Page 479 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 479

462                         MANUFACTURES

         12-Statiatique manufacturière par cités, villes et villages de la province de Québec,
                          ayant au moins trois établissements, 1948.
         12-Manufacturing Industries by Citiee, Towna and Villages in the Province of
                     Quebec, having Three or More Establishments, 1948.
                                                   Collt du com-  Coût des
                             Établis-  Em-  1  Salaires  bustible et de  mRtiêres  Valeur bMlte
           CITÉS, VILt.1!l8, VILLAOES  sement.  plDyé8  et gages  l'électricité  prem.i~rtlà  des produits
         CITIECS, TOW~B A::iD V!LLAOES  Estab·  EIC-  Balan!'11  Cœt of  Cœt of  Gross Value
                            lishments ployees  and Wages  Fuel and  MateriaL3.  of ProduetoS
                              No.   No.      •                   •          •
         Actoe Vale         .        843   1,247,652   • 60,691  1,952,6g7  3,9ô7,865
         AlbaneL ...•.••..........•...  " 4  10  9,791  1.43,')  ]77,016   208,208
         Alnmville.......•.• , •.. , ....  6  21  26,478  2,406   54,669    95,11(\
         AmeE'....•...........•..•..  12  80  114,604   18,7&8   337,013   545,966
         Amqui.           .     li    62     81,797     8,106    340,300   443,959
         Angers            .     3     5      3,418       595     28,453    35,300
         Angliere...•...••.............  3  18  23,735    56     102,330   171 ,605
         Arthf'l.baska••••............ , •  li  92  98,935  4,700  308,372  531.148
         ABbestos•••••••••••• '" .••••.  14  569  ] ,255,400  220,6]7  3,073,118  5,816,327
         Ayer's Cliff...•• , ....••.....  5  58  62,084  6,913   331,113   424,071
         ~:feor~~~~l:::::::::::::::::1  10  34  127,041  2,982   723,113   948.186
         Ba.rra.ute ..............•.. , ..  •  45  .')1),232  6,701  180,623  30.:;.320
         Bl'll.uceville     .    3     7      11,13,')  2,091    193,507   2H,128
         Beauooville·E.....•••........  8  103  223,891  10,202  367,405   128.114
         BeRuharDoÙl    , •. , ..  J4  1.5HI  3"';88,179  1,071,1>72  6.759,059  15,7~!=l,3fl3
         Beauport. , ...............•..  15  221  3.19.219  11,834  082.004  1,200,065
         Bécancour  ,       .    5    li      9.775     1,591    W8,976    184.472
         Bedford........••..•........  12 ,  834  1,3M,304  42,505  445,704  4,027,235
         Bl'cbe PlRin........•....... "  330  438.2(\5  20,291  1,001,890  1,775,222
         Belœil..•...•.•..............  •  122  191.884  14,118  194.4l!-5  ;'503,137
         Berthier......•.••••••..... ,.  10  712  933, }33  140.307  2,094,803  4,216,777
         Bic...............• , •.......  10  28  25,661  2,9]4   181.631   227,485
         BishoptoD          .    3    40     60,872     2,~~      85,557   18li,037
         Black Lake....••............  5  4'  42,394              72,449   130,979
         BouC'nenille......•. ,  .  5  ."    69,563     6,724    236,995   375,5Ot
         Cabano........•.••.........  7  217  471 ,960  7,821    843,178  2.061,057
         CRdiURC................•....  4  44  67,350    2,300    101,380   2-1-'1,008
         Calumet...•..... " ........•..  4  177  332,829  1,373  548,727  1,006,614
         Campbell's Ba)'.. "  .  3    36     46,7fi1      633    140,034   235.56(1
         CRp-Chat      ,. .  .   5    '4     147,~3~      536    395,840   657,893
         Cap-dc-la-Madell'ine  .  29  1,595  3,174.817  864,523  7.823,407  W,370,!'i50
         Causapscal        .     7    38     45,702     7,035    221,245   313,1175
         ChRmbly-BRsBin ...••........  7  57  81,339  1  4,717   289,489   518,678
         Chambly-Canton.........••..  7  432  776,.';64  78,871  860,183  2.005,225
         ChampI.8in. . .• , •...........  5  13  }2,469  2,444    34,007    60.027
         Chull'mague......••••.......  6  68  113,182   9,491    184,285   414,579
         CharlcsbolIrg........••...••..  6  35  4R,811  4,388     8.5,834  171,IR2
         CharD)-........•.............  4  73  89 .16-1  7,427    25,686   152,967
         Châteauguay.....••..........  3  24 ,  30.12t1  6,479    54,496   113,9;J3
         Chl'De"..m.....  .  .  ...  ••  5    8,622     g,193     84,211   108,367
         Ch~!"teryiql' (Bt-Paul-de-) .....  3  13  21,620  2,314  202,227  247,145
         Chlcoutlml..•.• , •............  25  440 ,  100.668  46,422  1,597,003  2,849.426
         Clllrence"ille.... . . .. .  .  3    7.354     1,728     22,004    34,300
         Contkook           .   26  1,069  1,511,703   103,981  3,981,029  6,706,248
         Compton........•...........  5  J4   14,80l    3,029    265,3'.H  310,593
         COlltrec.œnr.......•. ,  .  li  260  30G.OOt   10,671   814,858  1,3112,81.'5
         Cookshire................•.•.  8  171  263,569  21,251  50.'5,735  1,31>6.884
         Côteau·du-Lan  ..•..........  3  6   3.637       418     27,115    35,419
         DanyiUe..................•.  12  189  305.003  72,994   786,374  1.342,301
         Da\·cluyville........•........  f>  90         5,049    263,270   507.57R
         Délisle.  .       .     6    19     l~t~~~ l '  3,683   21ti,919  264.605
         DeBcha.illoD9. . ..  .  .  10  95   1Hl, 865   38.224   119,088   404,305
         Dis:raéli.  . ...........•....  10  106  146,946  9,390  321),017  503.792
         Dorion             .    6    25      3!i,012   2,900     62,143   131,406
         Drummondville ...•• ,  .  39  8,297  11>,011,841  1,613,293  17,778,714  49,892,97.'1
         Dunbam.................••..  "  38   ,')2,148  7,991    314,291   465.088
         EaBtmllll    , ..••....  7   18      20,357    3,261     54,145    81,507
         Faniliam     , ••.....  18  I,QI9  1,743,734  142,270  4,11)1,669  8,120,9U9
         Ferml',Neu\'e. . .......••••.  9  40  40,7M    2,672    360,172   438,103
         Fort-Coulon,ge     .    3    '0      60,950    2,044    171 ,840  265,916
         FortierviUe. .. . ..........••.  4  8  9,423   1,919    111.,')70  139,3.'12
         Frelighsburg.•... , .. , .....•••  3  7  8,485  "2,343  158,64.3  166,986
         Ga9pé..•.•...............••.  3  30  36,08Q    4,904     98.308   177,484
         gfff:~:::::::::.:::::::::'.::  li 8  38  35,720  19,106  266,734  572,108
         Grarefield, .•................  .4 7  2g ,592  4,094    178,11>4  2~2,806
         Gra.uby... "............•••••.  5,086  8,632,7D4  445,944  18,.'124,622  38.546,Q49
         Gre.nde-Riv~....•..........  10     101,550    4,&'j1)  252,204   422,Q77
         Gra.nd·M~re        .   27  2,397  4,.,748.186  1,286,633  10,300,823  23,437,561)
         GrlIDdes-Bergeronne9..•...••••  •  8  5,955      57l     37,430    49,476
         Greenfil'1d Park ............••  •  12  12,762   601     14,773    34,713
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