Page 480 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 480

MANUFACTURES                             463

        12-Statiatique m.anufacturière par cités, villes et villages de la province de Québec,
                      ayant au moins trois établi88em.ents, 1948 (Suite).
        12-Manufacturing Industries by Cities, Towna and Villages in th"e Province of
                Quebec, having Three or More Establishments, 1948 (Cont'd.).
                                                   Coût du com_  Coût des
                            Éta.blis-  Ern·  Salaires  buet,ible et de  matières  Valeur brute
          CITts, VILLES, vn.LAGES  sements  pl""  1  et j;l;»  l'éle(·tricité  premières  des produit.,.
         CITlES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES  Est.ab-  Em·  SaLaries  Cast of  Cost of  GrollS Value
                            lishments  pW3ree~  and Wagl'>1  Fuel and  Mst.erials  of Pror:\uct.e
                                            ,       Electricit~,  ,        ,
                              No.   No.
        Grenville   "      .    4    140    279,473    45,540  1,073.29.·j  1.425,289
        Grondines..........•........  5  45  61,333    32,125   417,9P3    ;;74.848
        lIatIey N          .    3     10     13,008     2,629    70,tlf1Q  1iO,18G
        Hébert.ville .......•.....•...•  4  9  10,159   1,82(4   157, 23~  182,701
        Hébertville-Station  .  8    24      26,834     4,1lS2   189,315   263,529
        Hi'mmingford  _.. , .. , •.  4  16   17,322     5,770    142,540   172,072
        HenryviUe..........•....•...  6  95  134.755   43,474  1,003.f',73  1,358,209
        Hnll. .  .         .   62  3,216   6.550,97ü  1,51)8,673  20,891. 654  34,432,312
        HUlltinJ;::don... . . .. .. .,  .  14  598  1.342,564  95,586  4,503.716  7,913.709
        Iber\'ille.,       .    19   356    6~3, 453   36,495  1,487,183  2,706,906
        JolieUI'           .   53  2,058   3.194.156  433,350  5,922,089  12,546,610
        Jonquière  ,  ,   .     16   521   1.184,467  252,782  3,301.135  5,474,140
        Knowlton., .,      .    6     18     16.482     3,970    12,;,295  157,047
        Labelle            .    5    31      41,707     2,425    117.342   182,13G
        l'Abord~lI~Plouffe  .   7    100    150,309     6,452    245,890   437,087·Saumon      .    5    23      28.155     1.823    130,63\)  17f1,402
        Lllc·BoucheUe      .    4     9       7.555              29,780    43,650
        Lo.chioe           .   44  7,930  1.9,223 138  902.4-13  22,779,394  55,438,626
        Laebute            .    11   274    498.064   111,301  1,467,000  2,159,:1,21
        LacoIle           , ..  8    6l      52,lI5     3,5~~    116,484   209,231
        La MBlbaie         .    13   109     99,289    11 ,804   160.381   322,019
        LfI,mbton          .    6    23      25,008     2,6.'.06  97,538   146,649
        L'AnnQncio.tion.......  . ..  9      71,\)52    2,8\)7   213.885   :'17/.737
        La Patrie          .    8    " 36    42,11)!}   4,209    232,511   307,(J05
        La Pérade (Ste-Anne de)  .  12  27<1  348,068  73.5.'.0&  2,897,Q91  3,574,379
        La Prairie         .    19   789   1,491,809  711 ,401   721.or,2  4,059,972
        La Providence      .         36      48. lI5    2,9R9    84,759    157 ,~.'W
        La Balle   ,      .    25 "  2,648  5,663,568  1,045,73J  22,74.;.727  42,87R,84B
        La Sarre       .        ]4   2:'10  323,001    20,86:'i  606.822  1,110,164
        L'At;Bomption      .    l5   300    554.240    37.203  1,087.842  2,,322,164
        Laterriére       .      8    41      .'16.592   7,246    318,5f12  393,590
        Lauriervi!Le... . . . . . . .  .  .  8  145  184,370  6,~05  252.400  503,246
        LByal~d€B· Rapide!!  .  3    75     115,912     6,591    J25.793   328,426
        Lavaltrie.      . ..    6    60      88.274     3,379    1-10,874  270,895
        L'Avenir     .          4     9       7.202      BOO     43,119    58,294
        unnoxville    .         11   458    862.065   157,998  1,807,464  3,443,431
        L'Epiphanie.  .   .     15   334    494,830    27,588    856 385  1.564 ,293
        Le.. Becqllcts     .    .j    14     11,098     1,273    80.536    97.094
        L~vi~           .      31    607    889.447    67,404  2,300,387  4,122.423
        Linlère..  . .'   .     4    25      31.095     2,204    81,861    134,065
        Long'leuil..  .  .     34  1,859   3.03\).294  18f1,868  6,031l,5li8  11,896,271)
        t~~;;t~~\~~·.,::  :::1  30 3  662 8  707,032   22,475  1,557,901  2,637,546
        Louise~-ille  ,  .     22  1,215   1,868,482  231.830  4,087,521  7,606,454
        LUllevUle..             8    84     148,771    20,263    557,597   824,786
        L~~ter.....•..............  4  62    67,393     4.789    281, 917  390,939
        1facarnîc         .     4    21 !    31,136     1,054    76,444    121.837
        1fa1Artic          .    5    27      30,396     7,208    82,OJ4    146,790
        Maniwaki.  .       .    16   gg     143,748    10,933    576,964   863,155
        1{8.n~eaLl. . . . . . .. . . . .  . ..  5  195  204,414  2,549  203,540  481.663
        ~1>l.rieviJle. .  .  .  19   581    815,945    45,011  3,012,f167  4,735,920
        ).1:l.skinongé....... .  .  .  10  49  48,.'.>64  -4',21)3  432,178  598,387
        Metane             .    17   331    636,816    14,107  1.522,541  2.092,488
        ~téganti,. (Lad  .     21    573    \)15,840   06,060  1,015,595  2,467,772
        Mlilte.s.';ini.    .    3     10     1O,1)}7    1,882    17,335    33,382
        110ntauhan  , . . . . .. .  .  4  11  II ,277    898     37,507    59,514
        Montehello. . . .. . . .. .. .•. . _.  3  34  50,183  3,634  55,065  117,954
        Moot-Joli. .... _..     14   94     128,049    26,74.3   473,902   806,125
        Mont-Laurier..          13   245    284,416    16,272    995,567  1,626,245
        Montm!}.gny  .         40  1,821   2,890,634  132,597  5,895,137  Il,930,005
        Mootn'-..aJ.  ,    .  3,887 180,098  368.191,470  20,269.002  841,018,f138 1,550,246,090
        Montl,;a.l-E.  .       22  4,140  1O,225,1\)8  9,349,584  177,358,018  221,975.783
        MOlltré&I-N        .    3    26      41,862     2.210    29,682    80.828
        Montreal-S    , '" ..   3    52      52,497     9,004-   189,7f12  273,814
        Mont--Royal       .     4    966   1,985,942   57,747  2,855,978  4,082,086
        Napierville."." ••...........  13 ,  168  201,929  23,249  992,694  1,373,718
        Neuville...•..•.• , •• , •.....  12  15,305     2.080    112,377   149,050
        NicoIet            .   17    424    589,015    47,868  1.242,404  2,69.5,520
        Norniningue        .    3    10      16,207     1,636    71,472    95,623
        Nornmndin...•..•........•..  11  32  37,098     8,251   313,867    387,745
        Notre-Dame--deI8-Anges....•...  3  14  20,410    611     65,795    108,060
   475   476   477   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485