Page 484 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 484


                14-Principalea industries de la province de Québec, en 1948.
                 14-Leading Industries. of the Province of Quebec in 1948.

                                             No,   No.    $       $       li
      Pulpe et pBfl1er-Pulp 'and paper  " ., .  50 23,894 fl9,147,78016S.7D3,034393,347,430
       Réduction et affinage delS mMaux: non ferreux-Non~feITOUS
        metal refining and SOlE"lting .•.•..••..••......••.•••..  fs  7,577 1\1.157,744117,708,677191,065,290
      Confection pour femmes-Clothing, women'g tlLetory••.••.  711,) 21,813 37,303,832 75,875,545147,438,466
      Filés et tissus de coton-Cotton yarn and cloth "  .  17 16,126 '30,803,902 87,638,534l4.0.858,949
      Abattoirs et ealalsons-Slaughtering and meatpll.cking .. '"  33  3,705  8,387,234121,591,432139,961,257
      Confection pour hommes-Clothing, nwn's factory.  .  .  348 17,100  27,n1,4~ 65,347.3371~,151,Wl
      Produits du pétrole-Petrolemn products  .  6  1,867  4,995,177 98,532.680121,180,834
      Matéri<Jl roulant de chemin de fer-Ra..ilway rolling-stoek  .  11 14,557 36,89Z,5V5 62,363,896Il3,36lJ,460
      Beurre et fromage-Butter and cheese  .   855  5,705  9,528,783 91,380,476 IlO, 802 ,717
      Tabac, cigars et cigllrettes-Tobacco, cig.e.r~ and cigarettes..  42  8,062 15,510,216 49,502,841 98,691,774
      Appareils et foul"llitutel; électriquel>-Elecuical apparatus alld
        supplies                           .   62 15,656135,273,364 41.365,012 96,710,269
      Textiles synthétiques et lloie--8ynthetic œxtil~ and silk  .  35 11,721 21,693,7M 30,367,142 75,698,647
      Scieries-SawmillB.......  .          .  1,961 10,374 13,223.486 43.516,856 69.857,892
      J>fachines-Mac·hinery.. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .  .  .  62  9,825 22,025,336 22,616,769 65,915,383
      Cbaussures en cuir--Boou; a.nd shoes  '  .  188 13,520 19,6{18,752 34,152,032 64.,060,000
      Bonneterie et tricot-Hosiery and knltted goods  .  114 10,988 16,886,465 27,4H,789  60,632,~87
      Pain et autres produits des boulangeries-Bread o.nd other
        bakery product~         '          .  1,052  8,861 14,090,667 26,157,992 50,525.312
      Comulictions nava1es-Shipbuilding a.nd repo.irs  .  "]0'"  8,131 1D,715,375 23,003,498 48,936,904
      1ieuble.s-Flirniture                 .   <lU  8,598 14.862,681 20,836,BHI 44,783,632
      Produits dl! bronze et du cuivre--Brass and eapper produ('.u;.  41  3,420  7.281,486 30,54.6,433 43,005,412
      Tôleri<;Js-8.heet m.etaJ l"!roducts  :  -  .  60  4,562  1  9,fl47,919 21,318,0-H 41,879,719
      Produrt8 allmentmres divers--Fooda, nIlscelianeous  .  77  1.657  3,010,813 28,8.),),171 40,251,00S.
      Nourriture pour le bétail et la volaille----Feeds, staok and
        PQultry                            .    83  1,014  1,861,15631,642,210 36.230,785
      ArHdes en caoutchoue--Rnbber goodE, including footwear ..  20  6,008 11,103,358 14,727,434,35,e27,71l}
      BI·allSeries-Breweriell              .    8  2,644  6,749,406 11,451,951 35,511,807
      Impression et édition-Printing and pubLishing...  .  .  76  5,778 12,894,249  9.840,501 34,493,7560
      Sidérurgie-Prlmary iron and st.eel   .    12  4,212 1O,223,lHl 12,481,894 34,176,303·
      Prépa:rations médicinales et pharrnaceutiques-Medicinalaod
        pharmaceuticaJ preparations        .    99  3,504  7,421,320 12,278,543 33,877,71S,
      Fabriques de port·es et. dd\~sis, etc.-P1t) nillls, and
        door factoriel>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  '"  633  5,485  8,403,770 19.440,019 33,320,682
      Confection de.. fourru..res~Fur goods  .  283  3,228  6,161,190 22.380,676 32,94.9,451
      Aéropiane_Airerait                .       6  4,862 11,914.889 13,711,770 31,106,936-
      Jvlinoteries et meuneries-Flour and feed rnills  .  154  1,010  2,18].371 27,520,753 30,969.15iî-
      l\loulanges en fonte-Castin!;!>, iron  .  61 .4..719 10,656,476 13,13},499 30,777,888- et s::ws en papier-Boxes and bllges. pllper  .  50  3.922  6,432.786 18,528.142 30,653,288
      Aeides. alco.lis et se1s-Aeids, alkRlies :lud f;aLts  .  9  2,742  7,004,El37  9,935,357 29,933,879
      Peintures et vernis-Paints and varni.'lnes  .  '4  2,407  5,042,892 16,040.087 29,685.517
      Impression et reliure-Prînting and bookbinding  .  487  6,243 12,063,578  9,560, &-17 28,963,587
      Confiserie, cacao, chocolat. etr.-Confectionery, COCQR, cho-
      ]nâZl:t~~~:te.~hi~ici~~s·· di\;~r~~-':":'ifi~~~i~~o~··;ili~~ic~  4'  2,350  3,478,859 14,794,431 27,601,697
      Pr~~~~~ti~~~·d~' 'f~lts' '~t ïi~~~~-~F~ii'~.~d· ·~~g~table  60  2,593  4,994,074 14,420,728 26,459,180
        preparations..... . . . . . . . . . . .  , . . . .. . . . . .  . .. . .....  131  2,755  3,64.5,037 16,432, 186126,o12,589
        TOTAL, LEADING rHnUSTRIl!:i'! •.•••.
                                              8,J6~1_29_._.2_0_.1-5.-9-'O-5-0-,9--11,575,B04,lOf 2,&19,568,468
      TOTAL, T01::TIi:S JND1::S'l'RIl!lS-              756,216,1341,554,111,943 3,599,3~033
        TOTAL, ALL IXDUSTIllEB.••.•. , • "  ••••.••••••.•••..•••.  11,1221383,966
        % OF LJilADnUl INDUSTRIES TO ALL ISDUSTRI:ES.••...•. , .•  75.2  76.4  76.6  80.6
   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489