Page 475 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 475

458                         MANUFACTURES

         Il-Statistique manufacturière par cités, villes et villages de la province de Québe<:,
                          ayant au moins trois établi88ements, 1947.
         l1-Manufaeturing Industries by Cities, Towns and Villages in the Province of
                     Quebec, having Three  0)' More Establishments, 1947.
                                  1                Coil.t du com-  Coût cles  1
                             Étll.hlis-  Em-  SlI.IIlÎ1"f'1l  bustible et de  mo.ti~rœ  Valeur brut.e
           CITJ1!B, VILLES, VILLAGEB  l.'ementa  ployéd  .t  1  l'électricité  premières  des produits
                  -           -     -       -          -         -         -
         CITIEEI, TOWN!! AND VILLAGES  :Estab-  Em-  So.lll.ries  Cost of  Cœt of  GroS9 Value
                            liBbment,s ployees  a.nd VI/ages  Fuel and  MatR,rifÙB  oI Producb
                              No.   No.      •         •         •         S
         Ad.on Vale .. , .•...•...•...  13  863  1,223,581  64,044  2,219,199  3,900,428
         AlbaneL ..... ...............  4  Il  6,580    1,238    122,046   142,463
         Alma'i'il1e•.....•.••..... .....  6  Z3  25,355  2.382   47,813    86,474
         Alnos....•...•• , ••. .........  •  44  52,009  8,610   229 ,G24  340,390
         Arnqui. ....•....•........• ,.  10  24  30,789  4,095   303 ,290  358,464
         A:r~hab8Ska•.•...•...•....•..  10  .8  91,053  5,185    213,390   40.'3.659
         A~be9iOll .....•••.•....•.•....  14  610  1,071.607  252.640  3,309,039  5,3&3.583
         Ayer'B Cliff..................  6  4'  57,2134-  7,119  310,178   405.211
         Ba.gotville.....•....•••.•..•.  12  60  gg ,572  5,874  465,076   li87,879
         Baie flt-Paul. , .........•...•.  16  50  50.412  3.279  165,386  134,313
         Baieville (La Baie) ............  3  6  6,056    783     6.605     19,401
         Bp.rrnuw ........•. , ..•..•. , .  7  3fi  46,498  6,215  174.082  276,377
         Beauceville.. " .•.. , •••..•.. ,  3  8  10,.594  1,435  160.490  191,73R
         Bell,uceville·E., . , •.... " •.. , .  8  15.  In2.796  10,160  292.380  581,840
         BeaulianlOl8 .•....•.••..•••••  14  1,518  3,208,315  1,059.691  6,037,006  12,282,167
         Beauport...•• , ........... ".  12  198  262.570  8.152  599.766  1,054,744
         Beàforri...... , ••.. " ••......  11  737  1.058,351  35,462  429,674  3.220.983
         Beebe Plain•••.•.••••••.•...•  7  251  348.977  17,757  803,923  1,376.528
         Belleterre•••. , ••..•••..•••••.  3  6  4.580    272     11,433    20.025
         Belœil .. , .•••...•...••••..•••  8  139  200,859  12,697  101,.'';C9  417,713
         Berthier.. , , ... ' .•.•. , •.•.•..  15 ,  823  995,558  146,357  2,192,450  4,371,9.,)9
         Bic....... " ....•• , ....••. , .  20  18 ,5.'i9  2,364  115,327  149,228
         Bishopton. , .......• , .•.. '., ,  3  55  84,936  2,770  89,937  211,565
         Black Lnk"l., ..•....•........  3  14  18,138    664     66,203    96,477
         Boucherville... , .•....• , .....  5  41  49,637  4,213  118.999  196,643
         Bourlamp.Que.....•.•..... " •.  3  23  31.652  5,806    114,571   257,2&1
         BrOwll8burg................••  8  1,111  1, 855,536  80.930  2,IH1,681  6,670,298
         Buckingham.•...•..... " , .•.  17  .89  2.289,702  723,076  4.016,100  11,616,310
         Cabano........•• , •..••• , .. "  8  342  493,719  8,509  920,692  I,S38.943
         Camphell's Bay.. , ••..•....•.  3  35  41,811    301    129.595   178,323
         Ca:p-Chat......•..•..•••..•• ,  5  113  165.275  356    172,E95   WO,926
         Ca.p-de-la.-),-Ip.deleine.... ......  28  1,570  2,727,919  674,111  5,747,411  13, H14,761
         Cau!apscal. ...•..•...•.......  7  41  50, lOG  5,289   201,261   319,734
         ChB.mhly~B(l,S8in...••.....••••  6  40  59,327  4,647   278,058   418,966
         Chambly-Canton•.••......•..  7  387  883,855  63,575    716.676  1,773,701
         Chamhord..... " ..• ' . , ••...•  4  30  44,169  4,062   65.111   120,563
         Champlain...•.........•• , .•.  5  13  12,434  2.0'22    48,161    71 ,60Y
         ChaJ'lemagne.•••.......•.••.•  4  41  62.988   ij,335   127,716   22.~,384
         Gba.rle~bourg..••....•••.•.•.•  0  38  30,758  2,989     69,486   121,718
         GhaJ'lly......•••. , •.....•....  4  82  89,850  5,171   24,245   143,075
         Cheuf'ville.....•..••...•..•.•  5  8  8,258    1,915     94,305   II8,473
         Chicoutimi...................  24  432  023,571  40,861  1,355.131  2,751,704
         Coa~l~ook•.. " •.....••. ' ••..  23  ,go  1,307,424  84.089  a,111,975  5,506,183
         Compton..............••••.  5  12   13,047     4,086    258,591   303,800
         ContrCcŒ, .••....... " .•••.  12  32<)  351,013  11,871  795,167  1,354,095
         Cookllhire......•••... ' .......  8  108  262,617  16,519  5g9,792  1,141.411·du-Lac.•••••.•. , .•..  4  7  3,408    1.600     19,647    32,830
         Danville....•. , ....... , •.....  12  181  273,349  71 ,357  743,896  l ,247,215
         Davelnyville...... ...........  ,  .0  1)6,479  0,687   225,534   452,091
         D4lisle....... , ." .•• , .......  •  10,209   2,159     70,831    88,105
         Dc~cllai1lon8...••..•....•.. ' .  •  60,182    9,780     82,198   151,.~39
         Dieméli. . ..................  tO  121  159,317  S,937  330,158   572,B03
         Dorian.........•.........•..  5  22  24,438    3,137     43.324    95,068
         Drummondville ..•.. .......  39  8,227  12,4.;7,035  1,308.602  14,579,737  40,J.56,930
         Dunham........... ..... .....  •  36  44,392   8,8o.'!  360,262   497,427
         Eastn:lll.D....•....•.........  4  10  11,975  1,052     22,932    39,4Hi
         Farnbam...•... .......... ...  19  891  1,398,041  127,228  3,342,341  8,942,239
         Ferme-Neuve.. " .....••.....  8  26  28.813    2,322    259,473   305,483
         F'lrt-Coulonge.....•.....•..•.  3  26  ~.086     &"      6..5.49.'>  127,189
         Fo:rtÎf'rvil1e ..•...•.••........  3  8  6.020   579     30,342    61,808
         Freliglusburg... " •.•... ......  4  11  11 ,354-  1,744  114 ,3~2  131,857
         Gaspé........ ...............  4  50  52,057   4,979    107,541   195,870
         Gentilly....... .... ........  11  27  21.270  3,M5      37,875    86,485
         Giffard......•.......•. .......  8  62  78,99.f,  4,879  188,227  310.193
         Graoeneld .•...... .. .... " ..  7  34  41,373  4,583   \98,709   278.068
         Granby.............•. .......  ~,  5,372  7,752,603  415,182  18,452,772  37,81'>8.935
         Grand'Mère...••..••.. .......  28  2,388  4,103,488  l ,O&" 138  8,816,581  21,1620467
         Gra.nde·Riviêrc....•••........  10  96  97,575  3,136   217 ,5.'56  376,956
         Grand etI-BergeronneB....•••...  4  10  6,900  1,121     35,458    51,036
         Hébert.vi1le-Btation .••......••  7  16  18,583  3,6-:1-1  98,194  144,451
         Hemmingf'lrd..•. .............  5  22  17,894  4,727    137,759   107,207
   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480