Page 166 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 166
5-Stati8tiques des Institutions d'ABBi8tance publique, province de Québec,
5-Statlstics of Public Charlties Institutions, Province of Quebec, 1945-1951.
Nombre rle--Tot",l number of Aeeistanne publi'luo--I'ublia Charitiea
- Lita Pntionta Jnurs Lite Pntienls Jours
Ycars - - - - - -
Beela Pntionb D"y. Boda Patients Days
194&.......... 36,804 303,205 11 ,828,557 23,029 7l ,507 0.401,611
1940.......... 38,.~33 325,281 10.510,461 23.98(\ 75,51)8 0,7l1.471
1947.......... 38,740 341,507 12.675,020 24,078 77,281 7' .005.20'1
J\H8.......... 40,284 369,117 13,469,024 25,163 86,705 7.961,684
IIH9.......... 42,272 410.407 15.377,7:3a 27,033 91l.751 0,581, 330
J950.......... 45,8M 450.713 17.049,707 29 ,fi1')6 108.607 11,010.DM
1051. ... ... 47,035 404,923 18.500,065 30,181 11'1,271 12,618,300
6-Stnt!8tiquea des Institutions d'Assistance publique, par classes, province de
Qué~oc, 1951.
lS--Stntilltlcll of Public Charlties Institutlon8, by classes, Province of Quebec, 1951.
Nombre tolnl de Aa.istance publique
- -
1NBl'IT(ITION8 DT CLASBE Totul nUlJlbor of l'lIulia Chariti.s
- ---
1NBTITUTIONII ANn OLAf:lfi.:;a Lih Pntienls Jours Lite Pntlents Jours
- - - - - -
liods Pn.tienf.8 Day. 13ed. Pnlianl. Doys
TOUT~8I.ESINS·I'ITUTIO"•. ALL l''STlTtlTIONS..... 47,03 494,923 18,506,065 30,181 W,271 12,618,300
HOI'J1'AUX atN~UAU)(•. . • GlJN~l1Al. U08P1TAL8 •• 13,749 351,746 3,839,431 6,890 47,047 943,462
H~itau. géntlraux: 'enoml ucslJitWs:
I"sse A-l. ......... Class A-l. ....... 0.720 106,031 2,137,1148 3,378 26.168 571,870
a eneral ho.pitel.:
H~:~,~lCl~~~l'.".u:.:.... CI".. A-2........ 5,178 141.983 ], 333 ,382 ], 82'1 J:',480 26\J,13l
l:lÔpit.aux gén6rll\LX: Genernl hospital.:
Closso A-S. , ........ CIIIl!8 A-3........ 1,545 '13.732 308,401 688 5,300 102.161
A UTn~6 INBTITUT[QN8 ••.. Ol'H &n TN91'lTU'ClON&.. 33,286 143,171 14,666,634 24,291 61,224 11,674,838
Convaleacent.s: C n\·nletlcont.a:
CI088Cll l~-I ct 13-2. .... Cl...... B-I end B-2. 4.00 2,871 1I1,Ha 286 1,093 70.510
CurooiquOll et Chronics Rnd
lncmrahloa: lllcumble.:
Clu....... 0-3 et B-4 .. .. Clnsecs il-3 fLnd 13-4. 3.085 7,880 1,870,0)01 2,300 6,061 1,508,2'11
li'i)1~;.e:\J.......... ... Clna. C.... ,....... 5,076 12,523 2,081,<l5\) 1,428 7.085 1,711,118
In..e D-J .... Orë\:~"13:t......... 8,031 10,952 4,303,OM 7,06'1 10,022 3,700.061
Maternité. FiIle...mè~e~: UnmATried o10thersonly
CI,,1l8O E ........... .. Cluse 11 .......... 417 2,·158 07,400 360 1.855 0'1.706
Crèeh.s: Crechea:
Cl••se. F-I F-2, 1'-3... 1 68 F-I, 1f-2. F-3 3.793 li ,·150 2,007.,000 3,1'17 11,028 1,065,187
Bébé. né./\ l'hÔpital: Bnbie.born inb apitnls
Clnsse li'-3. . . . . . . . . . .. Clnss Jo'-3.......... 2,132 66,737 -H5.llll .)20 3,315 33.634
Garderie.: Nur.eriee:
CIOB9C G.............. Clo.s 0 ............ 300 556 10.5:15 300 110 18,600
E,,(I\ol.8 iIl6nne.: C1fJplnd obUd,en:
'lasse fi. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1888 H.•.......... 1,078 1,109 226,5(;9 1,078 818 185,663
Epileptiques: ElJilnp~ie8:
ClasSù 1. .............. CIIl8.. I. ........... 40IJ 562 138.811 4·15 501 130,248
Sanl>toria: Snnl>~ol'in:
Clesses J, J-I, J-2 et J-3. Clns.c. J. J-I, J-2
!lnd J-3.......... 5,allll 11,325 1,705,431 5,333 10,854 1,735,177
Malawc. CODtagieu.cs: Cootngious ùi~ IleS:
CllLsso M ........•.... CI"•• M ........... ·155 4. ,731 lI5,·181 455 4,053 \H,202
Il~ilHU' ~éoi"H.é.: Sp eiali.o,1 ho.pilld.
'IILS8"8 -1, N-2, N-3... Cll1sso. N-I.N·2.N-3 55Y 4,977 174, 53~ 267 974 711,0·13
DivenJ........ .......... Miseellaneou•........ 1.102 6,OH 3;;0,7li3 710 1,756 227,'151
Source: Dopm'lrrtfmt ()llIc(&IlJ~, (Ju. bec.