Page 481 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 481


         12-Statistique manufacturière par cités, villes et villages de la province de Québec,
                       ayant au moins trois établissements, 1948 (Suite).
         12--Manufacturing Industries by Cities, Towns and Villages in the Province of
                 Quebec. having Three or More Establishments, 1948 (Cont'd.).
                                                   Coût du COill-  Coût de!>
                             Établis-  Em-  Salairefi  bustible et. de  me.tiêrr.R  Valeur brute
           CITÉ~, VILLES,  VILLAGJ:8  sements  ployés  et glIoges  l'électl'icité  premières  des produit~
                  -            -     -       -         -         -         -
         CITlES, TOWNll ANP VILLAGES  Estah~  Em-  Salarieg  Cost of  Cost of  Gross Value
                             lishments ployees  and \"ages  Fuel and  }"1P.terials  of Products
                              No.   1'.~o.   •         •          •         •
         Outremont.... '  ... ...  18 ,  1,192  2,398,539  104 ,266  12,249,278  19 305 961
         Papineauville.  . '."        47      55.054    2,954    448,085   555.762
         Pierreville.....       11    ln     113,767    11,4-11  136,213   501,613
         Plessis\'ille." ..     20   .."    1,488,430   65.603  2,OM.668  4, lOO,M8
         Pointe-au·Pic ........ ... ...  8  2.'i  21.634  2,[189  47,400    98.768
         Pointe-aux~Trembles, ....  9  <38   769,976    45,48..')  1,125.656  2 ,4(i7, 121
         Pointe_à_Gatineau.. ..........  3  133  243,205  10.413  152,592  485,952
         Pont-Viau........ ......     40     44,877     5.291    153,837   269,627
         Ponnellf-Sc.atiun.. .....  13 "  435  766.663  279,879  2.949,902  5.022,451
         Priee.. _.....          4    34      47,537    4.244    100,544   252,986
         Princeville.. .... ..... ...  12  392  014,117  47.008  4.107,678  5.399,852
         Qu~bBC....            392  14,484  24,309.352  3,321,479  65,469.645  118,061.404
         Quyon.           ....   6    25      24.274    3,004    312,086   367,794
         Rllwdon. ......        12    29      33.112    4,303    1.'53,l',23  219,764
         Richmond. ..           13   512     813,668    33,284  1,024.788  2,652,454
         Rig[l,ud.... ..        13    75     97,593     Il ,337  318,075   ·166,741
         Rimouski.              "    620   1,206,707    48.08B  2,713,383  4,730,717
         Ripon........ ,'        4     9      9.974     1.859     81,117    98,264
         Rh'ière·du-Loup, ..    23   457     794.563   105,805   690,,~-H  1,909,109
         Rivière-du-Montin..     6   123     145,241    12,207   229,732   557.427
         RobertsonviUe, ....... ... ...  4  22  17.902  1,619     56.42.1   &3,783
         RobervaL, ...          11    193    258.734    15,779   837,241  1,478,231
         ,Roc.k Island.  ......  l5  686   1,.100,252   60,089  1,145,031  4,46-1,518
         Rougemont. ...... .....  6   07     95.827     7.480    341,248   ·'527,6.')8
         Rouyn.......... ....   19    154    253.099    29,514   455,616   784.344
         ROll:ton Falls...       5    17      23,054    3,559    431.213   476,748
         Ste-Adèle.... , , , ......  4  18    24,633    2.M9     115.899   162,4.98
         St-Al apJJ,yille.........  8  54     54,822    33,335   616,932   849,423
         Ste- gat.he... , ....... , .....  3  36  43,443  2.7-13  214,029  293.177
         Ste_Agatbe_de!l_Monts. ,..... ..  15  138  194,436  23.491\  002.944  P36,2M
         St·.o\.lban ............. , ....  , 8  23  27,677  ~.140  137,460  190,920
         St_A.l€'xis_de_la_Grande--Baie.  41  42.669    3,526     78.797   146,285
         St_Ambroise ..... .... ....  6  12   lü,866    J ,3il    64.971    85,700
         Et·André-Avellin .......  3  28     21.900     ~,202    444.827   498.594
         Ste-Angèlf'-de-Rimouski. ....  4  6  4,707       62\l    49.677    56,622
         Ste-Anne-de~Beaupr6  . .. ...  , 3  14  18.600  1,942    46.2ï5    78,82,j
         Ste·A[)Jle-de-Chicoutimi" .  ri.'5  86 .206    9,455    105.673   243,618
         St-Ange}me.             5    76     129.786    7,927    316,:~5~  ;360,026
         St-Augustin.. ........ .....  6  11  7. 72:~   4,220    15B.586   176.349
         St-Benott..      .' .   3     8      II. ;l50  2.581     68,880    82,783
         St,..Boniface-de-Shawinigan: ..  ., 6  18  17.787  2,172  413, I.':'6  71,700
         St-Bruno....... .........    12      13,014    3.710    192,165   237.18-1
         St-Casimir....  ......  15  102     10~,286    ~,085    216,686   421.082
         St-Césaue....... _.....  27  359    42,j,543   43,366  ! ,499"i01  2,338,44-01
         St-Charles (Bellecha::Jlle). ..  11  68  73.718  11,187  367,932  476.068
         St-CharJes-sur-Rkhelleu ...  4  10   Il,MO     2, 28,'i  46,423    61,512
         St-Chrysostôme.         5    13     1.'i.GG3   Il .fi07  260,208  314,010
         St-Clet.......          3     6      3,969     1.a93     4.109      9,688
         Ste-Croix....          11   21:l    265,519    10.91}l  663,600  1,085,901
         St-Cyrille..            6    ;:'2   65,200     2,990    130,766   237,207
         St-Denis............... ....  8  82  84,807    8.J30    599,181   847,517
         St-Dominiqlle..........  8   10     22,230     10 ,:~3!l  103,603  156,036
         St_Ephrem_de_Beauce..  10    71     89,015     9,612    251.964   410,445
         St-Eustache.........   10    7'     100,676    ]4,666   561.062   796,624
         St-Evari!!te-Station..  11 .,  45   40,455     5,280    227,108   313,972
         8t-Faustin-Station..         13     18,964     1,9~0     47,330    92,004
         St_F(;liden........ , ..  16  132   192,518    16,400  1,522,591  1,8U,392
         St-Ffli:<::-de-Vll.loi~..... ....  14  62  61,725  6,390  545,649  750,(H5
         St_Flavien........... ......  3  27  1\1.547   2,137    229,148   282,835
         8t_François.du_Lac_ .  ...  10  29  3.').445   7,506    219.622   281",)32
         St-Fulgence.............  5  13      11.917    1,783     41,710    68,606
         St-GabrielMde·Brandoii.  21  177    l69.551    8,782    378,457   685,198
         St·Gédéon.. , ...............  6  17  18.042   4,923    207,756   246,333
         Ste-Geneviève-de-Pierrefonds.  8  45  35.877   5,686     94.809   167,017
         Bt-Georges-de·Beauce.•. .....  13  352  663,754-  52,103  817.426  1,913,453
         St-Georges-ü.MW..........  8  279   301 ,6!H   35,li4   662,4û5  1.323,654
         St-Germain·de·Grantbam.. ..  4  30  38,430     1P ,830  745.212   897,616
         St-Guillaume.... , ...  ......  4  49  41.146  2,699     33.344   108,322
         St-Hen.ri. " .• , . , •. .. .... ...  4  10  7,588  3,">7  26,680  47,736
         St-Hugues...            7    31     !5,301     5.179    2&9.461   402,242
         8t-Hyacinthe... ... ... .. ...  80  5,270  8 508,737  5,'18,0,'51  22,916,344  30,570,991
         St-ISidore.... ..       6           87,274     Il ,406  51.">,&HI  831,997
         St-Jar.quee..  ....    U     "      166,13132  9,546   I,Of!6,111  1.311.095
         St.Jean, ................ ....  69  5,431  10,814,874  758,765  15,042,0.56  38,398,675
         St-JérôlIle (Lac.St-Jean) " ,., .  7  61  80,302  4.846  113,427  225,029
         St-JérôlIle (TeTrebonne). .....  54  4.000  6,688.382  463,236  11 ,392,593  23,[l4f>,025
         St.Joseph (Beauce) .. .... ....  14  1""  253,6-14  20.M9  453,773  960,164
         St-JosephMd'Alma, ..    8    44      55,334    7,093    106,436   199,M6
   476   477   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486