Page 311 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 311

 S--Valeur nette et répartition proportionnelle de la production par industries, et par provinces, 1950.  <D
 5-Net Value and Percentage Distribution of Production by Industries, and by Provinces, 1950.

                   Usines                                       ~
 .  Fore.try  FiBberie.  Tmpping  M.i:ning  E1ectric            ~
 PROVIN.CES  Agriculture  Forêts  Pêche·ries  Cha.$sc  Mines  électriques  Manufactures  Construction  TOTAL  t-<
                   Power                                        -.:::
 VALEUR NETTE-NET VALUE                                         t"1
 $'000  $'000  5'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  $'000  5'000  .....
 Terro-Neu'e...............  (1)  15.202  (I)  (1)  20.12"-  2.199  (2)  36.712  8.899  83.136  '1:l
 ~t1:~~~..:::::.:::.::::::  33.265  ·· .. ··4:939· ..  21.399  140 G  ·····48:549· ..  9.518  97.781  46.018  261.639  :>:l
 N .-Bruns";ck............•.  41.267  19.355  6.792  257  10.862  7.021  106.204  33.370  225.128  ~
 Québec....................  290,245  115,186  3,200  1, &l4.  141,455  114.301  1,798.320  287 .894  2.752.445  c::
 Ontario....................  545.379  79.659  6,252  4.097  161.671  106.852  3.068,142  535.250  4.507.302  r-.
 Manitoba........... _......  182 ,491  5,297  3.880  2,942  19.259  16.947  177.052  66.709  4ï4.577  ~
 SaskatchewllD.•.•.... , ..•.  389,052  3.4.22  718  1,971  26.938  10.027  49.495  46.383  528,006  .....
 Alberts................ '"  326.484.  7.202  437  1,889  122.543  13.863  12-3.893  115.759  712.070  a
 Colombin Brit.. _...........  62.22·6  131.063  36.345  950  91.953  31.050  479.606  138.685  971.878  :0::
 Yukon. Ter. KO ........... ............... -  (3)  G12  1.109  13.975  777  5G9  (3)  17.042  ~
 C LNADA .......•• , •••••  1,886,766  381,325  820191  15,205  657,3211  313,347  5,942,058  1.,284,065  10,562,286  c::
 Ncwfoundlsnd ..........  .. · .... ·(Ù· .. ··  3.9  ..... "Ù· .. · .... ··(4)· .. ·  3.1  0.7  0.6  0.7 •  0.8
 l'. E. r.. .................. :  ····· ..7:4' .. ·  0.2  (4)  0.4  0.3  "'J
 N. 8cotis............ , , ..•.  1.7  .... "1:3''''  26.0  0.9  3.0  1.7  3.6  2.5  '1:l
 N. Brunswick ..............  2.3  5.1  8.3  1.7  1.7  2.2  1.8  2.6  2.1
 Quebec.............  .. ..  15.4  30.2  3.9  12.1  21.5  36.5  30.3  22.4  26.0  f:g
 Ontario... _. . . .. , ........  28.!l  20.9  7.6  27.0  24.6  34.2  51.6  41.7  42.7  ~
 Manitoba................•.  9.7  1.4  4.7  19.3  2.9  S.4  3.0  5.2  4.5
 Saakatcbewan..............  2O.U  0.9  0.9  13.0  4.1  3.2  0.8  3.6  5.0  c::
 Albertu....................  17.3  1.9  0.5  12.4  18.6  4.4  2.1  9.0  6.8  Q
 Bri~ COI.. ................  3.3  34.4  44.2  6.3  14.0  9.9  8.1  10.8  9.2  '-3
 Yukon-N.W.Terr.......... ................ ..............  0.8  7.3  2.1  0.3  (4)  ................  0.1  Cl
 A.."IOADA .•.•.••••.•••• .  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  1.00.0  100.0  100.11  100.11
 (1) Chiffres non disponibles.  (1) Not a,ailable.
 (2) Ne comprend pas la prepamtion du poisson.  (2) ExcludCl! fish processing.
 (3) Production incluae avec celle de ln Colombie Brit.annique.  (3) Production includcd witb British Columbia.
 (4) Moins de 0.05 pour cent.  (4) Less ths.n 0.05 pcT cent.
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