Page 483 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 483

466                         MANUFACTURES

                  13-PrincipaleB indu.tries de la province de Québec en 1947.
                   13-Leading Industries of the Province of Quebec in 1947.

                                                Eta~              CoÛt des 1
                                                bliMe-  Em~  Salaires  matière!!  V:'lolnU' brute
                                                mente  ployés  et ga.ges  premières  des produits
                                               Eelab-  Em-  Salaires  CMt of  Gro~ yaJue
                                                lillh- IPIOyeee and wagee  materiale  of producte

                                                          ",.6:' ,16145. 8:7.450346.,:,.699
         Pulpe et papier-Pulp IUld paper, ....•......... ,  .  50 23,685
         Réduetlon et MEnage deI; rnhtaul: fi.{}n-terreux-Non-ferrous
           metal refining and smelting...•..... " ..........•..•.. '  7  6,203  13,756,423 87.608,089145,131,521
         Confeotîon pour fommet-elothiDi'. women'ôe flletory...••..  742  20,<100  31,740,ti~7  fJ~,:n8,864123,177,572
         Filée et tissus de coton--C'otton ya.m and c\otb. .  .  17  16,388  24,0.50,091 73.288,526111,477,641
         Confection pour bommeB-..Clothing, men's factory..•..•...  360  16,180  24,430,615 57,860,461:108,220,280
         App&.reile et îournit'lre.s électri{[uElll-Electricai apparatus
           and eupplie;;,  " .. . . . . .. .. .  .   HI,285  31,Sr.6.88\J 40"l,(\8.26S 92,S03,880
         Abattoirs et slllaieoDs--Slaughtering fll:l.d meatPl:'-cking..  '"  3 364  6,607,374 73,237,752 85,423,378
         'Iabac, cîgal'8 et cîgareUElB-1'obf>Ceu, cigare B.ud eigll.cettet;.  50  8;332  12,564,679 44,680,956 84,190,188
         Beurre et fromage--Butter and cheElBe... , .... , ..•.......  894  4,114  6,427,061 69,108,107 82,931,148
         Produit.s du ~trole-Petrolellmproducts  .,.  . ...  6  1,717  3,974,857 58,365,300 18,487,072
         MaUriel roulant de chemin de fer-Railway rolling stock.,  10  UI,i\~9  n,97g,011ISS,6l)2,629 1û.fJ::;3,üZO
         8oieriC'l-··8awmill",  ,  , .. , ,  , , .. ,  .  2,051  11,613  13,570,091 46,089,961 73,598,671
         Cba\lEo~U1es en cuir--Bootll and ~boes, leather.. "  ,  , ..  lOI  13,998  18,588,133 36,461,093 64,950,419
         Soie et soie a.rtificielle--Silk and llriificiaI6ilk.......•......  30  10,388  16,644,510 23,122,953 5{L965.970
         Bonneterie et trioot-Hosiery and knitted goods. , .... , ... ,  100  10,835  14,701,209 23,908,881  53,11)4,B05
         MacWnes-Machinery•. , .... , .. , .... , ... '  56  {I,6(l8  19,385,20,) 20,330,148 53,073,397
         Coru;tructions navlI.les-Shipbuilding.. , ..••.. " ...• ,  .  10  9,321  20,904,188 24,262,136 019,338,617
         Pain et autres produiœ des boulangeries-Bread !Lnd otber
           bakery product.s.. ,,,  ,  .         1,075  ~.544  12,314,395 21,807,030  44,122,8~3
         Meublee-Furniture  , .. ' , '"  , " , ,  , '  345  8,507  13,625,584 1 21,155,999 H,OD2,973
         N ouniture poUl: le bétail et les y(1\silll'SI--!'otoek and poultn-'
           feeds"., .. ,', ....•. ,.,.,  ,  ,.,. ,  7'  1,043  1,847,265 31,409,683 37,348,221
         AérorlfLIles---AircrRft•... , , ' .•.... , ,  , .. , ..•  5  6,774  15,320,174 13,287,604 35,500,827
         Produits alirnentsires divers-Foods, miscellAneouil.  77  I.MS  2,625,269 23,648,898 ,'33,001,674
         Tôlerie-Sheet metal products  ,      '   58  5,l84  9,411,427 17.49!'i,:l.51  33012,393
         ArtlcleF ".tt llll.outchouc-Rubber.Sllow, includÎllg fuotwear ..  6,039  10,815,334 14.057,340 33;4OB,129
         BraBeeries---Breweries  , ,  , . . . . . .. .  ,  .  " 8  3,466  7,82\l,919  8,0\l9,214 32,02Û,B02
         Préparations médicinales et pha-rmaceutiquei!-Medicinal and
                                                  90  3.437  6,397,533 12,222,854 31,381,842
           pbarmaceutirllJ "preparation\!., .... , >  •••  >  •  '  ,  ,  •••••••  ,  ••  ,  '
         Impression et édition-Printing and publishing,  "  .  73  fi .55A  11.026,994  8,510,485 29,800,235
         Produite du bronil0 et du clJivre--Brass and wpper producte.  39  3,235  6,258,089 19,652,234 29,137,399
         Fabriques de pones ct chllssie, et.o.-Planing mille, ~8Bh a.nd
           doors fa.ctories", ... , .. ".,., .. " •... ' .. " .. , ,".,  580  5,138  1,077,105 16,765,258 28,570,629
         Minoterief'.-Fl'lur and feed millE  ,  ,...  162  1,063  2,051,330 24,831,408 28,,508,663
         Confection dee ;ourrurel3"-Fur gO()fle.  •  •  287  3,022  5,343,408 18.017,555  ~8,4(IiJi37
         reiotul e, plgments et VCIT.lS-Pmnts, pigments a.nd varmshes  35  2,418  4,591,946 15,016,007  27,1~7,752
         Boite;<. et Eace eu pa.pier--Paper b(1xes and baga  "1  48  3,877  5,436, 755  12,~~,9Z8  ~6,304.077
         Sldérurgle-Primllry non and steel  .....  13  3,804  8,105,153  (,hl, ,6/5 24,743,928
         ACld~s, alcalis et sels-Adris, alkabe !lnd saits .  .  .  9  2,437  5,748,663  89 .. ,5~57.,~~4, Z4,525,9il
         Moulages en fonte--Castmw;, Iron..... ,... ····1  466  5,860  10,218,l:i84,  '"  u'"  24,436,315
                                          .. ,
         ImpresslOn et rflIUrE'-Prmhng and hnnkr>lFldios
                                                           8,720,615110.083,1]0 24,017,009
         Tisl'ul> de lam_Woolen doth.  .  .. ,  .  .  •  ,..  54 1 4,325  4,993,496 12,388,744 23,203,B75  •
         Article3 en papI(:r, n a é -Pape}: goods, n 0 p. . . ..  . .  67  2,301)  3,5~17,437 13,717,372 22,937,212
         Eaux minélal(:s et gpzeus€B-Aemted and Jumeral waters ... ~  2,184  3,1385,937  1,965.853  22,Ô2~,013
           TOT.o.L, Lll:ADING n.DU!iTlUll:S,  ••••• , ••• , ••• , •• , •••••. ,  8,468 289,116 515,552,5401,272,,557,977 2,:175,111,907
          TOT iLL, ALI. INIlU&I:I/.IBS., ••••• , ••• , •••.. , ••••••• , •••.
           % 01" LJ:ADIHQ IHDOWl'Rltts '1'0 ALL tNoUl>TRIE8.  75.4  77.8  79,5  18.7
   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488