Page 524 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 524

T&L&GRAPHES-TELEGRAPHS                      507

                    9-TtLtGRAPHES                         9--TELEGRAPHS
           Les IX'stes de télégraphie, al! Canada" appar-  The telegraph service in Cana,da is operated
         tiennent à, des compagnies privées il.. part quel-  by priva.te companies .....ith the exception of a,
         ques-uns qui sont exploités par le gouverne-  fEl\Y lines, wmch are maintained by the Federal
         ment fédér:tl.  Le personnel des bureanx, en  Gtivernment.  In 1949, the staff consisted of
         1949, comprenait 9.5.35 employés.  Les dépê-  9.55,> employees. Messages transmitted and
         ches transmises et reçues en 1949 comprenaient  rE'(',eived  during the yea,r  1949, included
         2û,Q6.'3,078 télégrammes et 1,642,2iS câblo-  2O.0Kl,û78 telegl'arns and 1,642,278 cablo-
         grammes.  Les sommes d'argent transférées  grams.  Thf' amount of mOlley transmitted
         par télégraphe s'élevait à $12,469,348.  by telegraph 8.ttained $12,469,348.

                        31-Statistiques des télégraphes, par provinces.
                            31-Telegraph Statistics by Provinces.
                                 !1:tr~41'  1943  1  1944  )  1945  1  1946  1  1947  1  1948  1  1949

                            NOMBRE DE BUREAUX-NUMBER OF OFFICES

         ·t:È-.~::::::::: :~:.~..~'.~::: :::::.  1 1  26;j  273  272  256  252_  235  226  223
         N.·B...........• K. B  .    164   162   ]58  150   151   138   140   135
         8~t~ri~ :.'.'.::::::::::::::::::::::.  1.417  1.421  1,400  1,399  1.354  1,37G  1.391  1,416
         Manitoba      .            329   332   334   329   332   328   :::22  32!)
         Saskatchewan... .  .   .   644   644   643   636   631   674   677   mû
         Alberta..... .  .      .   481   493   476   472   465   478   482   4;l1
         O.·B       R. C      .     56"5  572   569   572   551   555   567   581
         yukon                 .     Il    Il    11    11    11    Il    Il    Il
         Tl'Tremm"e  t,;ewfld .. }                                            584
         Etll.t3-Unis  U. S. A..  .  "     29    25    25    25    25    2.;   13
               TOT.'I.T•..••...•.•••••.•••.  4.867  4,908  4,834  4,804  4,707  4,&40  4,679  5,2!I
                        LONGUEUR DES LIGNES (JlI1'I !o'IILUl!l)-POLE LI:'ΠMILEAaE
                                       1                       1
         I.-P.-E ......... .P. E. 1.. .. .. ......  28fi  285  285  285  256  25ô  286  286
         N.-E ...... ..... K. s...... .... ....  2.7M  2.783  2.783  2,782  2.783  2,718  2,706  2.427
         N.·B ..... ..... .. K. B .•.... .... ....  2.129  2,184  2.186  2.186  2.181  2,178  2.164  2,170
         Quëbec .....  ...... ...  6.977  7 .015  7 .015  7 .032  7,oor.  5.846  5.834  5.833
         Outar:io ........ ... ...  '"  11.265  11,233  11.2.33  11,231  11 ,226  11.181  11, lliO  11.076
         J-faniloba ....... ..  .........  4.215  4,214  4,213  4.163  4,209  4,206  4,191  4,193
         8a~k:l.tcbewao... ... ......... ... .. .  9.226  9,227  9.221  9.240  9,099  9.100  9,109  9.123
         A!hl'rta .......  ....  ....  7.315  1,339  7,339  7.351  7.367  7,:':76  1,285  7.287
         C.B. ..... ...  .:Ë:C·.:· ... .... .. .  7,044  6,995  6,986  7.030  7,1.'59  7,104  7, no  7.(>00
         yukon..... .....  ......... ....  582  582  582  582  'ô2  562  5ô2  5fi2
         Terren~uye ... ... Kewfld ... .. ... ..  H  14  14  14  14  14      1,437
         Etau;-Lnis...  . .L. S. A... .......  5·!2  542  541  542  520  541  541  !j·a
                                  ---- --- ---- --- ---- ---. --- ---
               TOTAL •. .............. ...  52,378  52,414  52,414  52,447  52.501  51,024  50,958  52,535
                           LONGCEUR DES FILS (aH InLLBEI)-WIRE MlLEAGE
         f.-P.- E .. ........ P. E. J.. .. ... .....  1  fj03  911  954  "54  95ô  956  05tl  956
         N.-P,    ... . N. 8..,.  ...  16.622  17,406  17.425  11 ,39-~  17,402  17.929  17,884  18,076
         K.-B ..... .... .. .N. B. ...  ....  1140\l  17,586  18,239  18,421  18.858  18. il8  18,069  11<.828
         Qulib oc. ..... .. .. ... ...... .. ......  47,750  48.942  49,071  49,158  50.153  49,:J58  50,870  50.6l17
         00<= io.... , ..  ..... .... ......  131.:>5-3  130.683 130,805 134 ,341  137.041  136,464 136.433 1:n.2\H
         Mani toba ........ ......... ......  31 .~j42  , 31,735  :n.60S  31.381  .32,239  32,954  32,298  32.687
         Be.ska tchewan ...  .... ..  50, (H';::':  .';0,002  50,2:.!.; , 50,286  50,466  50,583  52, 173  51.322
         Alber ta...........  ..  ..  41,7~1  42,634  43,1"-0  43.396  4.1.053  43, ISO  43.778  4il.&!<J
         C. B.      .B.  C::  ......  38.,,01  38.445  4-0,0."8  1 40.124  46,053  46.788  47.197  47.507
         Ynko o . .........         585   587   587   587   562   56:.!  .'iti2  570
         T~~re 1J€l.Ive •.. ,.  :Ne·~·ird·. ...  14  14      14    Il        6,678
         Etat~ -Unis .• , ... .U.S.A.. ..  ----1----           ------ ---
               TOTAL •..••. .... ...  382,818 184,350 387,677  391,476.400,981  401,803  405,&40  413,759
                                       l                 ,
                                                SOllrce; Tpl~'1r(jph Sta.tislù:s, Ottawa'
   519   520   521   522   523   524   525   526   527   528   529