Page 170 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 170


       En 1951, on comptl1it, clMB la province de  In 1951 there W0r0 144 institutions providing
     Québec, 144 institutions recevo.nt BOUS leur  sbelter for old ]>Oople a.nd orp.bans, in the
     toit des viei1lll.rds ou des orphelins: 41 dalls la  Province of Quubet.: 44 in the City of Montreal
     cité de Montréltl. 14 dans la ciHi dl.) Quéuuc nt  14 in Quoùœ City and 89 obew!lero in the
     89 daus les autres parties de la Pl'ovinco.  Province.  Several of th0 imtitutions Rra, at
     Plusieurs de ces institutions sont à la fohl  the srune time,, homes, orphltnllges,
     hôpital, hospice, orphelinat, etc ...  eto ...
       En pllis des iustil,utions ci-d'ASUB nOllilliées,  Besides the institutioll!! n.folTl'd to a.bove,
     il y a :H foyers ou agences sociales qui s'occu-  thero are 34 welfare or social ngencies wmeb
     pent sp~l'ialement de l'enfance abandonnée,
     des fa,milles pauvres, du service social il, doroi-  look after homeless children, destitute flLJJlilies,
     oilt. Oll d:tos c(ll'Lo,iucs insti·tutioDs, et qui orga-  provide social service in the home or in certain
     nisent de!! servi<les de placement.  institutions and pInce cbildren in foster hOlDes.

             12-Stlltl.t1que. des hospice. et orphellnllota, province de Qulibec.
               12-Stllotletic. of Horne. and Orphanage., Province of Quebec.
                     DESIGNATION                                 11150  1901
                                                 11l10-H  19111-19
     In.tltuUoJUl ayant lal& rapport•.... , .1""tltuUon. roporUnl!.......... ..........  141  138  136
     Nombr. d'tnoUtuUoJUl.............. NUll.lber ot insUtullons ........ ..... ....  141  IH  144
      Nombra de perW.OD":   Number of por8en"
       Pr6e.nte. le l.r l~ov\.r.......•...  Pr.seot on lot January......  16.066  IB,713  IB,011  18,470
       AdmiticlS durarlt 'annéa ...........  Admillcd dUl'ina ,ur.... ...  ll,OM  IO,2fi5  9,698  JO,20B
       Sortie. dunnt l 'o.oné•...... , , .. , .  nol.a••d ...................  10,931  10,208  0,802  O,1l72
       Pré."nt... ,. 31 diaombre .........  Pre.ent on 8lot Dco.mber ...  16,218  18,7110  17,8:10  Ill,OIIl

           13-Eht financier du hoaplcea et orphelinatl, province de Québec.
         13-Flnancial Statement of Home. and Orphanalles, Province of Quebec.

                     ENUMERATION                                 1050   1951
     Reostt.. :             ReeelpUl:                                    li
     En ~"j  1. I.r Janvi.r  ,  Caoh on lot ,lnnuory , . . . . . . . . .  107,113'1  6n. 802,  027,728  022,920
       Pay' par p.nalonlUlir••.. ,  , ' . ..  !'Rld by bon.rde'A  1,101, 3liO 2, I~\J, 8(H  1 ~. M9, [,B5 2.[,[,0.498
       Octrol.dullouvorn.ment. ...•....  Go.ernmenta:ranu.  87,7113 1,865,210 2.701,H75 2,!J66,9M
       Octmi. doo muntclpalltAl.. . . . • . . ..  Oron·t. b~ m",:"lcipa1JUoo .. . .  IBI, 008'  229,138  305,a20  :\UG,060
       Dono partlouli.",. . . . . . . . . . . . . . •.  Prl vate <fonatloll.l... , . . . . . . .  647,627  746, 683 l, 2Q\J ,800  UG4,836
     Au.h.. r.o.t~          Othar .a",,\pte  , . . . . . . . .. ..  1,767. 82:J... 2,004,782 2,609, 108 3,218,495
              TOT..L         , ....•... ,.. . ..  .. 4,981,564  8,lq7,487 1ll,284,022 10,1U,2GS
     Débounéo:              DI.bur••I1l.nte:
       Solalra. do. mM••lna. ,  ,  .  R.Jar!!.. of pp.y.lolano  .  33,002 i  113,497  00,266  7,0.372
       Bd.ireo du p  onnol.  , ..•...  8.I",t~a of otafI...•.........  86S, ,,-Il  1,0\17,751  2.234,803  2,410,8~1l
       Il.m~d.. eto       , ..  'M.diuinnotô   .  103, III  !G3, 754  1011,730  1  2(H,378
       Nourrltur            ..  Food  ,       .  1,317,127 2,035,727  2,607,081  2,000.000
       Blanchi,.aa. at habUlement.  .  L.llndry and cJo~hl~  , .  204 ,OB\!  :138, 13:i  303,\Jlli  378.221
       Chaull'a"••~ éclalrAle  .  Heatlull and ltllhti~  .  4H,911  6Ui ,900  1 703,801  71l.242
       Taxee. r6ploraUoIUI et D . ••••••••••  ~~~: Jl:b~::a~~'~::: :::::  711. 722 1,223.981  ,I,M9,0R4  1,8lti,OOO
       Autr•• d'bouné•.... , ....•......        1,057,OOa 1,716,830  1.1l70,011i  l ,G9·1 ,851
              TOTAL         ,          ,   "    4,740,4'&  7,511,663  8,591,7E12  8,987,953
       SOUTe.c: Stnli'/"I"CS dcslJos/>\:cd9 tl Orpheli-naU" Qut!bco  Source: Slillistie. 0/ Hom•• and Orphanaoe9, Q\loboc.
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