Page 516 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 516

CANAUX-GANALS                             499

        21-Volume du trafic (en tonnea) par les canaux de la Province, en 1948 et 1949.
      21-Total Traffic (in Tona) through the Canal& of the Province. in 1948 and 1949.

                                                   1948              1949
            MARCHANDISES-COMMODITIES         St.  Rivière      Bt..  Riviènl
                                           Laurent Richelieu  Laurent Richelieu
                                                        Ottaws.           Ottawa
                                             St.  Richelieu    St.  Richelieu
                                           Lawrence  River   Lll.W'I'ence  River
                         Âl)rûultural prQàuct.l':-
        Orge       ' •• .. •.•  Barley .......•.. , ..•..•.  186,430  182, 160 ...
        1I.1aIlI....................  Corn  _  _  .  55.375   329,782  ..
        Avoine..................  Data.. , .. ,_ .. ,_  ,_.  35.199 ...  · 157,652  .
        Seigle.•.•••••.••.• _•••.•  Rye   .  42.892 ..      ·  60,111  ..
        Lin.....................  Flax  " .. ,-.  125,902 .'.  · 153,282 ..
        BI~..................... Wheat  ,. " ,_.,., ...,.  887.947 ...  1 2,223,162 ...
        FlUiDe ......•• , •• •• •• • .•  Flour ........•.......•..  6.388 .'  12,318 .
        Foin et paine. . . . . •. . . ...  Hay and stra.w ....•...•••  106
        Autrea prod. de meunerie..  Other mill products ....•..  1,472  5.616 ..
        Fruits et ll:gumell.........  Fruittl and vegetabletl .....
        Pommœ de terre.........  POOtht',t,o.~,.""n','.'.  •...•... •••.•.  .. _  ..
        Autretlgr&.ÏlltI............          1.780            4,990 ..
            Total ...••••••••••.... , ......••••....•..•••• 1,343,491 . . . . . . .. .  13,129,073 . . . . . . .. .  .
       PraduilB d~B anima-w:.:-  Animal pradttcla:-
        PoÎf!l'Ion ...............•. Fish....................  2,~8  1.225  37
        Viandes abattuES....•..•.  Dre!l6ed meats ....•......
        AutrES produits des fabri-  Other packing bouse prod.
          ques de con6ervœ... ' .•.
                                              4,870 ....
        Autres prad. detl animaux.. olli~~~~~~p~~u'c't~:::: .. 2,612 ..
            TarA.L.. ,          , ••.••••••••••••               5,624
       Mafl.ufacruru:-   Manuf~juru..-
        Instruments a.ratoires..•••  Agricultural implements ...  6if::
        Ciment, briques, chans:....  Cement. brick. lime .. '., , ••  '2ig  ....76:
        Fer en gueWle et en l'Iaumon  Iron, pig and bloom. , •.••  125 . .  650
        ToWi autres fer et acier., ••  Other troll and 6teel .... , .  9,020 .  28,716
        Galiolille  , •.. ,., ,.,  Gasoline. '" •.... ' ....•.•  WO'~""'1'9'4'  ~6,437 ..
        P6t.ro1e et autres huiles,. ..  Petrole'uID and other oils...  788,642  584,279.
        Buere     , ••.••. ,.,  Sugar ......••.•..•.•••.•  31,556.  55.mO
        Sel            , ••  Salt........•...• · •.•••.•       60'~~6
        Vine. liquellf'll, bièrea" .•..  WineB, liquors, boof'll ..••.•  66'~5~ .
        Papier .......••....•. , •.  Paper......••.•..•.•••..  81),875' 26:6ÔÔ' ··S:i98 120,540' '26:959
        Pulpe de boie .. , •. ,. ,. , •.  Woodpulp ...•.••...•..•  12.554 .  32,436
        Automobiles et piàeES..•..  AutOl!l and parts .••...•...  1,258 .  4,046
                                            -------- --- --------
            TarA.L.•.•...•.•••.......•..•.•••••••...•.•• 1,620,771  26,794  3,19810713,554  27,035  3,501
                         Foresl pTod1U:la:-
        BoÎB è. pulpe, ....•••.•.••  Pulpwood...............  588,774  420,482 .  32
        Bill?ts,.  potealU,  pielU,  Loge,  poets,  polM,  pi!.
          pilotis ...........•....•  ing ....•.•...••••••..•........  50
        Bois de eballffage  .  Firewood    .
        S!.liek d~ scierie et de ton-  Lumber mill and eooperage
          nellerie ......••..•..•..  stock3  ' .. •. . . .  38,033 ..  34,122
        Autretl bois .....•........  Other forest products  .
             TOTAl. •.•••••••••••            626,807 ....•.......•..•  454,&54 .....
       Produit8 mÏ1lier8.--
        Houille anthraeite. , •..••.  Hard coal. . . . . . .. .. .. •. .  27 ,432  22,720  185  .
         Huile bitumineuse..•.....  Soft eoal.  2,t'l44.484....  1,3451,309,rol  3,555  1,495
         Coke..............•.•.••  Coke............•.. ,....  5,382........  8,989
         Minerais de cuivre.•..•...  Coppet ore. . .•. •. .. ..  .  .  .
         Minerais de fer ...•••••..•  Iron ore.................  92,437  :.,. '230,993
         Autres ••••••••.•  Otberore  87,123      ,  38,335
         Bable, ete..••. , •.••......  Sand, ete  314.010  4,m4 258,800 279,091  425 '2';7:500
                                            ---- ---------------- ----
             TarAL                     ,   , 3.170,868  4,7901  260,1A51,890.D59  4,165  278,815
       Marehand.isee non 6num~r~es Ail otherr reight.  :.  611,203  59,742 .•.••. ,. 697,230  75,244  .
             GBAJQ'D TOTAL .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7,378,018  91,365  20,343 7,960.130 106,411 282,310
   511   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519   520   521