Page 507 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 507


            Les revenus provenant de l'enregistrement  The revenues derived from JUotor vehicle
          des véhicules moteurs dans la province de  registration in the Province of Quebec, wmch
          Québoo, qui avaient fléchi en 1942 et 1943,  had sbrunk dnring 1942 and 1943, recorde<!
          se sont orientés veorB la hausse en 1944. En  an upward trend in 1944. During 1949, they
          1949, ils ont att.eint le chiffre sans précédent  I"eached theunprecedented figure of $14,735,740.
          de $14,735,740.

  ventes nettes de gll,zoline accusent aussi  Net sales of gasoline aisa show increases
          des augmentations depuis 1944, après avoir  sinee 1044, after having suffered dec:reases
          subi des diminutions en 1942 et 1943.  in 1942 and 1943.

          IO-Revenus (1) provenant de la taxe sur la gazoline, au Canada, par provinces.

                 l()-Revenues (1) from Gasoline Tax, in Canada, by Provinces.

                  PROVINCES            1936-39     1940-44     1944        1945
                                         •          •           •           •
          Terrl'-Neuve  Newl'oundJac.d        .  ... ,... '308:571'    ........364:66a
          lle-du·P.-E  P. E. J...........  2(17,919        ·'· .. ···309:752·
          N.·E<:œse  , .•.... Nova Scotia........  2,199,810  3,022,1'150  3,446,021  2,900,639
          N.-Brunswick.........  ,........  1,572,222  2,092,316  2,122,312  2,101,072
          Québeo........ .................•...  1,139,168  11, 705,334  11.801.536  12,949,(99
          Ont.!lrlO.,                  19,325,792  26,811,934  26,60'1.291  26,608,291
          Manitobn.. ..•.•.....................  2,400.396  2,715,136  ~ .678, 149  2,681,5..'l6
          Ba.ska.tchewaD.........................  2.118.068  3,376,221  3,397,280  4,;i90,336
          Alberta.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2.760,018  3.682,551  3,sœ.155  4,463,193
          Colombie-Erit  B Colurnbia.......  3.143,714         3,763.626   4,330,543
          Yukon et TeH  Yukon and Terr  .          3,811,291 1   18,840      11.268
                                   I--,----c-c-I,----c--,---'-,-=_  ---c=-c- -I-------:c~-,-­
               CANADA.••.•...•....• , .....•..  41,527,ID7  57,550,447  57,95:1,962  6D,812,660
                  PROVINCES             1946       1947        1048   1    r949
          Terre-::'feuve  Newf01lDdland... ..   .   '6'08' "3'0'3'  '7'8'3' ,013  1,008565,.377566
          Ile-du~P.-E  P E. I..    ,     465,648
          N.-EcOllllI"  NovaScotia....  3,498.181  5,179,783   5,869,246   0,246.491
          N.-Bmn.swick    "..           2,832,391  4,200,080   5,191,864   5.ô35.767
          Qu~bec             ,  ,....  16.'168,731  25,568,/)71  29,590,885  30,908,312
          Ont.ario           , .. ,  .  31.200,377  47,01,20,015  52.560.951  58.228.133
          Manitobn....                  3,320,949  4.592.510   4,890,086  5,291,780
          Ba.~btcbewan....              4,724,071  6,39!J.303  6,641,867  7,882,783
          Alberta             ,......   5,403,921  7,657,915   8.577 .507  10,635,059
          <Jolombif'-Bcit.. ,  B. Columbil\  [  5,682,094  9,295~7i3  10.146,654  11,163,046
          Yukon et Terr"  Yukon and Terr  __-:::--::26~,~8-l=;-'1  5_0~.~40~7'---1 __---:c;;C:.7~1~,0:.54::_I---:-;:::-:~O~,~8:.'3:_
               CAN.\.OA.••• , .•..• , ..•.. ••• . • .  73,683,205 1  111,062,8;10  124,330,987  137,834,316
           (1) A J'exclu9ion de la tue d'accise fédélll.!e de 8 cent!!  (1) Exclusive of tbe Dominion E!lcise tBX of 3 cent.
          par gallon impo~ée le 30 avril 194I.  per gallon imposed on April 30th, 1941,

           En 1948, la taxe sur la gazoline avait rap-  During 1948, the tax: on gasoline had
          porté au Trésor de la Province la somme de  brought ta the Provincial Treasmy the suro
          $29,590,885.  Ce chiffre, qui oomtituait alors  of $29,590,885. Hov.rever, that figure, wmch
          un sommet, a cependant été dépassé en 1949  cOIUltituted then a peak, 'W'aS exceeded during
          alors que les revenus provenant de la taxe sUT  1949 when the revenue derived from the
          la gamline, dans la province de Québec, &El  gasoline tax, in the Province of Quebee,
          sont élevés à $30,908.312,           :illlonnied 10 $30,908,312,
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