Page 233 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 233
21-Clauification deB priBonniera admis, suivant l'âge, l'état çivll et l'instruction.
21-CI.uification of Prisoners Admltted accordinlf to AgI!!, Conjugal StatuB and
ENUMEnATlON 1\)47 1048 llHO 11).50 1951
Aoe. : Aueo:
Moin. do 11 ~n•....... Undor 14 yeur............ M 35 31) 52 08
Do 14 /1 16 ..n•........ From i 4 to 10 yQD.r8 ...... 252 230 384 2J(J 281
De 16 /1 20 BNI •..... " From 16 to :l0 ym,rH.....•. I,B[,S 1.805 2.025 1.91<1 l.1l(l2
Do 20 iJ. 25 ..n......... Jïrom 20 to ~.1 yoare...... 2,585 2,556 2.94a 2,097 2,51l7
Do 25 t. 30 ..n•. , From 26 10 ao'8.. , .. , 1,441 2.122 2,159 2,178 2,020
D. 30 /1 40 ..n.... '.: : : : l'rom ao 10 4.0 Y.""'.... , .. 1.683 1,08 2,421 2,M6 2.232
Do ·iO à 50 an•.... , ... l'rom 10 1.0 50 y...,.•.•..... 1,084 1,I.lU 2.572 1, 52,1 1,607
De 50 /1 60 un•. , ..... FrOID 50 l.<> 60 ... 651 (\:31 805 836 OM
00 "M 01 pluB. , .... 00 ycor. and ovor.... 374 320 437 438 HO
/lkJt <i,i/: C"~)uoal
Clllibuluiroo" . Uomo.nicd ...........•... tl,103 7,(154 8,232 7,334 7,,1;20
M..ri6•...... Murrlcd ................. 3.1!!3 3,4M 4.222 4.51l3 1.039
Veul•....... Widowed ............ 2~'12 414 421 574 600
[n IItfudlon: LilOfacll:
Ne "I\.h~nl ni Ure ni
~crJrD., ....•....... Unubln lo re.d or wril•.. , 700 704 1,164 1.107 1,77'&
So.cbnnt IIrc cl éCrlTO .. Able to rend and ..rite ... 8,086 8.822 U,339 8,772 8.128
!".truoUoll plus déve-
lonp~o.•... , . , ..... Hlgher eduoallon .... 883 1,300 2,372 2,622 2,267
TOTAL ......... ............. 9,67' 10,92.2 12,1175 12,501 12,168
22-Clanificatlon de. priaonnil!!J'B admis, suivant l'occupation.
22-Clanification of Pri.onera Admitted, according to Occupation.
OCCUPATIONS 1046 IIl46 lU47 1018 1941l 1050 1051
Agriculture paohc.
chusse, "h"t.age du Agriculturc, Ji.hcric.,
bois.............. trnpping, IOlllfinll ... , . 674 730 825 70S 892 889 8~7
M ÎlleB, carrières ... "." 103 456 432 16~ 383 242 130
Munllfu.ntures ....... ~~~~F~c?t~:'.;2:In.g: : : : : : JOO 616 303 364 342 350 200
on6trtlction........ Con8truclion.......... , 371 710 661l 700 975 1152 1.017
TrfLOl3portB ct. tom.. TratlJjportation and Com-
municil tions....... municutioos.......... 302 422 457 710 028 M7 055
Cornrrwrce.......... Trude.............. ". 283 433 108 204 262 3:J7 286
ProleSl!lon.lib05rnles.. Prole.sioM!. ....... , ... 29 0 10 6 20 61 26
Scrvicc8............. Services ............... 721 666 700 704 004 1,088 1,244
Trnvnil du hureau ... Clerica!. . , , . , .... . .. ... 287 410 320 381 531l 820 840
Manœuvre•......... Lo.bourertt. ............. 2,984 4.609 3,073 4,102 5,622 5,128 ·1,431
li'orlH.~8 F.U'r'LlOOs ....... Arroed FOH'Cil ... , ...... 190 1 224 63 74. 56 8\1 123
AutrcA or:ouputions( 1) Other occupation. (l) . , . 241l 247 292 2:12 197 27r> 2:;<1
Sun8 OCCUPlltlorl ..... Without occupation .... 1,378 1,3114 2,271 2,478 2.061l 1,733 1,906
--------------- ------
TOTAL........... , ................ 1,272 11,132 9,678 10,922 12,875 1.2,501 1.2,168
(I) Comprend fillAnae ot •••urllnoeo, iltudi"D16 .1 ..d- (1) Includo! F'illADOO And 1n"'IroMo. St'ldenlo on.d
mJniAlnolion publiQue. Publio AdmiruAtr"tlon