Page 525 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 525

508                         COMMUNICATIONS
                     to-POSTES                          lO-POST OFFICES
          Le nombre des bureaux de poste en opéra-  The number of post offices in operation in
        tion dans la Province é de 2,582, :m 31  the Province was 2,582 on the 31st Ivlarch
        maTS 1948. Le ministre des Postes a ouvert  1948.  Duriug the year,  the Post Office
        30 succursales et en a fermé 45 pendant  Department opened 30 offices and closed
        l'année. ce qui porte le total à 2,567 au 31  45 which bro~ght the total munber to 2,.56ï,
        mars 1949.                            at the end of J\larch, 1949.

                32-Mandate de pOllte émis et payés dans la province de Québec.
                  32-Money Orden Issued Ilnd Paid in the Province of Quebec.

                                            M~ndfl,U!de pOll~e émis
                     ANm;:ES                Money Orde1'8 Issued
                      YEARS                Nornbte  1.                    Valeur
         ::\Ioy.-Ave. 111:;5-39.           2,333.071 1  :l2.378.f,71  1,923,723  20.189.335
         1940--11  .                       2,9{H.7531  29,769,392  2,414,1>77  26,84S,951i
         1941-t2  .                        3,346.840 1  36,467,5:10  2,711.4:19  :12,413,399
         194~-4a ..                        3,692,629 1  43,600.510  3,123,472  2f1,l'\,766
         1<:Hi/-44.                        ~,815,931  1  45, 7R7, 824  3,33,'3,572  4:1,101,432
         1941-45.                          4,l.94.l4  4  49,444,308  3,400,610  1  45,558,238
         194r... li:\                      4, .".'H, 5M  1      3,618,392  49,464,662
         Hl46--47...                       5,39!l,122  ~~:&ii:~~~ 1  4,2:Jl,1:12  57,271. 560
         HI47-48..                         5,992,709  76,889. 176  1  4,72R.2·t.'i  66,846,378
         1948-49.                          6,280,065  1  86.113,618 Il  5,003,893  75,409,030
            33--Valeur des mandata de poste émis au Canada, par provinces, 1940-49.
             33-Value of Money Orders Iasued in Canada, by Provinces, 1940-49.
                                                                       Il HI4~{-t
               PROVINCES         1939440  1  1940-41  1  19H42  !  1942·43
         Ile-du-P.-E.,  P. E. I.,.  8  1,l19,8f10  8  1,102,724  1  1.:122.201  J  1,597,,37911  1.890.625
         N.-Eoo,,~  .  N. 8.     P,2ttl.l,12  1O,SU9,f·54  13.7~4,5Hl  Hi.6R4,7R0  18,112,995
         K.-BrnIl8wiclr .        5,M5,217  6.402,519  7,476.9H  8,.~06.flI3  10,17g,Oi,~
         Québec...               25,989,3J~  20,769.392  :16,1(i7,53ü  43,600,510 i  4.'),787,824
         Ontario...       . .... '1  40 ,892, l}.{.'i  46,119,:>!67  57,O;i7.4.~0  60.0}.'<.221  1  62.3U,966
                                 10,719.212  11.611,998  13.713,984  Hl,[57,1l0  17.948,4:'1
         ~~~k~t~~wall.. .  . : : : :  28,08S,:178  20,330,313  33,210,8-"5 i 1  38.792,121  46,600.879
         è~!~~~;'t·:::::  B.·C........  19,021,12:1  ':<1,i'!U3.2\19'  23,R,48.1.'1:l  Il  24'721'6~21  27,74I.I.H
                                           11>,805,:183 (
         Yukon        .        __201,02f.    220,501 [__250'955  1  3_'_9_'_"_"'  ._'_8_,_,_0'_'_
              TOT....L ••...••••••.•••••  156,340,540  173.565.SSO  205,675,.4S2  236,925,910  262.297,:J31
               PROVI~CF.S        1944·45  1  1945-46  194&-47  194i-48    10-18-4':\
                                        , 1       1          l,
                                 2,773.<J'il2  2,210,:'112  2 ,·10{;' 467
                               • 19.979 ..'308  •20,028,80(1  • 19.8ôO,31H
                                 Il,696,243  1::1,156,393  14,735,693
                                49,444,308  55,045,230  06,017,162
                                 66,711,629  66,666,973  77,347,615
                                 19.261,875  20,012,714  22,085, H.l3
                                51.523,081  50,088,498  55,104,046
                                ~2,OO6,66f1  31,612,167  36.615,021
                                2&,133,281  29,633,771  34,161,179
                                   659.905   478,645   533.835
              TOT....L.•••••••••••••••••  281,ISO,291  290,933,503
          BOUTee: RapJ)M/ du mhl.istre des p081es, Ottawa.  Source: Report of Ihe PQ~lma8~er Gen..-raZ, Ottawa.
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