Page 482 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 482

MANUFACTURES                             465

        12-Statlstique manufacturière par cités. villes et villages de la province de Québec,
                       ayant au moins trois éhb]j88ernenb, 1948 (Fin).
        12-ManuIacturing Industries by Cilies, Towns and Villages in the Province of
              Quebec, having Three or More Establishm.ents, 1948 (Concluded).
                                                  Coût du com-  Coût d<"J>
                            Établi&-!  Em·  Salaires  bustible et de  prewiéres  Va.leur brute
                                                                       des produits
                            S"l~:uts 1 pl~é!l  et g,.... g~  l'électricité
        OrTIE!>, TOWN~ AND VILL~G-ru3  Estab~  Em-  Salarie!>  Cost of  Cost of  GrD.':IS Value
                            lhlnllentB ploye!'s  and Wll.gell  Fuel and  Ma.terials  (Ji Pl'(JductB
                                            ,                              ,
                             ~o.   No.                           •
        St-Joseph-d tl-Ia-Rivière-Bleue ..  7  78,895  • 346    19:.l,103  335,748
        St-Joseph CDrUlIllUüI1d)  ..  5  "   32,841    6' 4.311  1  iî8.271  130,069
        St-Jo8eph (St-H}aClr,the Co)  fi  42  45,ôM     1,470    07,52!    120,889
        St-Jovite. . .. . . .. . . .. .  . ..  B  27  44,153  4,354  144,532  186,192
        8t-Lambert      ,  .   16   0,;0   1,156,511  110,396  2,727,842  4.845,032
        St-Laurent        .    24  2,337  5,201.3.'ioJ  lit7,381  11,308,334-  23,410,361
        St-Léonard-d'Aston.. .  .  8  48     04 ,288   5,706    194,808    271 ,437
        ~t-Ltboire   ,    .     4     9      11 ,405    2,411   230,80B    2H,921
        St-Ludger          .    fi   37      41,90.)    2,075   282,832   3B9,501
        Ste-l\1o.deleine...  .  .  8  35     33,743    5,35!)   263,505    329,302
        St-rv1ar{;-des~CarrièrEs...•...  7  107,486   117.054   ]] 1.734   531.371
        St.(\-:Nlarie  "  .    ,.   561     724,8.:..XJ  62,9fi-t  2,177,42<1  3'~~~:~?1
        Sce-l\Iarthe..  .  .    4    21      20,576    2,845    187,103
        St-Miehel-dt.--LavaL . .. .  .  1\15  308,105  25,206   6(13.299  1,2(1S,566
        St-Korl.           .    6    1:J     8,220       455     1'J,88Q   35,756
        St-Norbert............  . ..  3  5   5,.';\11   1,767    21,743    31,928
        St-Ours            .   10    25      27,859    3,498    281'1.130  3012.19(1
        St-PatÔI"Ee... . . . . .. . ..  &  03  87,985   1,482   291,758   459,050
        St-PadcaJ          .   17    89      1l2.3rA   5,733    367,167    543,940
        St-Patrice-de-Beamiyage,  .  4  10   11 ,812    1,223   247.443    275,562
        SlrPuuliu          .    8    23      26,2.12   2,490    165,053   214,049
        St-Pic.....  .    .    13    Z05    271,\Jtjfl  27,OG:;  1,354,674  1,691,1'167
        St-Pierre (Montréal)  .  12 ,  2,271  5,·159,SGS  1,132,352  4,825,910  14,429,035
        ~~~~ll~~~.p.e.:::: ::::.. ::::..  9  22  24,222  5,602  233,757    299,628
                                                                12'J 5"3
        St-RarJhaël_      .    10    19      HI ,760    1,153   ,.,Ü3:386  ]60.931
        ~t-Raymond. .     .    18    17<1   IBO,7".'1  Il,110             960,186
        St·Remi           .    11   337     482,2\:17  43.091  2,496,468  3,1l80,41j1j
        Ste-Rose........ .  .  12    199    2.j0.-129  12,006   401,802    86.~.857
        St-Schol!l2tiQue......  .  .  o  2.9  ;)Q,271  3,751.    66,550   113,541
        St-Sébas-;ien.  . ........•..  5     II),05!)  2,605    117, &iO   155,371
        St-Himéon          .    3    "       23.606     1,fi8O   3~. 791   52:,260
        St-f!ylvère.. .  ,.     4    10      12,422    1,4t\.J  149,692    171,:164
        Ste-Thilcle        .   12    51      53,453    5,620    287,720   401.040
        Ste--Thërèse-de-Blainville  , .  29  1,227  2032,881  95,088  2,8G\l,732  7,282.22\4
        ~t-Tiruo;hée...  .  .   3     7      8,059     1,317     59,059    73,189
        Sc-Tit~...........  .  .  22  324   353,463    14,123   786,438  1,306,645
        St-Ubald....... . . . .. .. . ....  8  26  2ô.Ü'lE!.  2,214  117.472  201l,flf)fj
        St-"Clric. . . . . . . .. ,....  . ..  7  17  14,273  1,043  130,358  161,497
        St.-Victor-de-Beauce. .  .  4  6     5,351     1. 031    73 ,887   84.075
        St-,"VencœlM... .. .. . .  .  .  3  8  8,9!H   2,405    120, Hl:!  125.652
        Se.cré-f":Œ'llr-de-JéSlIs..•••.•..  ., 3  fi  4,7.30  932  61,887  74,785
        Sawyenille    ,   "          101    118,777    5,886    342,567    513,486
        Senneterro         .    9    19     13~1,244    (\,274  217.377    4.'>2,946
        Shawbridge     .        3     7      fi ,268   1.762  28,476,566   20.632
        Shawinil!:an Fa.Ul!;  .  42  5,748  13,i37,3371  6,936,662      70,083.696
        8ha.wville.....  ......_  9  gO     135,37}    14,356  1,OOS,US5  1,3::19,852
        Sherbrooke.  .     '1  û8  8,09.~  14. S74, !lti l  1,010,1182  28,411,157  60,79-1,4-14
        8ore\.  "         . •.  35  1,7:35  3,106,4f!8  ~1'I2 000  1,175,713  7,201>,307
        Sutton  "     .        10    229    3hl,708    43:401
        Terl'ehOlltle.  .  .   16   467     82,5,3'::'0  34.513  1,524,368  2,868,801
        Thetford ],1incs ..    27   482     773,428    gO,ilS            2,.'>14.,394
        ThurRD     .            9   -t0'5   771],~7    23,<l1J  t. "~lll.\li8  2.588,\)14
        Tring-,TDuction  .      3    126    189, l48   6,805
        TroiE~P:ieT,oles.      18    228    4M,û84     15.8H   2,001;>.044  :i ,072 .148
        Tl'oii'-liiviÈTCli  .  80  i, .'i.39'  17,1-18,298  6,052,59L  42,418,513  00,164,496
        Fplon.                 12    54      65,80H    10,302   920,1),14.  l,mZ,99Z
        \ al-Barrette.....  .  .  5   o      9,344     3, 16-1   22,709    41,090
                                                                 11 . ~l94
        V:I.J-Dayid.  .   .     4     8      7,2:l-!     52~~   317,443    30,206
        \0.1 d'(lr..   .. ..   Ifi   rH     215,851)   19,922             665,949
        ~;:~I;~~:~~..:::  ,    45  -l llfi  7, t19ü,on  819,863  14,139,303  Z9.220,582
                                4    12      13,23?    3,271     :!1,3M)   -lof; • l!~:'
        \" rlUdreml. . "  .     4     8      8,9ü7     61,920   (i43.304  941,877
        Verchères  .           16    130    lGO.3i7            3,271,S57
        Verdun  .              54   ""5    1,;~76,!l12  13,438           5,797,,393
        Vid.01'i,,"-ill,.      48  2,211  3,-127,085  140.755  7,39'J,8'93  12,917 ,636
        VIUe-11urie.            3            22,325             138,109   168,519
                                ,    "
        \\akef,elrl..                        17,172)   2 ,OS.';  8l'l,050  283,014
        Warden.....             3            12,545      lOI"              69,974
        \Varwkk..  . ...       l7           620,612    85,174  1,91'J,2R3  .1,209,985
        v..'atnloo.            10         1.322.131    66,397   lC1,769  4,182,497
        Waten-ilIe.. ,          6            80,877    2,337              301,980
        Weedoo  .               7           104,fJ7\f          5,752,500  211,7aB
        Wrstrnr)unt.  .   .    l(j        4,190,101411  315,381  fi ,392 ,154  14,40B,4;60
        Windsor Mitla... . . . . . . . ..  .  10  2,:1]2,273    155,879
        \YOlWlL_ •••.•••........•.  5        25,031     3,140             103,144
        i ll.mRcb.iche.•..•....  81          23,299    3,052    240,393    3"!.0.556
   477   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487