Page 474 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 474

MANUFACTURES                             457

         d. Québec, par croupe_ d'Indudriea, en 1948, (Fin).
         of Quebec, by Croup. of Indudriea, in 1948. (Concluded).

              Employé!! fi. ~la.i..rL'!1               ct"     Valeur des produits
             EmplO}'Ile:s on So.larie~  Employees on ,,"'a.ges  premîo;\res  Value of ProductJI
                                                      COl't of
         Hommes Fe~ei' 1 SIL~res  Ho~mesl Fe~\œ IG~es  :'Yfa.tednLs  Netrc  Brllre
         _ Mw,-_ F,m",,- ----""""",----  M,l,  F,~l,  1  Wag"__1  Net   GTœa

           NO", \  '10'37  ,,:.583  N:  NO  1.12:.505  3,,,;","2  2,30:,781 5,':,420
                                  S7    so                                     Il'
            163     ~    402,640  1.029  5  1,686,010  3.24!l.632  3,707,573  7.307,133  Ils
             34     1)   107110   932    17  1,863,194  296.495  3.738,7F!.5 \ 5,123.908  116
             40     JI   138.6!l5  287   13   689.726  472,910  1,778.255  2,452,2r)5  117
            104     56   759.129  616    3  1.548,285  7,873,379  1  4,709,077  15,526,.35::;  liS
            183     68   007,329  1,574  278  3.589.770  5,486,622  7,655.581  14 1:172,931  IIg
             20     2     49,050  309         60.S,562  206.32212.527 .j1'!8  3,846,014  120
             59     11   181.410  194   '43'  408,956  2,321,885  2,019 60~ 14'4ÇJ7,!j24  121
            326     49  llM,28ô  1,482   10  3,810,891  96,J~2,680  192211,723 121,180834  122
             82     9    232,577  400    fi   801),S20  829,14.3  2.438,274  .l,ans 470  123
         -_==1,~~31~"_':~+_-~~_2=~::~1==~.~._~::"'~_.~~;=:=:+_-_=.._~_:=:~:~i===~'~"~'~~ll:~'~::~:: 1~9~1~~1  12:1

                        1,739,094 2'2631             9,93.,).367  17,037,527
            362     92                  25  5265,543                  29,933.87!)  126
             26     26   106 704  100    Hl   2'1-8,268  960.339  7f\4,3\l."i  L 758, 288  e7
             49     11   156,774  207    1    41.3,333  4 400,9&7  2, HI,i.553  6.(\4.3,337  128
             ~~     4g   2~~:~~   lâ~"  "20':  igzj~~  554.031  2,498.706  3.139,016  129
                                                                        ~~O, 522
            761    529  3,031,459  1,232  982  3.489,861  12.278,;')43  21, 147.288  33,877,71.',)  131
            416    H)IJ  1,596,783  1,281  no  3,397,201  14,420,728  1 Il ,356, ,;4;,  26,4:>9.180  132
            613    272  2,li5,252  1,285  2.j7  2,867,640  16,tHO,087  13,411,906  29,68,'),,-j17  133
            230     52   730, 193  5.16  ~g  l ,273, 3YB  3,811,6~4  5,232,094  9,.îOS,fJ3S  134
             56     20   183.202  107    ,')5  2;';1,788  1  1.780,,')6a  1,097,271  ~,911 ,595  ]:-15
            125     45   419,211  299   78    512,348  2,.3JfI,1,j\  2,5ll.05S  5,117,9]6  136
             82     86   479,9.'3Z  134  225  438.094  2,025,8,38  3,l70.741  .'),229,932  137
             17     \)    89,(61)  149   1    300.382  8,728.705  4,ûllG,HJ3  13.1;'2.070  13S
             12     7     48,004   76      1  }.')7.346  1,208.140  ,')74.,-181  U178.1M  139
         ---:c::=-I--c-==--1--cc=-=c~ -~ ~- -~
         __2~'_"'_I__l.J73  12.827,634  7,885  2,402  1 19,201,3.110  1 79,100,944  86,414,004 1170,m,188  140
             H      23   170,120  14    251   ~03.340  618.103  9R77-19  1.013006  141
             81     31   251,224  306   lO3   467.081  1."::':.130  ,12420.')  232·llf).î  142
             78     30   300,353  205   :N·l  ü,·m..,)67  1424,434  ,672,')29  3119,167  143
             40     25   144,.')83  103  66   226,638  051,171  ,075,311  2.04'd,t\)9  144
             38     15   125,037  131   12.'î  337,708  ,04(),5S.î  ,235,219  2,288,2<16  145
             14     2     28,187  11i    1    lü.J,Sn  23,123  311.079  :'180,197  246
             39     25   140,2.36  155  121   333,7f!2  790,674  8&8,513  ],6.)0,892  147
             84     43   332,798  423    38   801.110  7.')5,115  ,[J2B,']1'>  2,725,1-11  14S
             14     5     70A71l   58    Il    81',220283,233   88,277  an,786  149
            124     36   3il4,083  315  198   71~,018  1,6G1.896  1,922,72!'  3,01).'),107  150
             3·]    :20  139.034  298    15   :NO,7~3  \)~1,,]83  828.870  ].82,:".·110  liil
             40     li   123,006  182    5    358,90]  215,290  "8,'î.iiI5  9U 410 1 152
             49     32   162.flli  263  ID!!  5l!,205  931.038  ,011.31'8  ,9ml9Sfi  1i;i3
             25     10 1  94 500   'i9   2    95 033   62,518  :285.595  :Ba li70  154
             59     16   143,354  176   fl3   327752   338.rA5  700,182  050373  15.'')
              9     2     21,998  2ft   26    57 fl24  1,34.590  159.934!  316 SI\)  J,16
             24     26   118,698  66  1  12fi  234,419  1,141.447  ~:::~  2,1)84 0231 1,37
            792    1&41  2,790,697 1 2,785: 1'5521~070  12,546,274  15,811,130  1 28,708,185  ISS
         45:2i61&:9iGU7,764,G86I2i1.553I90,261 sa8,.5I,448 1,954,1U,94311,534,214,6GO 13,599,3G6,ct331 1ii<;;
                                                 _~___               l        ,
   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479