Page 224 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 224


          208                            JUS7'/CE

                 ll--Convictions sommaires, par provinces, en 1947, 1948 et 1949.
                 l1-Summary Convictions, by Provinces, in 1947, 1948 and 1949.

                                    IDH               1948              1940
               PROVINCES       Hommel   t'OlJlm.  Homme.  F~mmee  Homme.
                                 -                 -       -        -        -
                                Mele    Female    Male    Female   Male    Female
          lla-rlu-pA: .... P. E. 1. .......  2,703  13  2,631  00   3,052      6f,
          N.•l1:oo••e ..... N. Sootia ......  Il ,636  883  13,230  400  12,2ll8  :1·19
          N.-Bruo.-wiok., ..............  13,617  480  1l,841  848  12,7~8    :ln
          Québeo ........... ,. _........  182,097  6,738  221.699  6,808  224,728  7,404
          Ootario ...•.............•...  88ll.753  20,581  412.551  1  83.360  468,816  12.022
          M.nJtoba ..... _., ....... ,',.  41J.1M  1,715  50,1171  1.IH2  69.888  2,la5
          8••ka!< .. , .............  14,737  526  14. !175  513  15.9811  '176
          Alberta .. ........ , .. , ,......  17.639  l, 057  18,oQ2  1.15ll  24,327  1,22'1
          Col.-Brlt ...... B. C ..........  42,649  2,98ll  77.762  7,264  87,110  7,215
          Yul<o-n '" TeTr. " ............  604  40  547      76      273       16
              C.uf.n ...............  lU,BriO  34,608  824,789  61.856  919,208  &1,281
           Les conviotions sommaires oonBistent surtout  The Act for Summary Convictions
          en infractiona o.ux lois provinoio.les et aux  more pa.rticuln.rly with iu!ractions of provincial
          règlements municipaux.  Ce sont les oauses  atatuteB and municipal by-law!l.  Casee trie<!
          jugées en vertu de lo.l.<Ji des Conviotions som-
          maires.                              under that aot called summary convictions.
           En 1940, les conviotions sommaires dl1Ds la  In 1949, suromary convictions iu the Prov-
          province de Québoo comprennent 188,ooa in-  Ince or Quebeo include 188,003 breMhee of
          (ractions aux règlements de la circulation,  varioua and tra.ffic regulo.tion.~, 1,697 otfence8
          1,697 infractIons aUle lois du jeu, 13,812 infrM'  a.gainst Gambling Aots, 13,812 broaohes of
          {jonR il. divers  règleDl(lnL.~ municipaux et  various munioipal by-Iawb I1Dd 10,419 CD-86S of
          10,419 cas d'ivres~e.  Ces diveroos infractionB  d.rnnkenu6SS.  Theso vn.:rious infrMtions re-
          représont.eut 92% du total.          present 92% of tho tota.l.

                      12-Convlctlon•• dan. la province de Québec.
                      12-Summary Conviction. in th. Province of Quebec.

                                   ConvlottoDl- Convlollou        80ntonoe.
                 ANNltE8                                  Option  n61,.n.   Suroio.
                                                 Femme.  d'amonda  option   et.a,
                 YEARS          'robl
                                         M~I.    Fomal.  Option 01  GutJ:! lnl Ited  Derer rod,
                                                          a Fin.  ,,·ithout  ota.
           1005-09          ..   14,0~2  12,273    1.740   10,45:1    730    2,893
           1010-14.              23,759  21.124-   2,6:H   18,804     M7     4,288
           1!115-19 ..           2-1.747  21,186   3.611   19.116     592    4,·t39
           1920-24      .        a8,580  30.703   .2,767   '28.4~3  1, 121   ~l, 076
           1925-29              31,785   29.283    2,502   20.508   1.lOu    1.082
          1030..............•.......•.  IlO,008  55,~1  4,107  40.1528  1,887  12.038
          1081................•...... ,  99,881  94,4110  4,891  7D,071  2.100  17,21lO
          1932 .. ,  " .•....•.....• '  112,132  100,911S  6,217  80,779  ) •!lB1  20,313
          1033....•............. , ..•.. '  117,438  110,141  8,092  90,M2  1,002  15,OOg
          1934.....................•.•  115,313  100,689  6,04-4  100,888  1,592  12,838
          1080, .••.. ' •...••.••...••...  118,499  112,347  6,152  101,636  2,322  14,114/
          1088., .•...............• , .•.  111,2154  105,1109  0,2110  87,104  1,368  22,702
          1937               .   99,404   92,8150  6.149   70,008    1,618   18,728
          1938             .     89,443   83,025   0,418   72,676    1,511   15,3M
          1939 .•........•..•.••.•.....  91,,607  80,804  4.713  74,O.'iO  1,888  10,609
          11140 ..................••.. , .  03,OM  811,424  4,541  75,007  1,046  17.'18
          1041. , .•.•.•.•..• , ••. , •.••••  162,330  145.423  6,007  129.488  1,474  21,368
          1912        ..        1115.672  186.779  Il,sU3  172,30:l  I.on~   22,271
          1043               .  lRI,425  J72.2R 6  0.130   1f,2,10.'i  l,12ft  28,104
          10H .•....••• , ...•.•••.....•  146,598  141,294  6,200  124,(140  1.7~1  20,222
          li)oI~             .  15 ,1580  161,1514  7.006  1:13.144  1,0·ln  21.:187
          li)oI(J            .  176,996  170,022   6,974   151,'186  1.3(iti  2·1.IH
          1947 ........•......•........  188.835  182,097  6,738  l00,Olll  l !ole1  17,670
          1048...............•.......  228,502  221.09D  6,803  206,4 5  l' :~70  20,747
          1049 ..........•. , ....  232,132  224,728  7,404  210,127  1;351  20,054
                                                Source: Stol'.tico 01 Criminal and oth.T 00'61IC", Ottawa;
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