Page 308 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 308


         De ]938 t'J. ]9130, la production a,!Ticole de  Frolll 1938 to 1950 agriculturlll produc-
       la province de Québec a plus qu' triplé.  tion in the Province of QuclJpc mOI'c than
       De $94 milliolls  n 1938, ollo passe il. . 200  Ll'iplod.  It iocreased from $94 million in
       millions en 1945 pour atteindre  200 rnil-  H);~8 to $209 million in 1045 and rp,ach 'c:l
       HODi":; en 1950.  Le pourcentage de lu. con-  290 milli  Il in ]\)50.  Tho perc ntllg  of
       tribution agricol  il. l' 'conollli  québé 'oise  agricuHurc'  êlllltributiou  (,0  th  Queboc
         t aI ..ez stabl  eL  0 muill(,I'JJ1L · 10 et  flCQlIorny is fCtirly sLa bl" :lnd  \nl' bel.woon
       14: pour cout de 1O;~  il. 1950.  EII HliiO,  10 and 14 pel' cent from 19:38 to 1950.  10
       l'agricult,ure rPlu(·sont  10,5 pour  'ont de  1950, nl!;l'icultul'e account,cd for 10.5 pel'
       lit produclion, CUUlpamtivemcnt il. 13.5 cn  c;cnt of the production cornpnred to 13.5
       103  et 12.6 pour c 'nt en 1945.     in 1938 <Jond 12.6 pel' cent in 1045.
         JAl. production de )'illllufitri0. fOI'PRl,ièrc,  The  olll]lut of  the  forestry  indusLI'Y,
       qui el1clll t l(~s scieri  ct les entr pri es de  which cxclud . ·f1.\,·mills : nù pulp and Jl:~per
       pulpn Pl. papi l', compte pour 4.2 pOLir c"ot  miJls, rcpl'c'cntcd 4.2 pllr cent of the Prov-
       cll\flS la productiolJ ri, la Province en 1\)50;  inoc's production iu 1950; v/llued at $24
        d'une valeur de 824 millions en If.l38, elle  million in 1938, it had ri en to , 115 million
       o.tteint, LHi lllillionR cn 1950.    in 1950.
        3-Valeur nette de la production du Canada, pur provinces, 1938-1950.
             3-Net Value of Production in Canada, by Provinces, 1938-1950.

          ANNtE8              Torre-Nouvo  Ile-du-P.-E.  N.-l!le068o  N.-nrun~wick  Québec
                     CANADA      -
           YEARS             Nowroundlnnd  P.E.1.  Nov..  New lJrullOwick
                       '000     ~'OOO     S'OOO     $'000     S'OOO      '000
                     2.7&1 ,936 .. ....... ... ..  8,244  03,93R  61,700  607,407
        1038,  ,., ....                     9,709    98.435    G7,99!)   774 ,075
        1939   ···· .  2,907.270  ..............  10,443  !l6,'.130  77,509  1l32,290
        1940     " .  3,&16,<182                     123.606   93,516   1,216.081
        1941.     .  '1,350,228  .., ............  10,187  163 ,472  108,647  1,544,1'15
        1942..........•.  6,752,8G4  ..............  15,003
        1943      .  6,113,438  . .............  18,072  178,424  129,463  1,850,364
        1944   , •....  (J,liOO,48\)  ........... ...  18,281  179,64.6  132,703  1,601.788
        1!H5, ,  , ..•.  5,000,017  . ........... ,.  21,282  187,305  155,128  1.709,985
        1946,     .  6,23·1,630  . .............     188.304   175,128  1.075,220
                             ........ ......
        104.7     .  7,428.518             I~, 514
        1048      .  9,058.311  .... "'Ï'·d7R··  20,H7  2~1'l,7 7  2n~ ,971  2,3-14.1194
                                                                       " r)'JO 822
        1919    ·  .  9,686.047            21,607    \l61.MO   225,128  ï::,r;Ù45
        1950   ,  .  10,562,287  83,la7    20.063
          , NNÉES                                            Col.-Brit.  Yukon &: Terr.
                     On!.nrio  MBnitob~  8nsknwhawull  Alberta
           YEAR8                                             Bri!.i h Col.
                       '000     $'000     $'000     $'000      '000      $'000
        1938..... , ... ·· .  1,214.979  135,8'13  114,638  106,330  228.573  4.276
       1939............  1.264,488  137,315  211.449  103.90,1  231,874   7. Joli
        19'10............  1,1121.581  163 ,374                           8,246
       1941. ...........  1,903,864  1 7,293  171.132  216,245  366,568   0,630
       1042............  2,371.932  259,022  '130,562  3 6.675  472,'176
        1043.......•....  2,1I2fj,Ol1  275,778  338,839  320,674  661,261  7,818
       19·14......... , ..  2.61 ,106  302,048  520,1I111  400,771  631,621  5,136
                                                               5~9 ,300
        1946........... '  2,441,594  268 ,86<l  331,058  330,310
       1946............  2,476.317  314 .852  378,514  422,572  5G3 ,347  6.328
       1047......... · ..  3,063,  9  349,811  445,853  470,805  735,0111
       1918...... , .....  3,66<l,422  466,823  507,878  664,213  866,883  12,639
       1949.. , ..... ··· ,  4,000,778  '161,372  011.1196  666,203  071,879  17,041
       19;;n........ , ...  4,607.302  474.576  528,006  712,070
   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310   311   312   313