Page 379 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 379

360                          AGRlCULTURE

        sociétés IJELr actions dans la fabricl1~iou du  owned by a oo-operativB association or a
        bennl et dn; mais du~ eJla.ngemeuts  joint stock company.  However, a glauee
        radi.caux flO sont produ.ïts, dopuis viugt ans  at the graph will snffiQo (0 show the chall!!:(.
        surtout, et il suffJt pour s'en de  that ha  ta.ken place, pu,rticularly witbifl
        jeter uu coup-d 'œil snr le graphique.  the past twenty yeltl"s.
          Il y a maintenaut dans la province de  At pnlsent t.hnro are more co-openHi ves
        Québec plus cio coopératives que do parti-  tban inrlividual~ opel'ating butter or cheese
        culiers qui opt'ri!nt de  beurrerie;; ou des  factories in the Province of Quoboc; in 1031
        fromagerio·; en 1931,  011 184  there \Vere 184 co-operatives and 1.040
        coopératives et 1,040 particuliers engag-6R  individunls engaged in the prodnction of
        dans la production du beurro et dLL fromage,
                                             butt r ll.nd cheese, compared to 3.'">0  oo~
        cumparo.tivomlmt i1 350 Coopl~l'ativl!~ et 33t'i
        6tabli~selOents exploités par des pll.rtiouliers  opel'ative' and 336 individual ownc;\r.' in
        en 1951.  Ce changement radical ost da  1051.  'T'he radicl11 cbanf.!;H is the result of
        au sucoès évident de la formulfl coopérative  the snCOO8S of the co-opcmtive mOVell1f'nt
        dans ce domaine rie l'industrio et est tOllt à.  in this particula.r field of industr:y  1Wf.1
        l'honneur de la Province.            redounds to tho Province's credit.

              50-Valeur de la pr·oduction de l'ensemble des établlssementa laitiers
                                 de la province de Québec.
           50-Value of the production of Ail Dairy Plants in the Province of Quebec.
                                                      LaiL oL orà01.e voodu. Il.
                    Beurre  Cromo    Autre!  MUk aod Cr"am Bold Lo
          ANNtEB    fabriqué  f~briqu6  Illaoée  produl~.
             -       -        --       -        -      Autre.  Co08001·  'T'oLal
          YEARB     Dut~er   Chetll'ls  reo    OLber  fabriquoa  mat.oura  (1)
                  MaouIac~urod MaouI·aoturcd  Cream  Produoto  -  -
                                                       OLber    COD·
                                                       faoLoria.  1  8UD1CTII
                      S        S       li       li       $       $         $
        1938..........  1O,1\77.0U  3,822,8-13  2.236, BUG  1,003,335  I,050.01f>  12.lJ~7,058  39,357.150
        1030..........  18,8105.500  3.257.3-l.~  2.202.007  1, H}!J,S37  1,100,525  13,007,235  38,389. B96
        [1140..........  18.153,333  4,026,OH.  2,468.060  2,82V.276  1.223.072  13,756,246  42.132.fl35
        1041. .........  25,626.280  6.16S,72:J  3,526,201  4,980.:197  1.910.186  16.42.1,71)5  56 .725, 366
        IIH2 ..........  25,611.036  13.o.18,Om  3,080 ..310  G. 843.305  2, o;J·1 .333  19, 4:JO, 744  68.595,158
        J!J13 .......•..  28,830,053  1O,269,35\!  1,OUO,lJ31  7.715.080  1,0:H.a!i3  20,3(1.3.(H3  71 ,~15,1166
        1944 ..........  28.217.256  12,7.311.277  oJ., 10ft. :319  8,6~6.049  ~.371 ,e12  22.211,5113  75.901. 0\)4
        IO~!;' .........  80,578,5 0  J2, 010. 986  4.0:j ,682  0,000,257  2.~08.098  2'1,49 1,231  81,688.739
        1016. .........  3a. 737.564  9,083.42U  :1.90·1 ..1U7  1J. 20~ .168  :1.480./iOO  :10.400,080  88.426.839
        IM7...........  51,418,404  6,631,595  5,~:i2,6;1!)  15. J02,~24  ,1.798,612  38,523,330  117,508.2V4
        lO·IR .......... 05,147,268  1,703,051  7 .UU3, 702  ~O.131.368  8.051.1186  '12,010.310  130,805.705
        In4\!........... M.087,050  7.007.880  7 ./i70. Mn  16.053,328  9.123,011  4.1,639.057  130.258.870
        tfl.,O...... , .... 48,013,858  6,268,on  7.478,28:;  16.113\). 6311  8.601.537  46.IHI,1I08  12'1.612,682
        1961.. ..... .... 57.721.001  6.287,2.36  8. 7!i~, 691  23.926, laD  10.ll51.oin3  40.601.850  116.411.008
         (1) N'incluaoL pa. la valeur du lait et de la crème  (I) Exolusive of vaille of milk and eroam eold t.o
        vendue à d'nuLreB fabriques.         olbor Dniry Plan!.'!.
          51-Production totale du beurre et du fromage d·e Cabri que. dans la Province.
 Production oC Creamery Butter and Factory Cheeae in the Province,
                                   BOUrT~BuLtor       Fro·mnlle-Che••e
                                                                       Valeur Lotale
            ANNI!P.S-YEARB     QnnuUL6    Valeur    QunnLH~    Valeur
                                 -                                     'T'oLal Volue
                               QU80tlL!f  V..lue   Quant.i~y   ValllO
                                 Lb.        S        Lb.        li        $
        M~y.-A~o.  1930~11 .•...... , ....  65.041, 011  11.328.258  27.306,432  3.063.1740  17.381,432
               1936-30 .............  76, '187.257  18,170.600  26.510.957  3,327.320  21,498,010
       1040...........................  71.084.973  35.641.1112  ·1.926.014  23.070.347
        HM!. ...........................  ?fi •266, 1fJ7  25.026.280  30.021.618  a.lüB.722  ~1.796.002
        19·12............. _....•........  73.I0!/,Olll  25.011.036  65.276.038  13.0:18.003  38. Ob2 .0~9
        1943.......•...................  85.632.15:1  28.830,653  60,556.(;10  10.2Ii9.35!1  :3!) , 100.012
        IM4 ............•.....•....•...  82.101.738  28,2[7,2['6  62. 996 ..IS~  12. 7~9,277  40.û56.533
       194.5............•..........•...  BS.061,1}37  30,578.580  61.510.461  12.010.0S()  13, 1811. 666
        11146.•...•......•.•.•••.•..•...  85,355. J.lO  33.737.564  4:3,105. '120  0.OR~.420  42.820.984
        1947...........................  97,~70,819  61.418.104  25,447,525  6, e:ll, 696  liB, 040,990
        10'1 ...... .. -................
       11149....... , ......•....... ....  1)3.622.785  66.1017.268  2[•• 641. :361  4.703.OBI  00, 50.310
       1050                   87.487.749  48.013.808  21.663.567  6.2G8,n02  ô4 •282. SliO
       105L .......................  01.362,088  57.724 .001  17.777.600  6,287,236  64 .Olt. 237
   374   375   376   377   378   379   380   381   382   383   384