Page 108 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 108
Le lecteu.r troll vern le& dODnétlll·rel·lIltivea·à, Data pertaining to the Province of Quebeo,
la provincc de Qu6bec..r6.partiea par cnmt~s.
aecording to counties, will be round on page 99
il. la page 99 de l'1J:dition 1940 de l'Annuaire
Statistique. of tlte 1949 tldition of tho Statistical y CM Book.
Dans trois centres urbains tIElulerrtent, Mont- In only thl'oo urban centres, nnmely, Mont-
rool-Nord, Rivière-du-wup et Thetford Mines,
le nombre des propriéta.Ù'e8 est sup61ieur il. real North, Rivière du Loup and Thetford
celui des locataires. Le nombre de logements .Mines, home ownors out.number tenants. The
loués (,~t proportioImellament très éJllvé à number of renLed dwellings ia proportionately
Montréa.l, Québec et Verdun. very' high in Montreal, Quebec and Verdun.
51-Maisona, logementa, ménallea, familles et pcirsonnel dans lei famillel, pour
lei centres urb"ina de 5,000 âme8 et plu a de la province de Québec, en 1141.
51-Buildings, Dwellinga, Houaehold8, Families and Person8 in Familie8 for l.!rban
Centrea of 5,000 population and over, in the Province of Quebec, 1941.
LOllemente-OwellJl1llo F6Ullllè. Enfanu.
Centres urbains M..100n. Mé0610. - i dans la
- \I) Vacants Oooup6a-Oooupiod - FamiJlco l..mlJlo
Urban Contolll Bui dlnllO - Hou....
Vao..nt P08sédéa Louée holde PerlOD.Celil ChÙ~roD
- - TotaJ - ln FarnUy
OWlled aootod Person.
Aob.otœ ......... , . 622 12 2811 825 l,lM 1,169 5,319 2,946
Cap-do-I..-Madoloino 1,301 21 840 1',266 2,202 2,23'1 11, 284 5,608
Cl.icoutlmi ......... 1,483 ...... 924 l, MS 2,628 ~, 736 14,318 8,~06
D,ulllmoodvillo..... 902 '68 621 1,512 2,078 2,092 9,023 4,6ga
Oranby ............ 1,729 iO 927 1,O2[~ 2.924 2,933 12,644 6,871
Or..nd'MtlMl., ...... 038 10 6[61 9(>4 1,6(l0 1,64D 8,020 4,891
Hull ............... 4,404 26 2,216 3,876 6,427 6,674 30,136 t6,234
Joliette ............. l,253 16 W5 1,6H 2,310 2,287 10,863 6,868
Jonquière........... 1,237 ...... .... 818 1,247 2,213 2,361 12,819 7,884
Kênolaml... , ...... 554 ...... ÏO· 289 702 1,072 l.119 6,786 8,495
LaoWn........... , . 2,001 ~ 963 3,221 4,268 4,381 l7,960 8,620
Laohut.............. 892 .. .... ÏO· 467 6M 1, 106 1,117 4,673 2,224
La Tuqu•.......... 071 628 780 1,456 1,463 7,364 4,271
990 . ..... ....
1.."u.oo. ,., o •••••••• 6D4 606 1,323 1,366 6,868 3,597
I.6vi•....... , .. , .. , 1,841 1 Sa3 1,000 1,061 1,088 9,741 6,]22
Lonlu.uU .......... 028 18 401 806 1,408 1,431 6,878 2,794
Maanll.. ·· ......... 1,0<10 3 604 , 1.267 1,1103 1,880 8,087 4,l3D
~ontmor.ooy....... :iSO 3 106 604 9-12 080 0,040 2,8~
Montr6al. .......... 67,443 2,502 22,1)05 176.930 203,685 197,840 774,476 353,237
Montréal-Nord...... 1,084 0 649 62;j 1,304 1,204 5,738 3,001
Outremont ......... 2,901 6l> 1.687 6.232 7,0:i8 7,033 26,953 D,DID
Québeo.............. 12,373 283 6,306 21. 5aO 28,170 27,094 126.732 66,8~1
ftimoUJIk!. .......... 733 a «4 680 .1,102 l,Ill 0,602 3,168
Itivill,o-du-Loup ..... 1,281 ... ....... 767 704 1,617 1,483 7,352 3,946
n.OUr,D .......... " . 1 ,366 114 718 1,083 1,866 1,732 7,446 3,1159
8t-l yaoiothe ..•.... 1,777 120 763 2,610 3,361 8,200 13,740 6.526
8t-J!!an ...... , ..... t ,478 13 739 I,AB7 2,716 2,815 Il,770 6,766
St-J~rOme .... , ..... 1,360 2 724 1,[>10 2,317 2,200 10,179 6,8«
8t-Jo.eph-d'Alma .... 486 0"', , .. ,. 3s2 606 1,022 1,059 6,198 3,961
Sf.,-.ï"·~bh, .....•... 480 6 271 732 1,027 1,052 0,147 2,1178
Bt-Lam crt......... 910 2 503 1,010 1,638 1,522 6,767 2,40~
St.-Laurent ......... 726 3 342 824 l, 10~ 1,187 5,000 2,M6
Shawinignn J\'p,lLa ..•. 1,402 7 714 2,83/\ 3,820 18,171 10.416
Sbcrbro<'>kc, ........ 3,:351 111 1,768 5,7011 7,770 n~ 30,100 14,266
80'01. ............... 1,1160 46 8G7 l ,33~ 2,aO.1 2,504 10,564 6,208
Th,,unrd MlllO•..... 1,812 28 1,2,16 1,181 2,41'1(ï 2,466 Il.841 5,653
Tro;~-Rl'lMr••...•... 3,600 8.\ 1,62/\ S,751 7,688 7,871 36,911 111,000
Valley6.ld...... , ... 1,932 2·1 I,OU5 2,009 8,250 3,463 11.283 6,844
Verdull ......... , .. 4,891 ll:l i .(,53 14,473 16,184 16,312 61,006 26,840
Victori."III•........ 1,149 2~' 748 !153 1,14'7 1,738 7,766 4,011
Wcstmount....•.•.. 2,053 186 2,816 3.528 6,030 5,604 19,221 7,116
(1) Maisoll8 .ervant d'hablt..tlon seulement. (1) Bolldinl. uood lor bobltatl.on only.
(2) 24 0 u moIns. (2) 24 y.aro ..nd undor.
BOUTœ: Hllttitme '''''M••'''.nJ du Canada, Vol. V. Boureo: E;Qhlh C.,...... o{ Can nda, Vol, V.