Page 520 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 520


         Le port. de Chicoutimi est situ6 Sur la rh'ière  The harbour of Chicoutimi is situa,t,ed on
        Baguons,y.  Cette rivii':re se jet.te dani'l le  the Saguenay River about 75 nilles from its
        Saint-Laurent à 120 milles en aval de Québec.  mouth.  The Saguenay flows into the St.
        Las installations dont. le "Conseil" -dispose  La'\vrence River at a point 120 miles below
        dans ce port comprennent: 2,500 pioos de  Quebec.  The facilities operated by the Board
        quais auxquels peuvent accoster les na,vires  include: 2,500 linear fest of wharf allowint
        tirant 26 pieds d'eau; un entrepôt en béton  ships of 26 foot draft, fi, concrete fueproof Bhed
        à l'épreuve du feu, de 400 pieds sur 00 pied:=;;  400 feet by 60 feet, a frame shed 150 foot by
        un hangar en Lois de 150 pieds sur 40 pieds et  40 fset, and about 8,500 fset of standard gauge
        environ 8,500 pieds de voies t'errées normales  railway tracks conneoting with the Canadian
       .rel;oos au réseau du CalUldien-Na,tiona,l,  ~ational Railwa,ys.
        24--Statlstiqu8s des ports nationaux de la province de Québec.  Tonnage décharvé
        des cargo8 et chargt! à leur bord et nombre de passagen débarqués et embarqué••
        24-Statiatics of National Harboun of the Province of Quebec.  Cargo Tonna...
        Unloaded 'rom and Loaded to Vessel. and Number of Pas8engen Landed and
                                  Embarked by Vessels.

                      Tonnage des cargoa-(l)-Cargo tonnage  Passagers- (2)-PaE-fJengers
           YEARS     Arrivages  D6plUtH    Total    Débarqués  Embarquês  Total
                   1.  Inward   Outward              Landed  1  Embarked
         1940-44........  165,690  2,915    168.G11    3.419     3,334     6,753
        1945 .•....•..••.  52,112  1,993     54,105    5,OQ8     5,102     10,200
        l 'li5.. .. .........  52,431  481   62,912    6, 117    6,118     12,235
        HiH..          182,046     2,386    l '.!-<l, 432  5,715  5,179    11 ,554
        1~48. .. .. ...  224,108   1,162    225,810    6,125     6,501     12,626
        1!H9. ..........  151,631  3,953    1.35_590   1,129     1,129     14,258
                            PORT DE QCÉBEC---HARBOUR OF QL'"EBEC
         1940-44 .... ....  ()OO,4G3  4ü'J.421  1,459,884  24,500  23.389  41,889
        1945.•. .........  1,184,8<18  7l4,611  1,899,459  49,911  4B,849  Q8,760
        1!)46.  ...   1,I,j8,884  :181.875  1,540,759  45,156   33,250     78.406
        Hi47.        1,.132,1.19  322,859  1,855,018  38,071    33,063     71,134
        194R..        1,623,888  226,482   1,R50,;l70  69.959   38,570    lOB.52Ç1
        Hi49..       1,-500.105  306,186   1,815,351  51,661    35,295     86.956
         HI-lO-H..   1.217,808   467.139   l.6S;:; ,007
        1945••.       1,611.7M   8.'11,134  2,492,842
        HI46  .       1,427,222  475,302   1, 902.524
        1947  .       2.m2,335   515,794   2,608,129
        1948. ..     2,209,884   358,12G   2,568,010
        1949 ...      I.H21.H19  349,033   2.277,012             ........i.
                         PORT DE MONTRÉAL-HARBOlTR OF MONTREAL
        Moy. AYe.
         Hl40-44.... ....  3,954,163  3,735,504  7,089,727  59,900  53,534  113434
        1945•.•....•....  3,239,815  5,769,702  9,009,511  81, !W1  70,955  152,802
        lQ46 ... ..... ....  3.-1-(15.018  5,594,0'<'2  ÇI ,C99, 100  78,235  14,530  1112,765
        1947.•. .... .....  4,323,466  6,484,-107  10,807,873  85,553  78,371  163.924
        1948... .... .....  5,508,386  6,129,734  11 ,63.~.120  95,415  !H ,877  181,202
        1949.   .....  7,042,268  û,827,878  13,870,146  'J5,329  9Ù,5SO  185,909
         (I) Tonnes de 2,000 livres.           (1) TOM of 2,000 pounde.
         (2) A l'eJ:c1uBion des forces armtieB t'lt das prisonniers  (2) Exclusive of a.rmed forces and prlllOnen 01 WU.
        de ltUerre.
         Source: ConBeil rirB Porla .\Talioll11UZ, Otlll.w:l..  Source:, !'.'(I(iUWl/ Hllrbouf'IJ Buurri, Ottawa,
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