Page 162 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 162

150                SANT~ PUBLlQUE-PUBL1C HEALTH

       Z-Prlnclpale. at.t1.tique. de. unltéa sanitaire. de comté, province de Qufbec,
                                     1921-52 (Fin).
       2-Prindpal Stati.tica of County Health Uniu, Province of Quebec, 1921-52 (Conal'd).

                        LA BOnATOInE: Prélilvementa.- LABORATOn,y: Samplo•.
           Annole.      Bau       LalL    Peur dipbtérle  Pour lypholdo  Pour Lub rculose
            Ye"llI     Water     MtIk      For dipblerin  For Lyphold  For tubereu1001.

       1Q20.....• , ....••..  786  516                      115
       IVan...............  1.831  1.173                    84
       10~H ........•......  3.07.  2.2flO                 507
       1QB2...............  4,697  4.7-12                 1.116
       IV:I:l,. .............  6,535  li. 784             2 ..199
       1034.. .............  4.255  ~._2f\\l              2,H!)
       loar,...........•.•.  ..651  6.001     615         1,117        .2,114
       10:1(;...............  5,004  4.182    789         1.000        2,77:1
       liJ:l7......•.......•  6.1 3  4,4 1    1182         812         3.0157
       10:18...............  6.5 1  6.817    1,62'1       1,010        3,137
       19:10 ........... , ...  7,6 5  9,231  4.818        894         6,846
       IIHO (1) ............  16,26,1  la,244  3,207      4,302        9,385
       11(·11, ..............  8.374  9.231  2,993        2,754       10,171
       19.2...............  8.083  9.237     3,326        1,870       10,31>7
       19.5...............  8.530  0.010     6.127        1,810       10.113
       19H......•........  8.998  10,098     8,372        2.867       10,2-11
       19~5...............  9,041  8,713    18,111        1,754        7,9010
       1940...............  0,203  8,928     7,4'85       2.254        8.289
       1041...............  0.608  0,470     4,042        2,013        '.40n
       194B...... .........  li ,494  10,168  3,273       3,3Jll       7,638
       11H0...............  12,442  12,157   3,M3         3,040        8,n72
       \0,,0...............  12,843  12,477  2,105        2,305        0,670
       J961. ....... , ......  12,284  l3.835  2,099      3,148        7,210
       105~...............  13,106  14,070   1,700        3,32a        6,435
                                                                      Hyglône d.
                                 HYIlIÔD<> do ln pr"midr_ onfoneo    l'~lle
                                          --                             -
                                      Child  H~'gjf:ne               Sobool HYlliello
          Ann6o.                                    Vi.iUle A domicile
                           ClinIQu...-elluio.            -
           -                                         Vi.lted at homo
           Yenre                         Enranta                       ext\mln6.
                             Nourriflsona  prd-.ool_ire.     Enfante     -
                    Nombre    clU\minÔll  examiné.  NourrilsSOll9  pré-Bcolaire.  Children
                      -         -         -         -          -       oxnmiDed
                    Numbor     Dabi     PrtHlohool  Babio.!l  Pre-.obool
                              oxt\mJnod  ohildron            ehlldron
       1029 ........ ....  403      7,3711              12,429         40,083
       J930.... ........  ~Ol       14,008              38,699         01,648
       1031 ............  1,039     25.340              82,30·1        130,000
       1932...... , .•...  1,700    39.053             117.322         152,078
       1933....... , ....  3.70     83,OS3             J73,:HO         103,283
       103·j........... ,  4.271i   02,558'            171,800         107,894
       loas............  4,465  62,800   31,384    1>3,'125  80.917    132,582
       1{l36............  4.762  71,182  30, lOI  101,5'11   108.2<l8  12'1,7111
       1937. ...........  4,7H  72,713   33,340    118,,1110  111.061  l:l7,376
       1938....      4.78      72,4110   37,389   115.0'12   117,419   143,084
       1939............  !i,633  06,704  056,9<\1  118.053   120,989   150,6-57
       11)010 (1) .........  111.134  170, lM  ID ,326  102,880  205.548  2(}1,707
       11141 ............  7.088  112.057  87,343  114.105   153,181   113,064
       19·12............  7.507  1211,885  107,658  110,604  171,364   116,985
       10-j3............  7,334  127,813  93,88-l  121i,037  175,010   134,1585
       10H..  o  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  7.785  13:J,273  09,272  125.242  172,783  UO,377
       1945.. _.........  7.001i  137.323  105,513  125,537  167,831   133,437
       1040....•.•..•..  8.023  161,560  149.005   110,750   150,680   130,638
       1047............  8,899  160.454  129,'1117  127.797  170,1136  107.007
       1948............  Il,100>  171.682  IR2,5Sl4  141.051  2<H.827  163 .~06
       1049... ........  0,362  179,118  133,1127  143,217   201, R93  140,334
       1950......•.....  9,5!l0  176,122  J28,5 4  162,030  220,088    143, DM
       1051. ...........  9,880  186,562  J31.557  160,524  220,385    133,759
       19,52......•.. , ..  10,545  1\10.402  134,383  175,633  245,1i02  176.1!)I
        (1) A.nnée civLle.  Antérieur 'îIlc-ot,  [LUU(ll (ldrnÎnil:l-
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