Page 502 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 502

VOIR IE-ROA DS                          485

                     PUCE                                  GATES
        Depuis 1908, le gouvernement de la Province  Binee 1908. the Provincial Government has
      accorde des subventions aux municipa,lités  granted subsidies to municipalities for the
      pour la constructon des ponts-routes.  Le  cQnstruction of highway bridges.  The total
      montant total des allocations versées pendant  grants during the 41 years amount to
      les 41 dernièros années atteint $40,220,844  $40,220.844, whereas the munieipa.lities lu:we
      tandis que la contribution des rnuniClpa,Lités  contributed $6,955,811.  2,159 bridges were
      s'élève à $6,95fi,811.  Le nombre des ponts
                                            built from 1908 to the 31st ),fareh 1949.
      construits de 1908 au 31 nuu'El 1949 est de 2,1.59-
                                            Moroover, the Government is buyiDg out the
      En plus, le gouvernement rachète les droits
                                            t.oIt nghts of certain bridges and toU-mads or
       de certains ponts et b.'l,rnf>rœ df' ppage  GU
                                            making arrarlg<,'l11ents in this eonneetion with
      conclut des arrangements à ce pIOpO~ Il:\Cre les
      municipalités.  Les dépenses af'ff\("tt'('H au ra-  the munieipr.Hties.  The suru expended for
      chat de ces droits, de 1910 3. 1949, s'élèvent à  this purpose. from 1910 to 1949 amounted to
      $1,135,149.13.                        $1,135,149.13.
            4-Ponts-routes subventionnés par le gouvernement de la Province.
            4-Highway Bridges Subsidized by the Government of the Province.
                            ~·ombre  1 longueur dei!  Subventions  Contriblltions
                            de ponh isuperstl'uctures,  du  des
                           oonetruih  1  en pieds  gouvernement  municip3liMs  Cotlt tota.!
          ANNtE5- YEARS      -        -          -           -          -
                            Number  Length of  Government  Municipal  Total C06~
                           of Brld~s Superstru('ture,  Grants  Contributions
                             Built   (in ft.)
       1908-09.................... , ,  24  3.721  1  •  93,336.96  •  91,173.04  •  184,.'510.00
      1909-10 .•..•.••.••••••••••...  35  1  3,907  7UH').00  100,095.00  172,000.00
       1910·11 .• , ...••..••••• , •••. ,.  28  2,843  79,85.'5.00  73,4.'50.00  1.'53,30fS.OO
      1911·12 .••.•.•• , ••. , •••••••••  43  !  6,010  156,052.76  129,077.78  :i85,130..'54
      1912·13 .•••. , ••.•.• , ••• , ••• ,.  5,846  179,103.13  144,349.72  323;i52.8.'5
       1913-14 ......................  "  5,842  256,160.75  178,041.84  434,302./S9
       1914·1.'5................... ,' .  62  5,893  279,820.06  209,844.84  489,1}65.80
       1~1r;...10 ......................  6,580  322,990.45  228,320.24  551,316.69
       1916·17......................  "  3,415  149.114.50  130,959.79  280,074.29
       1917·18......................  63  5,.'512  285,956.70  180,522.14  466,478.84
       1918·19............... , ......  34  3,331  184,622.50  140,040.50  324,65:J.00
       19J9-2() .... .. .... ...........  50  3,M2  270,825.45  153,201.09  424,021}.M
       192()..21. ..•... .. ,...........  6.187  .'592,458.83 (1)  402,294.12  (1)  994,752. 9~
       1921·22                 "      6,465     883,820.60  2.'50,574.67  1,134,39.'5.27
       1"922-23. ~: :: : : : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :  4,925  404,520.22  390,399.38  794,1)19.80
       19:::~·24 .. , ..•.. ' .' ..• , •••..•.  "  5,694  614,797.74  206.959.85  821,757 ..59
       1~?4-25 ..•.••.... , ...•.•.• ,'  46  5,229  745,003.90  317,760.01  1,062,754.00
       192.'5-2ft. ........ .. ...........  42  5,.559  450,232.14  339,160.59  789,392.73
       1~2ô-27......... .. ...........  49  3,652  420,501. 24  215,155.91  653,747.1~
       19:?7-:?8  ... .. .. ......., ., .  '6  4,44.'5  400,182.53  287,477.66  747,660.19
       19::'8-29  ..... ...........   4,244     436,175.65  261,325.19  697,500.84
       19~9-,'J') ..... .. .. .. ......  "  5,666  761,240.16  272,i14.61  1,033,9M.77
       19~'~-:J1... .. _. .. .. ...........  78  3,971  605,126.87  221,236.40  B26,363.27
       19~1_J2 ....................  73  ~,3S8  (2) 1,113,102.24  (3)  622,473.S8  ],73.'5,576.12
       1~3~-3:3 .....................  24  6,.'571  (2) 1,855,410.92  SO,603.89  1,936,014.81
       11)33-34 ..•..•.•.•••••.•.••.•.  10  1,901  (2) 1,255,230.36  Il,775.60  1,261,006.96
       1~3-l-35.•..•.•.•.•.•....•••.•  21  1,040  (2) 2,747,.'593 ..'57  .13,133.21  2,7S0,726.78
       ]93,'S..36..••.••••.•.•..•..•.•.  37  8,235  700,5J7. 8~  73,425.80  779.963.65
       193e.-.37 .. _•.•.•.•• , ••••.•• , •.  37  3,511  4'1."i,919.90  84,430.77  490,340.67
       1937·38......... , ............  46  1  5,890  835,086.33  139,769.99  974,856.32
       J938--3[1....... ..............  6,03.')  1,242.037.46  58.423, 2~  1,300,460.75
       1939·40  ........... ......  "  .'5,663  818,186.06  80,944.05  899,130.11
       1940-41 (4) : ......•..•••. , .•.  23  2,437  252,542.40  23,012.84  275,555.24
       1941·42 ..•...•...••...•. ,., •.  9  3,187  804,979.36  43,200.09  848.179.45
       19-12-'1.:3 ..•........ .... .......  S  723  A2,2~9. 77  15.032.50  97",272.27
       HI43-44 ..•..........•.. , •....  37  4,133  751,(IP9.Q]  16';,46".2P  f)11,467,30
       IP44-45 ..•....••....•...•....  86  8,OS6  ] ,363,776.00  307,043,41  1,671,719.41
       194.')·46 ...... .. ...... .. ...  9.'5  7,866  2,401:'.ISO_53  13ô,822.49  2,.5--
       1946-4-7. ................  83  4.390   1.31;,482.70  21,U;il,.89  U:.l",6:'1.59
       1947-48 ... ............. .....  115  8,125  :>,869,1:')3. 1'1  133,027.ô3
       1948-40. ... .. ...    160    13,360    7,li87.--J135.li8  1.000.00  7.1i85.·Hi6. 08
             To·rJ.L..........  2,159  214,611  4D,22D,844.31  6,955,81.0.99  47,171'>,1'>55.30
        (1) Y compris $118,333.32 payés par le güuvernement  (1) Including '1l8,333.32 paid by the FaderlLl and
       fédéral et celui de l'Ontario.       Ontario governmen.t.~.
        (2) y compris le coût de certains grands ponts dont la  (2) Including certain highwll.Y bridge!! Il.ut,horizerl by
       ooDllt.ruction, autoriaée par la loi 21 Geo. V, chlLp. 5, eB~  21 Geo_ \', Chap. 5, the co~t of which is entirely defrlLyed
       entièrement aux frais du gouvernement de la province.  hy the Provincial Government.
        (3) y eomprUl $79,640.37 payés par le gouvernement  (3) Including 870,646.37 paid hy the Fedeml Govern_
       fédéral: $28ô,291.98 payés par le gouvernoment fédéral  ment; $286,291.98 paid by the FaderaI and Ontario
       et eelui de l'Ontario et '26,389.58 payl!s par le gouverne·  governments and 520,389.58 paid by the Federal Govern·
       ment fédéral et le C.P.R.            ment and the C.P.R.
        (4) 9 moiB seulement.                (4) 9 months on1y.
        Source: Ra.pport annuel à'U mini8tre dlls Travaux PU.UiC8.  Souree: Annu.a./ Report 01' the !lfinister 01' Pu.blic lfork8.
   497   498   499   500   501   502   503   504   505   506   507