Page 477 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 477

460                         MANUFACTURES

         11~Stati8tiquemanufacturière par cités, ville. et villages de la province de Québec,
                      ayant au moins trois établissem.ents, 1947 (Suit,e).
         I1-Manufacturing Industries, by Cities, Towns and Villages in the Province of
                 Quebec, having Three or More Establishments, 1947 (Cont'd.).
                                                   COl"!t dl] wm-  Cotit des
                             ~t.!l.blis-  Em-  1  Salaires  hllst.ible et de  nmtièrell  Valellr brute
           CITÉS, VU.l,!!:!>. YrLLAGEll  llements  ployés  gages  l'éleelricité  premières  des produite
                  -           -     -      " -         -         -         -
         CITlFJl3, Towxl3 A:SD VlLLA(n;S  Estab·  Em-  Salaries  Cast of  Cast of  Gross Value
                            li'lhments ployees  and Wa,gl's  Fuel Rnd  1Iaterials  o( Prorlucts
                              No. ,  No.     •         $                   •
         Pointe-au-Pic............    16     16,6W      1,816    • 51,764  108.715
         Primtf!'-am::-Tremble,~....  11  424  652.089  38, un   967,041  2,286.424
         Pointe-à-Gatineau ..    3   140     207,816    8,967    178,1'>59  443.Mm
         Pont,-Roul!:"'.. .. ,.  11  399     552,367   171,536  2,196,096  4,531.S27
         Pont-Viau  .. ...... ...  7  47     45.486     3,381     47,64P   106,002
         Portneur-Rtation. ... .... ...  12  221  307,163  65,416  1,2M,406  2,001,311
         Princeville. ....  ..... ...  13  400  ~7.044  49,470  3 ':180,312  4.330,236
         Québec... ..  . ...   377  13,583  20,5~.906  2,720,646  .54,386, fi28  Ç1B.494.544
         Quyon.           ...    6    23     22,885     3.326    229,73:l  290,353
         RlLwdon.....           10    31     31,126     3,027    108,~71   163.Ç1fi3
         Rirhmond..  ............  11  48S   697,962    23.21\6  1,4-1-2,200  3,·'332.310
         Rigaud.... ..          11    51     71,857     7.742    318,154   482,37!J
         Rimou~kj.     ....     2.'  613   1,023,964    3i\.Rtl7  2,3M,225  4,458.4\)5
         Ripon.............      4     7      (l,031    2.102     73.454    89,310
         Riviêre-Be:lud",tte. ........  3  10  10,070   3.958     54.130    67,·130
         Riviêre-du-Loup....    22   447     708,964   83,2tl.'5  638.678  1,709,588
         Rivi~re-du-Mouü\l.  ....  a         148,141    17,810   211.344   504,358
         Robertson.iJle. ...  .......  3  "'  11,1\26   2.272     67,405    88,894
         Roberval....           10   181     225.88::1  18,460   888,201  1,515,544
         Ro~k IRland.... .........  1.'  760  1,488.47Q  67,072  1,08-1. 871\  4,126,CIl0
         RoulI:emout....         7    74     75.324     8,123    2~8.24.)  457.514
         Rouyn......            18 .,  157   233.340   19,3M     312,601   70B,231
         Roxton Falls.  .....         15     19,710     S,850    285,403   348.589
         St~-Adèle.... , .... ...  4  17     ]Q,295     2,491     95.683   133,!J27
         St{"--Agathe...... , .....  4  43   40,966     2.529    176,346   2.'57,625
         Ste-Ag~the-des-Mont8.  .....  14  136  17,"',624  17.tl67  458,575  748,973
         fit_Alban ..................  8  22  20,091    1.347     63,500   101i,193
         St-Alexis-dE-h-Grande-Baie.  8  36  39,,'598   4,820    137.084   209,631
         St-Ambroî::;e .....  ....  ., B  13  8,73S     1 ,2~7    27,002    42,403
         St-André-Avellin .. , ....   2'     18.628     5,186    339.410   387,653
         Ste.Angèle-de-Rirnouski. ..  4  8    4,541     1.043     51. un    61.8S2
         St€'-Anne-de-Beaupr,l...  4  14     12.632     2,586     32.228    72,270
         St.e-Anne-de-Chicoutimi. ...  , 5  59  77.240  7,530     22.014   123,852
         St-Ans('lmr.                 92     144,577    8,728    27·1,2!53  575.397
         St-Augustin. ...... ...... ....  ,  8  4,558   1,2G4     58,113    6fi.772
         St-Benoît.......... , .. , ....  8  10,(148    3,299     62.919    78.1~11
                           ..    7    20     16.689     2.490     !l9.377   85.4!\4
         ~t~~~~~.c.e~~~~~~~~.g~.n.:.  3  12   9,888     2.902    173,480   212.177
         St-Casimir, ... ..............  17  123  12], 873  7,884  2H,153  439.366
         St-Ctl~lIîre.............  24  305  :114.985   29.68>8 i  942,288  1,465.868
         St-Cbllrll's (Bellechll.8se) ..  12  65  63,17.)  fi ,4~5  272.487  :166,700
         St-Cbll.l'les-~nr·Riehe1ieu. ....  ,  P  10,141  1.656   15,885    32,592
         St-Chry~ost""me.             10 i    9,148     2,492     87,381   102,464
         Ste-Croix....           9   191     217,612    10 ..-l35  580,882  1 .047,309
         St-Cyrille., .. ...     5    4'     ':'2.981   2.2il2   108,312   ]91.846
         St_Denis.......         7    4'     46,711     5,S76    308,623   -1,01,241
         St-Dominique..........  7    14     11 ,038    6,804     65,216    95,066
         8t-Ephl'em-de-BûmLce.   9    6'     R4.419     5.157    131,105   21\fi,923
         St-Eustache........    11           98,201     10.500   .'526,7.'53  785,580
         St-Eval'iste-Station..  10   "      2~.847     3.Mû     177 ,642  250. ]04
         St-Faustîn-StlltÎon..   7    18     17 .130    1,098     50 ..'530  93.502
         St_lNliei'èn..........  18  12,'i   189.511    17,631  1.145.752  1,475.642
         St-Félix-de-Yalou;...  16    68     66.654  !  6,509    000,744   746.020
         St-Flavien.........     4    '3     26.261     2,715    178,284-  226.669
         St-François-dll-Lac.    9    27     30.7.55    6,MO     200,6t8   259.081
         St-Ful~enee............  7   19     16.600     2,358     OR,m8    100.365
         St-Gahriel-cle-Bmndon.      302     28$1 ,;;36  10,251  277,322   655, lfl2
         St-Gédéon...           " 3   11     10,(61)    1.755     67,ü21    !:IO,598
         flt-George~-de-Bf.~~~~:: ...  12  382  .507.968  41,84G  724,730  1,.597,013
         St-Germu.!n-de-Grantham.  3  17     22.6i\2    8,802    382,787   46fi,323
         St-Gllilla.ume. ...     5    2.     21,853     2,6Hi     25.945    ;'i2.507
         St-Henri. .             4    13     13,677     2,207    24],110   272.070
         St-Huguei'..            7    17      IS.I/13   4,(103   199.297   28S,M3
         St-H~"ltcinthe. .......  77  .1,379  7,391,81)7  457,149  lü.908.3m  32,RI7,598
         St-!f,iùorc....         •    35     46.710     8,940    2&'3,630  428,210
         8t·J>l.(,ques.         13   224     245,732    8.597   1.132.898  1,553,013
         ~t-.Jean..................  57  5.084-  8,652,671  (l22,068  12,982,55B  ~O ,~98,623
         St-Jérôme (l,a,c-St-Jean) ... ....  7  54  62,581  3,1i\5  71.221  197,766
         St-Jusepb (St-HYlll:'iothe).....  •  51.317    1,551     91.M2    167,145
         St-Jrrôme (Terrl'bonne)..  49  4.4g  6.676.086  44~, 881  10 783.981  24,448,998
         St-Joseph (Beaucl') ..  14  211     225.961    19,160   ·156.377  8fi2,970
         St-J{)~eph-d'A]ma.......  , 8  44   47.918     13,S88    72,787   151-,320
         St-Jo~eph (DrumJllond) .......  11   17. R35   2,219     31.81.4   72,000
         St-Jo~eph (Rivière-Bleue) ., ..  , 6  34 .389  3,880    142.118   217. J<.10
         'it·Jovite.  .. .......      '"      14,543    2,5]8    107,350   157,6001
   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481   482