  5(}'\  476  323  200  420  877  152
       Févri r ..... ,li' hruary, .....  78  0306  292  2M  Ifll  172  258  41}!  :136
       MM"" ....... Mereb ........  8:.1  163  508  38.1  265  244  343  342  457
       Avril. ...... ~ril .........  20·j  1,378  ],681  1,052  500  616  6ü1  6(\4  780
       Mui.........  ny ..........  1.512  4,137  4.110  2,410  1.2M  2.447  2.0311  l. :viS  1.2.;:)
       Juin .... , .... ,'ouo•....... '..  5.000  8.714-  8.629  6,000  3,500  4,857  4 .57~  2.908  2,123
       Juillot ....... July ...........  6.801  0.203  8,6~2  6.780  ~ ,080  5,127  4,27U  :3,1'10  2.223
       Aol.\!........ AUlluBt........  li. ISO  8,578  6.9!)01  4,816  2,78-1  4.60'1  :LMI  :J.H>:1  ) .!)27
       Sopt mbr" ... S ptomb r .....  4.438  7,643  6,535  3,102  2.071  4,0:35  2.040  2,088  1,884
       Octobre ..... Ootobor .......  a,041l  5,1123  3,824  ] ,403  1,(J{l3  2.02.'1  1,798  1,0n'l  1,.178
       Novembre ... !\o\"embor.....  678  2,378  1,584  411  421  1.240  ) ,:l8S  839  740
       Décc",bl'o ... Deeernbût ....  564  1.382  8701  161  28:)  .589  1.251  6&1  ;;08
                         ------ --------------
           l'OTA ..................  26,420  &0,698  43,196  25,447  1&,479  27,108  23,379  1.8,921  14,161
        (l) Pr6hmlD~ll'e.                     (1) Prehmmnry.
        En quantit ct en valeur la production do la  In C[llantity and value the productioll of ice
       Cl'àmeglacée dans IlL pl'OVillCO de Qu bec a beau-  oream in the Province 01' Quùbec ha~ CODRic!or-
       coup augmenté depuis uno quinzaine d'années.  ably increa. cd during t,he lust fiftoon yoars.
       En HJ51, 5,167,515 galloQ~ d'une valeur totale  III 1.%1, !:'"lG7"jl!) gallolls vahwd $8.782,691
       d(\. ,782.6H 1 furent rl~briqués il oomparer il,  wore made. to he COlllpal'l'd with 1.1.5,).3-3
       1.1:';5.:353 gallons évalués à $1,507.444 fn,bri-  gallons with a value of $1,567,444 made iu
       qu sen 19:35.                        ]935,
   379   380   381   382   383   384   385   386   387   388   389